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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
Major Tom
#761 Posted : 10/24/2012 4:03:47 PM
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Hi zombie , I'm suspecting a Calliandra [ a genus that warrants further investigation imo ].But this is speculation only - impossible to tell without a photo .

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#762 Posted : 10/25/2012 2:27:20 AM
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..love Calliandras..see p.3 and p.14 and p.26
..and where's everyone in Africa and Central America..there's entheo-acacias on the ground! i'll have to save for a field trip..Smile

some new notes for researchers..
firstly, a new member of the Under Research Due To Strong Evidence list [Australian List p.4, last updated May 2012]
is Acacia cincinata (a native of Qld, Aus.) ..the flowers vary from more commonly yellow to cream..an example of the cream variant is reported to me strong reaction with Silicotungustic Acid reagent (means fair amount of alkaloids) and blue with Ehrlich's reagent (tryptamines) ..it was not in flower at time of test..

also included, Acacia excelsa is an alkaloid positive species,
get back to you on this one..

below, 2 each of A. cincinata and A. excelsa..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
600x600_acacia_cincinnata_587.jpg (218kb) downloaded 912 time(s).
600x600_acacia_cincinata_flowering_2.jpg (140kb) downloaded 900 time(s).
s23643watif2.jpg (53kb) downloaded 895 time(s).
GundabookaVegetation002.jpg (106kb) downloaded 895 time(s).
#763 Posted : 10/25/2012 2:34:44 AM
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..ps. due to a recent PM, 'll be looking at Nepal soon..

be well acacia-people..!
now, back to spiritual matters..
#764 Posted : 10/25/2012 9:07:52 AM
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..one more tip for the Phyllode Tek..

now that i think about it, all good test crystalizations i've encountered from phyllodes (incl. the acuminata narrow) were from dried phyllodes...the ethanol quick pre-wash is to remove things from fresh material

an remember..small twigs are equivalent to bark in content (sometimes higher)

ps. do not use that 'hardware' brand of methylated spirits..i have received information that there are other impurities, and compounds of course to prevent distillation..
hint: try another brand..

..take care, all..
Major Tom
#765 Posted : 10/25/2012 9:55:06 AM
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the topic of this post is wild harvesting - if in the wrong forum , maybe the mod can move it for me . . . Wild harvesting is an increasing problem , and is becoming increasingly noticeable , which can only have negative implications . My Ma lives in suburban Melbourne [ [ Oz ] , and street harvesting of nature strip trees is occurring - WARNING : don't let her catch you at it !! Furthermore , because of the big drought a few years ago , she has converted her garden into a " native " garden to conserve water . Among the grevilleas , kangaroo paws , etc , are acacias from seed I supplied . These have also been hit ; and hit hard . WARNING : don't let ME catch you !!! . . There is absolutely no need for wild harvesting , or street and / or garden plunder . With a little planning and patience you can supply yourself and friends with all you need ; even if you live in a high rise apartment . Many seedlings can be started in small pots , and with a little innovative thought , transplanted out [ during wet weather ] into areas that will benefit . Where I live in Qld , I use the trashed scrub around an aluminium smelter " red mud " waste pond . A friend uses scrub around an airport . There are many alternatives , if one can be bothered looking . Acacias are " pioneering " species that begin the regeneration of damaged land . I am sure that many big industrial complexes , if approached tactfully , would be only too pleased to permit you to " beautify " their ugly landscapes ; and as such enable you access . . . My fervant hope is that wild harvesting stops ASAP . .... regards to all , Tom Mad
#766 Posted : 10/25/2012 10:15:16 AM
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Major Tom wrote: (and bloody good on you, mate!)
the topic of this post is wild harvesting - if in the wrong forum , maybe the mod can move it for me . . . Wild harvesting is an increasing problem , and is becoming increasingly noticeable , which can only have negative implications . My Ma lives in suburban Melbourne [ [ Oz ] , and street harvesting of nature strip trees is occurring - WARNING : don't let her catch you at it !! Furthermore , because of the big drought a few years ago , she has converted her garden into a " native " garden to conserve water . Among the grevilleas , kangaroo paws , etc , are acacias from seed I supplied . These have also been hit ; and hit hard . WARNING : don't let ME catch you !!! . . There is absolutely no need for wild harvesting , or street and / or garden plunder . With a little planning and patience you can supply yourself and friends with all you need ; even if you live in a high rise apartment . Many seedlings can be started in small pots , and with a little innovative thought , transplanted out [ during wet weather ] into areas that will benefit . Where I live in Qld , I use the trashed scrub around an aluminium smelter " red mud " waste pond . A friend uses scrub around an airport . There are many alternatives , if one can be bothered looking . Acacias are " pioneering " species that begin the regeneration of damaged land . I am sure that many big industrial complexes , if approached tactfully , would be only too pleased to permit you to " beautify " their ugly landscapes ; and as such enable you access . . . My fervant hope is that wild harvesting stops ASAP . .... regards to all , Tom

