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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#801 Posted : 11/1/2012 2:49:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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oh .. and phyllode.. if you wouldn't mind, it would be great to see a picture of the style floribunda that you have success with. there seem to be so many genetic variants its hard to know which is the active one


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#802 Posted : 11/1/2012 6:46:06 AM

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acacian wrote:
oh .. and phyllode.. if you wouldn't mind, it would be great to see a picture of the style floribunda that you have success with. there seem to be so many genetic variants its hard to know which is the active one

Well I've never actually snapped a shot of my plants I work with, but I've attached the closest I can find. Very close really. And after that's a longifolia in vic which could be mistaken.
phyllode attached the following image(s):
acacia-floribunda-la-trobe-2012.jpg (106kb) downloaded 262 time(s).
acacia-longifolia-la-trobe-2012.jpg (135kb) downloaded 263 time(s).
#803 Posted : 11/1/2012 7:24:41 AM

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ok cool so its the very narrow phyllode variant of it? hey you should jump over to my acacia gallery and on the second page i put up some floribunda pics.. should let us know if you reckon thats the right one.. cos they seem to vary quite a lot in bark texture and phyllode width but still classed as floribunda


and wow what a beautiful longifolia! its got much whiter flowers than usual.. do you know if that is an active style strain? I must say longifolia would have to be one of the more stunning acacias around. i endeavour to experience the teachings of one some day. I think I already posted about it but I had the longifolia penetrate my mushroom trips one time when i was out in the bush at night in an area full of very large ancient looking specimens. beautiful fractal mosaic longifolia branches elegantly wrapping around one another.. and me Smile
Major Tom
#804 Posted : 11/1/2012 8:51:59 AM
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The mosaics in post # 811 are amazing !! [ I have often seen similar , esp the two smaller ones - only much more colourful . Very happy ] I am not at all competent using computers , and will have to get my neighbour to post a photo for me that you must see . It is in a book called " The Sacred Earth " [ Brian Molyneaux ; Macmillan ]. The photo is of an ancient Egyptian tomb painting depicting the " Tree of Life " , and the Goddess in the tree . Depicted are a bird [ with a human head ] holding a steaming bowl of something [ ? ] , a woman , and a tree that is blatantly a MIMOSAE ....Twisted Evil
#805 Posted : 11/1/2012 11:40:19 PM
member for the trees

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..just popped back quickly Smile ..would be great to see that picture Major Tom!

and may the goddess Ashera teach those naughty bearded boys a lesson..!

i have added a new Phyllode Tek to the Acacia Extraction Workspace..
it was of Acacia floribunda leaf..in order to keep this thread less obese, how about all further extraction questions/discussion be continued there..save this thread for yeah or nay phytochemical and/or experiential reports..
if you're not a full member, do a few more posts or an intro essay, and you can post in the Nexus Extraction sub-section..

..and one more thing..regarding morphogenetic indicators of tryptamine acacias..
while some acacias with yellow flowers contain tryptamines, many also do not..on the other hand just about every acacia i've looked at with white or cream flowers is positive..whether the flowers are spike or ball shaped isn't important..
and the phyllodes should be bitter, quite bitter too..

..Acacias have a history with deeper thinking humans on every continent!
well, i was going to say excluding Antarctica, but it wouldn't surprise me if we drilled 200 metres, took an ice core, and found seeds of ancient ancestors of modern acacias..still viable..of extra-terrestrial origin of course Smile

..attached below, Birds in an Acacia Tree. Beni Hasan, Tomb of Khnemhotep. Dyn. XII, about 1920-1900 B.C.; another acacia bird tree; ancient Acacia 'treegoddess' papyrus; and some ancient acacia trees which were planted at Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II..for the video see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bafAMN-uwIY
be well all..

nen888 attached the following image(s):
Bird-in-acacia-tree.jpg (129kb) downloaded 258 time(s).
EHV22.gif (61kb) downloaded 257 time(s).
treegoddess3.jpg (38kb) downloaded 256 time(s).
ancient temple acacias1.jpg (256kb) downloaded 257 time(s).
#806 Posted : 11/2/2012 12:24:02 AM

