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#1 Posted : 11/4/2012 7:39:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Not that Ive been a member for long, but I have seen a huge number of new members join since I joined. Some of these people feel the need to post random, silly diatribes. I would hate to see this amazing salon full of great minds devolve into a bunch of juvenile trolls posting idiotic ramblings.

This is a forum for real psychonauts into learning by sharing ideas and information gathered through the psychedelic experience.

Go somewhere else with this nonsense.....like 4chan or something along those lines.Stop


I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 11/4/2012 7:47:28 AM

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yeaah...get thee back to the shroomery (home of the swedish forest trolls) Wut?

Nexus is a place for seriousness/study/sharing...but also a little fun/joy/happiness Wink
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#3 Posted : 11/4/2012 8:00:47 AM

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Case in point.
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#4 Posted : 11/4/2012 8:04:11 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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IDK if you noticed, but the mods have already been handling the situation. They've locked those threads and I'm sure will handle bans if needed. I don't think the nexus will or can devolve with the amount of good mods that are on here daily. Besides, take a look at yourself, you're sitting in front of a computer, how much more devolved can you get Pleased. The nexus has an open registration policy so of course you'll get the random trolls every now and then, but that's just part of the package. Hell, I'm sure some people here have viewed me as a troll b/c I'm constantly challenging and giving my critique on new age ideals that are rampent in a community like this.

Don't expect a perfect community, use common sense and critical thinking. If someone is posting about the messiah or grandiose diatribes - take it with a grain of salt. Challenge and critique it if you feel it isn't right. This is what a forum is for; a medium for ideas & views to be exchanged. If it gets out of bounds or against the rules then rest assured that a number of mods will take care of it in no time.
#5 Posted : 11/4/2012 8:12:29 AM

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Well said Fairbanks. Thumbs up
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#6 Posted : 11/4/2012 8:24:33 AM

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Im not critiquing the mods. They do an amazing job for sure. I apologize for expressing my opinion on what I see as a growing trend. I would have voiced my opinion on the threads, but like fairbanks said, they were locked.

Anyway, I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just thought something had to be said. Sorry if I came off preachy.

I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#7 Posted : 11/4/2012 8:29:38 AM

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fairbanks wrote:
take a look at yourself, you're sitting in front of a computer, how much more devolved can you get


I'm sure some people here haiewed me as a troll b/c I'm constantly challenging and giving my critique on new age ideals that are rampent in a community like this.

I agree that the mod team is handling any situations admirably, but I honestly cannot see how sitting in front of a computer, or using a mobile device, is a sign of being "devolved".

And I don't think you have been regarded as a troll... In any case, the ratio of "new-agedness" in the Nexus is surprisingly low, considering the main topics are anything but gentle on reductionism and materialism.

The community, imo, is dealing with the occasional retard overhaul perfectly fine.
#8 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:20:47 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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but I honestly cannot see how sitting in front of a computer, or using a mobile device, is a sign of being "devolved".

Well let's see, in terms of the mind there are studies highlighting the relationship of the spread of ADD with rise in screen technology, as well as anxiety and depression, not to mention addiction that has lead to hundreds of deaths in S. Korea including parents who killed their own baby b/c they were addicting to nurturing their virtual baby and forgot about the physical one. In terms of the body there are studies showing increased accounts neck & back issues related to the spread of screen tech, as well as the infamous computer vision syndrome.

We've been devolving & degenerating since the start of civilization as shown by studies from Weston Price and Cambridge/Durham. Screen technology is simply the culmination of our constant devolution & degeneration since the start of our domestication of plants and animals in agriculture, to the domestication of ourselves in civilized society.
#9 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:33:22 AM

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Damn..I've just spent 33 years glued to a computer..I must be a brainless, amoebic blob perched on a stool by now.. Surprised (such wasted years)
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#10 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:42:54 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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Not aimed personally at you, just the species in general in terms of direction. Not everybody has issues with screen technology, but MANY do, and it's ever increasing, especially with your kids that will grow up from day 1 with it. Until the point where we become completely and utterly dependent, not to say that some aren't already. A lot of people view this as evolution but in reality it's devolving from the primal peak physical state of our ancestors. We've been in a state of artificial selection since the dawn of agriculture to the point now with bio, nano, & robotic technology that will degenerate and devolve the human species until we become obsolete.

I'm sorry I don't mean to rant. I didn't want to hijack the thread, didn't think I'd get the opposition from the original devolved statement. So if we could please not get into a debate, just research some of the stuff etc. Don't wanna turn this thread into exactly what OP was talking about with trolling.
#11 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:50:29 AM

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fairbanks wrote:
A lot of people view this as evolution but in reality it's devolving from the primal peak physical state of our ancestors.

