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Meditating on MDMA 0.o Options
#1 Posted : 11/4/2012 2:04:35 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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Ok so last night I went out with some friends and had a rather nice pink rockstar pill and a half. I honestly didn't think much of them in fact, I was wondering if they were even working for the first 2 hours but it clicked in my head I'd had a huge meal before so was waiting to digest that first, I came up incredibly slowly, building over time, started dancing round this fire and couldn't stop, eventually we went back into the house because it was incredibbbly cold outside, regardless of moving yourself around as much as possible haha

A friend of ours KO'd on the sofa and me being the usual mother of the group stayed with him to make sure he was alright, I sat down on the carpet and started to meditate..

Closed eye visuals, insane.. absolutely insane, incredibly DMT like, very LSD touching aswell, a seriously unexplainable sense of oneness and relaxation. It felt to me like, the more I willed my body to relax and not give into the muscle tension of MDMA the more the ecstacy built, and it kept building... at one point I was just surrounded by shapes, geometric patterns and various cartoon like scenes, they felt incredibly japanese anime like.

I have to comment, I've never tried internalising much on many drugs, but this is the second experience with drugs and meditation that's really blown my mind open about the powers it brings with it. As much as I'm on a come down now, the afterglow is still lingering hard, it's like I've still carried that feeling the entire night, just complete peace. It's rather beautiful I have to say, completely recommend meditation on MDMA.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/4/2012 2:19:21 PM

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i've learned more from MDMA then from DMT. its fantastically enlightening for me

i find MDMA to be more spiritual and DMT to be more violently forceful. contemplation fades into meditation on drugs, for me, both are just things i do automatically when 'in state'.

i'd like to combine them...
#3 Posted : 11/4/2012 5:52:40 PM

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nice report..i've never understood why people don't meditate more often on mdma either

i took some once and then smoked a heavy amount of cannabis with some friends. after they left, i just meditated to some music. it was an amazing experience, i was out of body for part of it. then i smoked dmt 0__0

(p.s. if you combine mdma with dmt leave OUT the harmalas/changa! apparently there is a possibility they mix dangerously with mdma)

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#4 Posted : 11/4/2012 6:19:06 PM

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are you sure this was MDMA and not a mix with MDA or something?..concidering the visuals..
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#5 Posted : 11/4/2012 6:35:05 PM

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jamie wrote:
are you sure this was MDMA and not a mix with MDA or something?..concidering the visuals..

with hits of E, you never really know. could be anything.
#6 Posted : 11/4/2012 7:31:40 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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These were Rockstar marked pills, with good reputation, they were incredibly clean. Very pure and STRONNNNNNG up when it hit, I had no visuals untill I began to meditate. Like I mentioned I was looking after a friend who had crashed out (long day at work and too much party too quickly haha) I stuck some music on and sat in meditation, kept dropping in and out of this state all night. I had some very strange OBE like feelings at points, when everything was colour, geometric patterns and constantly flowing/changing, incredibly peaceful. The internal dialect stopped completely.

I had also smoked a fair amount of marijuana during the experience and from a past report on smoking Marijuana and meditating on that I can safely say that I'm starting to think most drugs are meant to be taken this way, they are all adaptable I'm sure and used for varying reasons but last night was just beyond intense...beyond and MDMA experience I've had before and I'm pretty experienced with MDMA.

I really think it was all down to the meditation, it does something.. activates something inside you the same as dancing, time became an irrelavent subject and really I was very very very surprised and thankful for the experience, I still feel full of so much love right now and theirs still a buzz going on... will be getting some more of these pills hopefully so we put up another report next weekend..
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#7 Posted : 11/5/2012 3:15:34 AM


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Oh yeah dude on MDMA + cannabis I have had some INSANE CEV's when meditating like fully 3-D and story like....like I was watching incredible events unfold before my eyes in neon blasting colors that were almost overwhelming, totally insane. The visions were FANTASTIC and I want to do it again but I don't think I will take MDMA again because I do not believe it is good for you in the longrun maybe therapeutically sometimes but definitely not often...
#8 Posted : 11/5/2012 4:26:59 AM

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Nice experience.

I have had a lot of visual experiences on MDMA pills back in the day, not sure what was in them. Back then they were almost always not pure. Ive had some weird and scary visual experiences that I may some day day share here.

