Hi vodsel thanks for the input----please don't think I'm being rude with my reply but this is really tickling my brain I do wish I studied harder at school these days
I fully got the where dmt is located and the variations of it from roots leaves grasses barks etc and that the levels are varied
I saw a simple dmt tek. (Stb?) with mhrb using water and naphta left to soak, lightlly turned then the naphta pulled off and once evaped the crystals smoked
Which for many years was the same process as making cannabis oil until this honey extractor came
Butane is a non polar solvent which pulls a lot cleaner than naphta, even the use of butane as a final clean for the not so white nn dmt???
can the dmt freebase be allowed to dry??
All of the teks for dmt are based on the trusty old shamens knowledge of a plant or two.
Shared knowledge is great and I love to play two weeks ago I grafted 2 different peyote varietys on to a san pedro and the next project is breeding my own femminised cannabis variety both long term projects due to the growth rate of peyote and the back crossing forced flowering etc etc with the other for sure when I get some mhrb I will be playing some more.
the sharing is caring