^MajorTom thankyou!..please everyone.. read what he says!..^^ the plants are with you Major!

and don't let me or my vigilante team catch you either, tree-rapists..Twisted Evil


..so, wow, more new info flowing in cyberland..

a recent thread was started on another site regarding Acacia polyphylla, a South and Central American native, found from Argentina to Panama..
I was talking to an old friend who's a freelance shaman of sorts in Brazil, the topic of Yopo and Cebil came up, to which he said both are inferior compared to this other plant he called Paricá, which after a long search we tracked down to the species Acacia polyphylla. He claims the snuff made from the seeds is far more potent than Yopo, as well as being much more like Ayahuasca, and is also less toxic / cleaner feeling, without any nausea. I trust his claims, his life is shamanism, he works closely with different tribes and has ready access to all these plants; scattered around his hut he has whole sacks -tens of kg's each- of these different snuff seeds, as well as all sorts of other crazy jungle products which he consumes like a true fiend.

Apparently Monjoleiro is a very common plant around the area where he spends most of his time, and according to online sources it has a very wide distribution and is also used in forestry, meaning it should hopefully be a more sustainable alternative to Yopo given it works as well as he claims.
[from http://www.shaman-austra...ndex.php?showtopic=33824]

there is a reported bioassay on this very interesting site: http://rixonology.wordpress.com...5/30/neoshamanic-snuffs/..

i can find no published tests to determine alkaloids..so, as asked before, who's on the ground in C. America?
below Acacia polyphylla ('Monjoleiro'Pleased

nen888 attached the following image(s):
monjoleiro.jpg (48kb) downloaded 879 time(s).
FABA-acac-poly-per-628524.jpg (26kb) downloaded 873 time(s).
ac_cia.png (49kb) downloaded 884 time(s).
#767 Posted : 10/25/2012 10:24:48 AM
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..and, as we reach the unprecedented 100k views (Shocked ), i guess it's like acacia-christmas, so one more bit for the bag..below i have attached a great old paper Distribution of Alkaloids in Some Western Australian Plants by Alpin & Cannon
amongst it's findings are Acacia xiphophylla (Snake Wood), a Western Australian native, found in that survey, along with A. acuminata, to be 'moderately strong in alkaloids'..
this is a great paper for the serious alkaloid researcher (of any family of plant) in W.A. and has plenty of wattles..
A. xiphophylla also tested positive for alkaloids in S.E. Qld., Aus..

so..there sure is a lot still out there waiting to be researched..
see you about Nexians and Acacia People..thank you all contributors and collaborators to this thread..

below, Snake Wood..( and that paper)
Major Tom
#768 Posted : 10/26/2012 12:53:58 AM
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Hello people : in referernce to my earlier post where I wrote of encountering problems when using alcohol [ metho ] to extract phyllodes , I was using freshly air dried [ not 100 % dry , I'm sure ] leaves . They were still green in colour . I have some long dry Maidenii tops that have lost their colour , and will try again , and post my results . Btw , I believe the CSIRO study of A. Maidenii in the 1960's used a Qld variety , if my memory serves me [ my filing system is a disaster - a box of photocopies ] . I could dig up the exact collection location in time , but would be hesitant to post the details - any thoughts on this ?? Confused
#769 Posted : 10/26/2012 2:21:39 AM
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^..the CSIRO test material was discussed a little on p.23 (see also post#456) and earlier..i said it was within 100km of the Qld/NSW border which is as close a location as i'm prepared to give..definitely EXACT LOCATIONS OF TREES SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN ON THE INTERNET..

ps. will update/tidy the Page 1 INDEX soon..

pps. and above all, the key message of this thread is: be kind to trees! they can be allies, in symbiosis with us..let us not bring the darkness and corruption of conquistador exploitation to these beautiful lifeforms..
nor let us allow the self-interested to manipulate or sell our 'friends', the trees..