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the tree of wisdom Smile
nen do you know anything about supposes "acacia cults" in ancient egypt? at the origins of consciousness conference with Graham Hancock, Dennis McKenna and Mitch Schultz, Graham mentioned there being apparent acacia cults in egypt.
#807 Posted : 11/2/2012 2:40:14 AM
member for the trees

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..well acacian, that's a part of the kind of thing i'm exploring in the fabled first book, which 'll actually be part II Wut?
which will look at the history of acacian-human language, consciousness and mythos..or something along those lines, with an appendix on what's actually in trees and what each tryptamine does to our neurochemistry..
that's partly why i need a little more meditation instead of nexian time..also, the plants said 'about a year' on the net..i think they've got something else planned next..Cool
..i suppose i'll give Nexus members exclusive access to a beta-copy pdf to comment on..then maybe it'll be published as a Windows or Cocoa (for Mac OS) application which is a self-evolving document which keeps updating and cross referencing itself with external feedback..
kinda like this thread, except with a access password/dongle..Very happy (or, as i suggested to the bemoaning Snu Voogelbreinder, who complains it's hard to shift books since the internet, he could do the 2nd edition of Garden of Eden as a CD-ROM/blu-ray-rom..with fancy anti-piracy protection and photos! ..i mean, come on!..the guy spent literally years of his life putting that great work together so that i can just casually quote it on the nexus..Smile)

getting back to Ancient Egypt..here's a groovy Russian site on ancient gods and goddessess..
some selected quotes from it:
Seshat was the essence of cosmic intuition, creating the geometry of the heavens alongside Thoth. In Egyptian mythology, Seshat was originally the deification of the concept of wisdom, and so became a goddess of writing, astronomy, astrology, architecture, and mathematics. As reality is based on duality, one could consider Seshat the feminine aspect of Thoth. The Egyptians believed that she invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as 'Mistress of the House of Books', indicating that she also took care of Thoth's library of spells and scrolls.

... trees were associated with different gods...none of these male deities were associated with trees nearly as much as a number of female deities...Nut, Isis, and Hathor - given the title, "Lady of the Sycamore"...in fact, this title has been interpreted to relate to a specific and particularly old tree that once stood to the south of the Temple of Ptah at Memphis during the Old Kingdom.

There were also a number of minor tree goddesses who were depicted in a number of ways. There were simply images of trees labeled as goddesses as well as fully anthropomorphic personifications of tree goddesses. Perhaps the most unusual representation is that of the upper body of a goddess rising from the trunk at the center of a tree, or sometimes a tree sprouting out of the head, such as in the case of Nut.

Today in Egypt, trees have not altogether died out as religious symbols, for their remains at least several sites where trees have modern religious significance, associated with, for example, the Holy Virgin Mary.

and like phyllode so excellently dug up and quoted:
In ancient inscriptions Osiris is referred to as β€œthe solitary one in the acacia,” and as β€œthe one in the tree.”

for info in the thread on Egyptian Acacias and star-beings see here..the fine print 'll be in the book..
for now, some more ancient inscriptions and papyrii..certainly, acacian, with regards to your question, there was a lot of spiritual interest in acacias in the area back then..Smile

Tree Goddess
The Tree Of Life
Thoth and Seshat
Tree Goddess from the tomb of Pashedu in the Valley of the Kings
Thoth (carving at temple in Luxor)
Worship in Tree
nen888 attached the following image(s):
treegoddess6.jpg (22kb) downloaded 241 time(s).
treeoflife.jpg (64kb) downloaded 240 time(s).
thothseshattol.jpg (48kb) downloaded 238 time(s).
treegoddess3.jpg (38kb) downloaded 227 time(s).
Thoth (Temple at Luxor).jpg (31kb) downloaded 225 time(s).
pharoah in tree, karnak.jpg (93kb) downloaded 226 time(s).
orion1.gif (5kb) downloaded 222 time(s).
#808 Posted : 11/2/2012 3:07:08 AM
member for the trees

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..oh Smile, and with regards to your enquires about different forms of Acacia floribunda..it's worth baring in mind that, in wild conditions (even the right garden) a 'species' does not necessarily follow strict 'variety' or sub-form boundaries..
for instance, the local history of a Dear Mama Tree might go something like this...