But a couple years ago, I had an amazing visual experiences on pure MDMA.
I was at an "After Party" at a local venue and was peaking pretty hard.
I was in deep conversation with this amazingly beautiful, spiritual woman that was a Yogi.
She was speaking and totally getting deep into shit and we connected on a deep level.
At a certain point I seen her Sahastrara
I had no Visuals before this moment. As she spoke, I saw her crown Chakra explode into
the most beautiful rainbow, funnel, expansion I have ever seen in my life.
I just sat and looked in total ecstasy for several minutes. I seen her higher self
explode and connect to the universal as she explained her truth to me. It was amazing.

I rode the wave that she made for days. This was before I found DMT, and I think part of
this experience is probably what propelled my search for something more.

So yeah, I know the feeling..Love thanks for sharing!

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#9 Posted : 11/5/2012 12:08:57 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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I remember specifically watching a cartoon animation unfold in front of me involving a woman, I just felt incredible love.. the whole picture is fairly hazy I wish I'd have talked to my friends about it after the experience but I honestly didn't think they'd have believed me, I've never got ANYWHERE near that much out of MDMA before, ecstasy just isn't even the right word, so many colours, patterns, shapes, feelings like I was ingesting my whole being, healing myself and removing all the fear and hate inside of me.. I remember one point thinking to myself "THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE AWAKENING!" describing it as nirvana or something in my head just absolute bliss.. undescribable bliss.

Thank you for listening guys Smile
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#10 Posted : 11/5/2012 2:04:33 PM

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Nice experiences!

In my teens days taking MDMA I'd get some crazy visuals involving colorful cartloon like animations aswell. I would also see alot of people who were not actually there. My friends would take the same doses, some even double the doses and get no visuals at all. Also when smoking some weed, the visuals would insanely intensify. It was definitely easier to see things in the dark. I'd see things like horses galloping across fields, peoples faces morphing, things coming to life, colorful cartoons and much more. Fun days!

I've never tried meditating on MDMA, but would love to try it some day Smile
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#11 Posted : 11/5/2012 2:08:01 PM
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Someone i met talked to me on facebook about an enlightening experience on XTC where he opened a portal to a different timeline. He and his friends apparently walked into the 1700s and embarked on a shared level 5 trip. So awesome, i'm meeting him next week to do some mushrooms. He's never done those before so i'm curious what might happen!
#12 Posted : 11/6/2012 2:06:40 PM
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MDMA... blah. Razz

I've seen and experienced this type of things, also my friend with 12 years of experience with being in psychedelic environments agreeing, that MDMA is candy, not trees, so to speak, and that there is something seriously wrong happening somewhere in between the polarities of flyng and grounded when someone has some kind of experiences like this. Not that the experience itself is distorted but the pathway there can very much be, leaving many misinterpretations. Which leaves me thinking it's not rewarding in the long run, never was for me even with deep spiritual trips, leaving me only hanging in the clouds more than I got real value from it and now I just look back at it as being really high, preferring natural plants like Ayahuasca, mushrooms, Salvia etc. and yoga/meditation in more or less sober state or tripping on the latter mentioned as a benchmark for spiritual experiences.

Also there's potential neurotoxicity. And you can talk very vividly to "God" after meditating on methamphetamine for a while too, even hearing his voice and so on haha... MDMA is a forced stimuli of the nervous system that empties the serotonergic system a lot. Of course this peak-experience can lead to spiritual experiences, but consider the timeline of brain chemistry when taking this.

MDMA is also known to cause 100% realistic hallucinations in high doses, sunglasses being a common one, crawling spiders, or things that seem totally normal but when you ask another, even sober person, there will be something wrong to what one sees, it metabolizes into MDA during the effects so this is mostly what contributes to the visual effects. With this kind of distortion I don't believe that the spiritual experiences had on MDMA are true stuff, so to speak, and way too filtered. Also there can happen other things in the brain as a butterfly effect once you elevate hormones to this level, and I'm a bit concerned about how good it really is to have a spiritual experience in an off-balance state like this.

My ex-girlfriend had a trip on shrooms and MDMA where she had visions of something totally lost and unrelated to reality, which for her afterwards seemed like totally true and pure realizations like she normally had every time on mushroom trips (personal and interpersonal things), she also acted it out as it would have been reality on me, and when analyzing it I could clearly see that there was loads of ego involved there.