..i deeply thank those of this thread who walk this way..

#770 Posted : 10/26/2012 4:06:53 AM
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..and now, for the lucky 100,000th viewer..a psychic gift..!..no, really, it's the

..to save having to go through the p1 INDEX and each individual list..there is more detail and references throughout the thread..i'll tidy n update it more in the future..

African and Middle-East:
(refs see p2 list)
A. albida (Ana Tree, Winter Thorn) DMT leaf, bark [2][1]; DMT-like bioassays in Israel [dmt-nexus]
A. giraffae (synon.A. haematoxylon x erioloba) DMT in leaf [5]
A. horrida (Cape Gum, 'Dev-Babul'Pleased [4]
A. karoo (Sweet Thorn) tryptamines [4]
A. laeta DMT, in the leaf[6]
A. mellifera DMT, in the leaf[4][1]; alkaloid +ve 2 tests [14]; triterpinoids.
A. nilotica (Gum Arabic Tree) DMT, in the leaf[2][4][1] tentative DMT,5meoDMT[10], tryptamine and 'harmane derivatives'[11]
A. nilotica subsp. adstringens reported DMT [4][12]
A. nubica DMT in leaf [9]; synon. with A. oerfota (A. nubica subsp oerfota) - NMT [4]
A. polyacantha DMT in leaf [4][8][9]
A. senegal DMT in bark & leaf [9][2][1][6], NMT, other tryptamines [4] DMT in plant[7]
A. seyal (Red Acacia, holy 'shittim wood'Pleased DMT [2][1]
A. sieberiana DMT, in the leaf.[6] Ether extracts about 1-7% of the dried leaf mass.[3]
A. tortilis (Umbrella Thorn, also implicated in the Ark of the Covenant) DMT leaf, bark [2]; alkaloid positive [13]
A. xanthophloea ('Fever Tree'Pleased oral ceremonial & medicinal use (incl. anti-malarial); alkaloids [15]

ASIA (incl. India):
Acacia caesia China, Tawian, Phillipines, India, SE Asia - DMT-N-Oxide & Tryptamine [Ghosal 1972].
Acacia catechu ('Khadira'Pleased Asia,China (incl.Tibet), India & Indian Ocean - DMT and other tryptamines in leaf, bark[ref Sacred Elixirs; M. Crowley].
Acacia catechuoides (closely related) India (Sikkim, Assam, West Bengal) used in ayurveda.
Acacia chundra Asia, India & Indian Ocean - DMT and other tryptamines in leaf, bark [Ref Pharmamceutical Excipients].
Acacia confusa ('The Thoughtful Tree'Pleased S.E.Asia incl. Phillipines,Taiwan,China - 0.8-2.85% DMT & NMT in bark, 0.2% leaf
also N,N-dimethyltryptamineN-oxide [Ref: Lui et al. 1977; Buchannan et al. 2007].
there are various net reports suggesting variable levels of NMT, but usually consistently finding DMT. This tree is traditionally associated with Confucius & Taoism, and in S.E. Asia there are modern spiritual groups who work with it..
Acacia intsia ( 'Arkhu'Pleased Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam..it has tested positive for alkaloids.
Acacia nilotica subsp. indica ('Babul'Pleased Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan is used in ayurvedic medicine.. A. nilotica in africa was said to contain harmalas and tryptamine [Oliver-Bever].
Acacia yunnanensis - native to China, suspected by Trout 2004 of containing tryptamines..known as the 'Yunnan Thoughtful Tree'.