...mama tree's seed was carried into the ground by ants, who ate her mother/father's nutritious 'aril' (see botanical terms, ) ..it lay there for 10 years until a big bush fire cracked it's outer shell..luckily it rained heavily shortly afterwards and she could sprout..it took her 17 years waiting for rain, and striving for light, to reach full seed baring maturity (and still not a grandmother) ..she had several offspring who made it to maturity within another 15 years or so..one of them shared pollen one time with a neighbour who was from a different clan (species)..it had a number of offspring..one of them had different coloured flowers and better cold tolerance, like it's dad..it's offspring could do more tricks for survival than their grandmother..twice as many genes! (diploid) ..and some had a great trick of feeling out where they were when young, and pulling out (expressing) the right genes as they got bigger..
grandmother said 'so a little colour in the family is a good thing!'Very happy

Acacia Genetics and Sex here p.10

..and for completely no reason at all..below the Acacia Blue Butterfly (Asia) ..the larvae feed on Acacia pennata and Acacia caesia (which of course was found to contain you know what..search the p1 INDEX..) ..fly on beyond the chrysalis Nexians..Smile [p42=the new meaning of life...]
nen888 attached the following image(s):
AcaciaBlue-SunnyC2-1.jpg (96kb) downloaded 290 time(s).
Acacia Blue Butterfly.jpg (237kb) downloaded 290 time(s).
#809 Posted : 11/2/2012 3:27:30 AM

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acacian wrote:
ok cool so its the very narrow phyllode variant of it? hey you should jump over to my acacia gallery and on the second page i put up some floribunda pics.. should let us know if you reckon thats the right one.. cos they seem to vary quite a lot in bark texture and phyllode width but still classed as floribunda


and wow what a beautiful longifolia! its got much whiter flowers than usual.. do you know if that is an active style strain? I must say longifolia would have to be one of the more stunning acacias around. i endeavour to experience the teachings of one some day. I think I already posted about it but I had the longifolia penetrate my mushroom trips one time when i was out in the bush at night in an area full of very large ancient looking specimens. beautiful fractal mosaic longifolia branches elegantly wrapping around one another.. and me Smile

Lovely photographs thanks Acacian.
I think, like Nen's saying, that it's the paler flower that makes the difference. Don't know for certain. I just found a little personal grove that felt right and worked. Now I grow from seed from that grove, and just visit them to say hello, not taking. Although the longifolia I tried and it worked years ago had pale yellow flowers. I was wondering about what that victorian blanco longifolia may have in it.

And thanks for the image journey last few pages Nen. Really enjoyed it Smile.
Major Tom
#810 Posted : 11/2/2012 4:37:38 AM
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The tomb painting I referred to in # 816 is very similar to to the one Nen posted of the Tomb of Pashedu . Could be the same artist - the style is so similar . What I am seeing in all of these ancient Egyptian paintings are the similarities of the trees depicted : bi-pinnate [ ? ] mimosae - like leaf structure ...
#811 Posted : 11/2/2012 4:59:11 AM

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thanks for the info and photos nen .. beautiful art. Love the orange pic.. do you know what species are in any of the photos? Smile Looking forward to your book! hope to get a signed hard copy sometime. I hope you write of your experiences in there too, as you have a lot to offer on the subject of plant spirit and the best means of experiencing it in its purest form.. i've learnt a lot and i'm sure others have too

in fact I've been inspired to investigate further...experimenting trying to achieve this pure plant expression that you speak of. extracting on my favorite chilled-mountain dwelling acacia.. posted my process so far in the acacia extraction workspace Smile

#812 Posted : 11/2/2012 6:22:07 AM
member for the trees

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..thanks Major Tom, i liked your description..let us know how your youngling A. cincinata's go..Smile

acacian wrote:
do you know what species are in any of the photos?

..Acacia tortillis mate! Smile..at least in the ruined temple photos..the paintings is harder to be certain, except that A. tortillis grows around all these ancient sites and as Major Tom said
mimosae - like leaf structure ...
..the ancient egyptians were also into Willows and Sycamore trees, but for the big-picture gods and goddesses Acacia ruled..
I hope you write of your experiences in there too, as you have a lot to offer on the subject of plant spirit
..well, yeah that's what part I is all about Wink ,thanks for the interest and interests acacian..

and thank you all thread weavers, contributors and researchers of the acacia light..