I'm not saying it's all fake but all my experience points towards it, and I feel that considering the factors involved I'd give it a low percentage chance to give something really credible in the long term... Also it's quite amazing and stunning of course.
#13 Posted : 11/6/2012 7:09:07 PM

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i don't think the value of MDMA as a facilitator for emotional healing from past trauma, introspection, and removing deeply bedded anxieties is able to be questioned.

that being said, it is mainly abused and is dangerous because as you said it can be difficult to integrate the experience - it takes conscious effort. its provided me with permanent, positive changes the three times i partook.

what you say about dissociation from reality is correct. my friend abused it for a summer and is now insane, schizophrenic.
#14 Posted : 11/6/2012 8:05:16 PM

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Back in the day when I was using MDMA frequently, almost to
The point of abuse. (which I don't recommend)
I had several hallucinogenic experiences, I believe I may
Have even broke through one time on a very high dose.
It was very intense and maybe one of the most terrifing
Experiences of my life. I wrote it all out back then when it happened.
If I can find it, maybe I will post it here at the Nexus form others to read.

I also had several times when I seen the glasses, but not sunglasses.
Instead they were thin gold rimmed round glasses. It was also a
Shared hallucination, it was like as soon as one person saw them,
Everyone else could see them too. Very strange.

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#15 Posted : 11/6/2012 9:05:17 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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Use and abuse are two factors I always bring into account now when I'm taking any drug, if anything the amount of DMT use I see on the forums even the amount of shroom/LSD use I see on the forums borders hugely into the abuse category. I personally think if you're using any drug more than once or twice a month it's abuse. DMT on the other hand is something I would say borders on abuse if you're using it more than once a year however, I think it entirely depends on how you conciously meld these experiences into your environment and how it affects you in the long run.

Saying MDMA isn't natural is like saying the chemicals that created it aren't natural, we are a creation of nature, as is everything else, a thing of nature. Calling something "man made" simply doesn't work in my head, the thing that created it was naturally made, and naturally manipulated by a naturally made thing.

MDMA and all other drugs trigger reactions in the brain, including DMT. Yes MDMA depletes a certain level of serrotonin but the experiences I've had with MDMA are without question some of the most profoundly life changing experiences I've ever had.

In reality, we are entirely made of drugs, naturally occuring ones, it makes no sense to me, to argue whether which of them is bad or good, if you abuse anything it will destroy you in the long run, even thing's like sex, masturbation, too much toothpaste, too much fruit, too much fibre. All thing's in balance, ALL thing's in balance.

I do however, think that what work's for one person, may not have the same effect on others.

A question then, what if I were to propose (as ludicrous as it might sound it's plausible) that an alien species, accidentally left some sort of spor or variety or spores on earth that lead to the creation of mushrooms? Does this make them less natural? Even though we are eating them? Is it natural for our brains to be wired in any state other than the one we call "sober" or "reality"?

One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#16 Posted : 11/6/2012 9:34:37 PM


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ratpoison wrote:

MDMA is also known to cause 100% realistic hallucinations in high doses, sunglasses being a common one, crawling spiders, or things that seem totally normal but when you ask another, even sober person, there will be something wrong to what one sees, it metabolizes into MDA during the effects so this is mostly what contributes to the visual effects. With this kind of distortion I don't believe that the spiritual experiences had on MDMA are true stuff, so to speak, and way too filtered.

Most definitely, the most realistic hallucinations I've EVER had were on MDMA+cannabis. I have seen everything from snow, to my friend turning into the devil, complete with moving goat ears and pasty blue face speaking in demonic tongues, to full on landscapes while in a pitch black tunnel which resulted in smacking my head against a brick wall thinking it was a doorway.

I might agree that there isn't much spiritual value to the hallucinations on MDMA, but I have had many emotional and psychologically significant experiences with it. Although they come and go so quickly and do not seem to set in as deeply as with classic psychedelics. I think there is much potential with MDMA, but it lacks somewhat on a deeper level. I think maybe it would be most useful with strict intent going in to the experience and willingness to do real work afterward, such as jotting down the revelations of the experience and meditating on them while sober. Better yet working through them with a close friend or qualified professional.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
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