everything you need to know is in the wiki and health and safty.
I fully understand your need to know to find an understanding of what you have read so far.
The spirit molecule is something that called to me because of alot of pain i had in my heart due to a lack of
understanding of how this world and the people were and the one's we have lost along the way.
If your in the US it has become much tougher to reach your goal. If not you may be in luck.
As far as the things you have read? word's will never do it justice we just cannot bring what seem's to happen
back with us in voice or writings but the change that happen's is very real.
I liked your intro many if not all have went down paths we wish we never had.
The fact that you have seen it, is in itself a very great step.
I wish you great luck in your journey and speed to find the things you need.
Learn everything you can, do your research, and check your finding's
Should you get your chance? you will never be able to unlearn what it will show you!