hey pandora,
thus far they have been out of this world... as if thats a suprise. such a wide array of experiences from the awesome complex synchronous geometry, mountains and cities, and even tours of factories and other places by energy entities. only ever had one terrifying experience where packed a large bowl, probbly about .15 to .2, shared it with my good friend and blasted hard. was in control for the first 15 minutes or so was talking to him almost as if i were sober but everything had lost depth and texture, almost as if it was a simpsons cartoon, was having a great trip. after about 15-20 minutes i was starting to believe that i had perminantly crossed over and i was perminantly stuck in my new world. i had to walk outside and try to come back, but after another ten minutes or so i was finally comming back. i had never been gone for so long but it was a learning experience that im glad i got to be a part of.
as for brews i havnt quite found the avenue or right time to expierence it but im looking forward to it in the future.
set and setting as anyone will tell you entirely effects each trip. i personally enjoy some select shponge tracks as well as other ambient groups in addition to silience or my singing bowl. while they are no two trips that are alike i have experienced similarities when i use fast hard hitting music, slower more ambient music, and a wider array of trips with silence or my bowl. personally i enjoy them all but some of my favorites are to the faster tracks that hit really fast and hard. as for setting its either in the house in a comfortable chair or bed, or in nature out of the way of everybody, preforably near a body of water. while my surroundings influence my trips less as long as im comfortable and feel secure.
i gota run to town but thanks for the reply and look forward to continue this later on.
one love
we did not inherit the earth from our parents. we are borrowing it from our children.
the difference between spirituality and religion? one cost money.