It's a viewpoint I spose...but our ancestors couldn't do this: '*'

Just the fact that I could manipulate electrons in such a way so as to produce a '*' in the physical realm...seems to me to be a step forward in evolution...Confused

edit: I agree...back to the OP..Razz
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#12 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:53:00 AM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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"'*' in the physical realm"

virtual realm my friend.
#13 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:54:37 AM

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fairbanks wrote:
"'*' in the physical realm"

virtual realm my friend.

A piece of Liquid Crystal in front of my eyes...begs to differ..
Sunday morns are such fun...I'm out

Just for kicks...below (sorry RayTracer)
cyb attached the following image(s):
Down.gif (747kb) downloaded 306 time(s).
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#14 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:57:31 AM

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Tools can be used and abused... I do agree with the evidence of biological degeneration in the human branch since the neolithic revolution, but technology does bring great tools for cultural evolution as well. As much as I would like to live in a less mediatized and populated world, there are many things I found thanks to technology that have been positive for my personal progress.

I'm not one for relentless technocracy, but let's not generalize... It feels too close to shooting the messenger.

EDIT: but agreed in not hijacking the thread. Sorry, OP.
#15 Posted : 11/4/2012 11:45:19 AM

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The mods here are among the best at keeping this community clear of bullshit. You've only been here two months, so sit back & take it easy. They've got it all under control.
#16 Posted : 11/4/2012 12:32:10 PM

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One step back, two steps forward Smile

All the 'crisis' we've been through since the DMT-Nexus started have led us to rethink, learn, improve and evolve.

Feel free to give us constructive criticism, contact mods when you feel something isn't going right. Also don't forget you too are a part of what makes this place, so post with the same quality you'd like to see from others Wink

#17 Posted : 11/4/2012 9:43:05 PM

Reality is a matter of perspective...

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Well said Endlessness.

Members just need to be responsible for their own posts and evolutionary state. All things in balance. I love sitting in front of my laptop and reading all the posts here as much as anyone, but I also go to school for 7 hours per day, 2 days a week, go to the gym and get at least 3 workouts (50 minutes cardio, 1 hour weights) per week, and work.

The occasional Troll can be an irratant, but the Mods will handle it.

Cyb....that attachment is TOO FUNNY! Awesome!Thumbs up
#18 Posted : 11/4/2012 10:43:01 PM

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It's true that there's been a big influx of new members here (which is why we've recently added four new warm bodies to the mod team). Inevitably you'll get some folks who don't belong here for various reasons. We try to give everyone a chance, sometimes after repeated mistakes, out of fairness... But if any of you ever encounter a member whose behavior is rude, offensive, inappropriate, counterproductive or just plain f**cking stupid, don't hesitate to PM one of us. It's not tattling; this is a part of the basic maintenance of this community. Nobody should have to put up with that crap.

Fairbanks: to be a true troll, you must be contrary, rude and have nothing worthwhile to contribute. You're just one of the three, and you are amazingly good about citing the sources of your contrariness. That makes you a valuable part of the checks and balances that keep these kinds of far-out discussions from devolving into rainbowland. Glad to have you here.
#19 Posted : 11/4/2012 11:00:07 PM


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the nexus definitely isn't like it was in the old days, but growth and change was inevitable and so its evolved in a good direction i think..while still managing to keep its central core intact

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#20 Posted : 11/4/2012 11:47:35 PM

"Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal." - Albert Einstein

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Thank you Guyomech, glad to be "here".

A piece of Liquid Crystal in front of my eyes...begs to differ..

sorry man still virtual interface.

our ancestors couldn't do this: '*'
Surprised Embarrased Confused unless if that little asteric sign were to jump off of your screen and into your mouth providing you with essential vitamins and minerals, I don't see it as being beneficial to our evolution. I'm worried for our future generations...Crying or very sad

Tools can be used and abused...

"The body of a savage man being the only instrument he understands, he uses it for various purposes, of which ours, for want of practice, are incapable: for our industry deprives us of that force and agility, which necessity obliges him to acquire. If he had had an axe, would he have been able with his naked arm to break so large a branch from a tree? If he had had a sling, would he have been able to throw a stone with so great velocity? If he had had a ladder, would he have been so nimble in climbing a tree? If he had had a horse, would he have been himself so swift of foot? Give civilised man time to gather all his machines about him, and he will no doubt easily beat the savage; but if you would see a still more unequal contest, set them together naked and unarmed, and you will soon see the advantage of having all our forces constantly at our disposal, of being always prepared for every event, and of carrying one's self, as it were, perpetually whole and entire about one." - Jean Jacques Rousseau

but technology does bring great tools for cultural evolution as well.

"Culture is for other people's convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It dis-empowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well treated by culture." -Terence McKenna

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