Hello there Nexian Golubchiks and Golubushkas!
Information seeking new-timer here with a question for you all; it is a very common thing for me to read of a persons experience with other wordly entities but has anyone ever experienced anything with entities immediately recognisable as either something in this world or from this world, i.e. the astral equivalent of ones cat (An animal which I strangely subconsciously hold great reverence for) or ones ancestors who have ascended to a new level though one not so abstract or distant from our own that they are beyond reasonable recognition as an ancestor. Obviously those who do not believe in the external nature of entities need not post ;P not that I think anything is wrong with that either.
Bonus sidenote ---> Anyone who has had VALIS/NDE type trips (ie one where you are given information you could not possibly have known otherwise) would also be greatly welcomed if they could share such things :>
Pas out
PKD started me, Gene Wolfe startled me, people judged me, society hurt me, family sustained me, friends helped me, mental exploration broadened me, time focused me, I learned.
~Every and any post made by this account can be taken as the narcissistic and ego driven ramblings of a man trying to get acceptance and reputation from his peers, normally under the guise of SWIM. Nothing said by this user should be taken as truth~