Spice Sailor
#813 Posted : 11/2/2012 4:50:35 PM

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Hey acacia heads, past 3-5 pages are excellent, just caught up with all the latest info after a self-imposed technology ban.

Nen very exciting about le book, please keep us up to date with progress. Do you have any more information regarding A. Cincinnata? Yield, extraction parameters, time of year etc. No need to answer till your good and ready, don't want to take away your meditation time.

Got some cool results from A. leiocalyx and A. macradenia that I will share in the acacia extractions work place in the next few days.

Oh and for those questions regarding safety of metho / price of polish vodka. I just use cheapest nastiest vodka I can buy, sure there is a decent amount of water mixed with the ethanol but it will still dissolve more tryptamines than just water alone. And above all it's safe to consume thus safe for ethanol extractions.

Be well all.

Ps. Let it be known to all greedy tree killers and those with ill intentions, DMT is not for you.
#814 Posted : 11/2/2012 11:55:30 PM

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Spice Sailor wrote:
Got some cool results from A. leiocalyx and A. macradenia that I will share in the acacia extractions work place in the next few days.
Awesome Spice Sailor!
Let it be known to all greedy tree killers and those with ill intentions, DMT is not for you.
Thumbs up
They don't take what they deal out. That's how they can be so ignorant. Karma will get them. And I'm part of the karma. Twisted Evil Smile
#815 Posted : 11/3/2012 4:21:08 AM
member for the trees

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phyllode wrote:
Spice Sailor wrote:
Got some cool results from A. leiocalyx and A. macradenia that I will share in the acacia extractions work place in the next few days.
Awesome Spice Sailor!
Let it be known to all greedy tree killers and those with ill intentions, DMT is not for you.
Thumbs up
They don't take what they deal out. That's how they can be so ignorant. Karma will get them. And I'm part of the karma. Twisted Evil Smile
..yeah, awesome..! phyllode Big grin
Spice Sailor wrote:
Do you have any more information regarding A. Cincinnata? Yield, extraction parameters, time of year etc.

..A. cincinnata..the silicotungustic acid reagent precipitation was, by visual estimation, similar to obtusifolia..or in other words, an alkaloid positive rating of +++ in the CSIRO scale (the highest being ++++, which was awarded to acuminata) ..i don't know the time of year..this is an example of how, using only 4-6grams of plant material, it is possible to 'see' roughly what and how much is in there..A. acuminata, obtusifolia and floribunda (++) were used as controls..Erlichs reagent indicated class of alkaloid..

and can't wait to hear about your new findings in the Acacia Extraction Workspace..! thanks Spicey..Smile good to see ya back..

..ok..one Last revelation for Now..quinoline-like compounds found in one or two acacias appear to be psychoactive..but the toxicity is still being determined..i would also not be surprised if one or two of the histamine-like compounds found in one or two acacias have cns activity of some kind..afterall, histamines are also endogenous to animals, like tryptamines and harmalas..but, warning..no toxicological data, even animal..therefore forms of obtusifolia and longifolia var. sophorae should be treated cautiously..

..flower bright!, acacia heads..

below, Acacia macradenia (Zig-Zag Wattle) ..native to Qld, Aus. and planted internationally..previously claimed to contain tryptamines by niazi of pharmaceutical-excipients..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
zig zag wattle1.jpg (82kb) downloaded 375 time(s).
A. macradenia 3.jpg (104kb) downloaded 372 time(s).
Acacia-macradenia2004.jpg (29kb) downloaded 371 time(s).
Major Tom
#816 Posted : 11/3/2012 4:30:50 AM
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I have to confess that I have killed a tree in search of gratification: - that it was on my own land [ NT ] , and there were many , many more is no excuse . In time I was to come to learn that all life forms are sacred . I also came to learn [ from the trees ] that the notion of land ownership is utterly ludicrous - at best we can only be custodians , and with that comes the responsibility for care of the land ... Sad
#817 Posted : 11/3/2012 4:38:11 AM
member for the trees

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^..i think you just got quote-of-the-week again Major Tom..four stars! and a smiley ..Smile

well said..Neutral


..under poetic license to Love (& delete this later)..forgive yourself Tom..no sir, 'the horror' like marlon..'you cant go in-between a fraction like quantum physics'..hopper..'the killer awoke before dawn..he put his boots on..and he took a face from the ancient gallery, and then he strolled on down the hallway..and then he paid a visit to his brother and his sister..no Major Tom, my mother said, to get things done, you better not mess with Major Tom..
sir, i report a casualty..General Shulgin could not give his 'references' to Capt. Trout or Surgeon Snu ..so, as not to a. confusa-you, i'll spell it out:
(A coded section was once here)

Agents of Truth - stand up and post..


word up..


#818 Posted : 11/3/2012 7:54:47 AM

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So Truth was the casualty then? Cool
Have that well earned meditation retreat Nen. You need it! Laughing
And you're always on the run.

Interesting about the niazi's blog stuff. That was the bounty of net acacia info till this thread. But hasn't been updated in a long time.

At risk of taking over as on duty geek, and I know you're Acacianlightened Acacian: for the greater education of all readers, back in #812 where u wonderfully said:
i'm thinking of testing some mearnsii too. they grow everywhere here. i have a special relationship with them already actually as I use its bippinate phyllodes as the base for my changa blends. There is something special about the mearnsii. beautiful smelling flowers too they are in blooming at the moment down here... the phyllodes when smoked on their own have a slight tryptamine taste too.. few people i've given em to have said the same

Nen wrote yesterday in Bundleflower hunting?:
nen888 wrote:
jamie's spot on..from botanical terms relevant to acacias:
- bi-pinnate - [see 'pinnate'] - leaflets arrising off the 'secondary petioles', in a feather-like or fern-like pattern; pinnately compound leaves in which the leaflets are themselves pinnately compound; mimosa-like.
pinnae - small leaves in groups attached to the stems (usually 'bi-pinnate' in acacias), are true compound leaves, unlike phyllodes; all 'juvenile' leaves of acacias are pinnate or bi-pinnate.

there are a few threads in the Nexus on Desmanthus if you google-search..

Just wanted to get my name straight guys Smile.

PS. Nen. Love your little persons' story about Tree Sex, earlier!
phyllode attached the following image(s):
comform.jpg (58kb) downloaded 358 time(s).
phyllodes.jpg (43kb) downloaded 356 time(s).
Major Tom
#819 Posted : 11/3/2012 8:57:17 AM
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Hi nen , much appreciate the tip re flowers . Very likely the clue I had been searching for since Ott published analogues ... I had been becoming increasingly confused at various reports of activity in non julies [ convinced that was the clue , after correspondence with USA in the mid 90s . As such , wasting a lot of time . ] Now , with the benefit of hindsight , and the miracle of photography , I must re - assess my hypothesis ....many thanks !!!
#820 Posted : 11/3/2012 11:16:50 AM
member for the trees

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^..no worries blood! and thanks for your earnest and deep and sometimes brilliantly concise feedback Major Tom..i think we've All at one point or other done something to another lifeform which we feel guilty about..we can turn such guilt in to ultimately Compassion - for one's own past faults/learnings..and for All other lifeforms..

"Only through compassion can we at the moment of death become at One with the Force."
(Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin to Yoda)
don't let the empire strike back..!

..i'll go out with one for the mothers
"The symbolic use of acacia gum in the birth ritual parallels the use of sacrificial blood as a means of blessing a child. Why this is so is unclear beyond the likening of the tree to a woman. It is possible that if the meaning of the acacia ritual was matrilineal it might be the origin of what came to be a central patrilineal practice β€” the archetype underlying the patriarchetype.
Before menstrual blood came to be feared under patriarchy, viewed as dirty and dangerous, it was revered for its life-giving power. Since acacia gum was equated with menstrual blood, the use of this gum in the same manner as that of sacrificial animal blood in the birth or kinship rituals implies symbolic parallels. This reflects the fact that menstrual blood is the archetype and that sacrificial blood is the patriarchetype."

Kelly A. Greer, 2006. op. cit. by phyllode (ta)

..and now, exclusively for only Nexus Members to see..!
two long lost ancient european acacias just rediscovered Neutral
Acacia demeterfolia var. 'persephona' in Greece..and sp. aff. A. aluna R. Graves..Neutral ..somewhere near YOU i believe.

nen888 attached the following image(s):
acacias three.jpg (13kb) downloaded 345 time(s).
A. aluna var. 'ruby'.jpg (21kb) downloaded 341 time(s).
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