1 Acacia acuminata* 1.5-1.8%DMT many bioassays [numerous net reports; Voogelbreinder 2009], some ß-carbolines; tetrahydroharman,DMT,NMT,tryptamine & other traces in phyllode [endlessness - dmt-nexus]
2 Acacia acuminata subsp. burkittii* (=A. burkittii) DMT in bark [J.J. EGA 2011] & phyllodes.
3 Acacia alpina* DMT-like effects phyllodes+MAOI, 2 bioassays [M. Bock; net reports]
4 Acacia armillata rare, 0.4% DMT/NMT [JJ EGA conference 2009]
5 Acacia auriculiformis 5meoDMT stems by TLC [J. Appleseed, Trout 2004]
6 Acacia baileyana tryptamine & βcarbolines, in the leaf, Tetrahydroharman (see Tikhal; Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen by Robert Hegnauerl)
7 Acacia binervata DMT reagent +ve ('M' + Nen 2001)
8 Acacia blakei* 0.2-0.3% alkaloid stems/phyllode, DMT-like effects [dmt-nexus.me]
9 Acacia cardiophylla small amounts tryptamine & phenethylamine [White 1957]
10 Acacia complanata* 0.3% alkaloids in leaf and stem, N-methyl-tetrahydroharman, traces tetrahydroharman, tryptamine [Johns, Lamberton, and Sioumis (1966)]
11 Acacia sp.'c'* (NB. Endangered) DMT (this species has been extracted in the underground & not grown, for goodness sake grow some!, 300 adult trees, makes A. phlebophylla (15,000 trees) look common.
12 Acacia cultriformis Tryptamine in leaf,stem & seeds, Phenethylamine leaf & seeds [White 1951]
13 Acacia cyclops* alkaloids NMT/DMT-like effects, 1 bioassay[dmt-nexus.me]
14 Acacia dallichana* (possible X phleobophylla) DMT-like effect, 1 assay [reported to Nen 2011]
15 Acacia difformis DMT, 5meoDMT in leaves [S.Voogenbreinder citing Trout]
16 Acacia elata* DMT,5meoDMT,NMT,Formlytryptamine,betacarbolines in 1 test; mild active 'wax' another; probably variable. [dmt-nexus.me]
17 Acacia excelsa various Tryptamines phyllodes [by TLC, 'JJ' EGA 2009]
18 Acacia falcata* psychoactive 1 bioassay, possible tryptamines [dmt-nexus.me, Australian Ethnobotany]
19 Acacia floribunda* 0.3-0.8% DMT, NMT, tryptamine, harman; reliable content [S. Voogenbreinder; numerous net reports]; numerous bioassays
20 Acacia harpophylla* 0.5% Hordenine, phenethylamines [White 1954] reported psychoactive.
21 Acacia johannis c.0.4% DMT/NMT ['JJ' EGA conference 2009]
22 Acacia longifolia* 0.2-3%DMT[numerous net reports] 0.2% tryptamine in bark, leaves; phenylethylamine in flowers; Histamines [White 1944, Roveli 1967,Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzenr]; some strains little alkaloid
23 Acacia longifolia var. sophorae 0.6%DMT,5meoDMT,Tryptamine,Bufotenine,Gramine ,Cinnamoylhistamine, n-dec-3enoylhistamine[entheogen review 1995], some strains very little alkaloid
24 Acacia longissima* 0.2% alkaloid leaf [CSIRO 1990]; DMT-like effects[dmt-nexus.me]
25 Acacia maidenii* 0.6-0.7% DMT,NMT [CSIRO]trace betacarboline, numerous bioassays of active strain, some strains low yield.
26 Acacia mearnsii* psychoactive, reported 1.2% DMT [dmt-nexus.me], earlier report of 5meoDMT (unconfirmed)
27 Acacia melanoxylon less than 0.02% DMT in the bark and leaf, 1 report higher yield[dmt-nexus.me] [extentech.sheetster.com,pharmaceutical excipients.com]; may have 2 sub-types, 1 not tested.
28 Acacia mucronata var. longifolia* 0.4% DMT,NMT,Trptamine, betacarbolines [Snu Voogenbreider Garden of Eden citing 'E', dmt-nexus.me]; var. disstiflora and other varieties strong alkaloid +ve [CSIRO 1990; Roveli 1967] Tasmanian var. negative test [J.J.]
29 Acacia multisiliqua DMT positive several tests N. W., negative in a few plants [J.J. EGA 2011]
30 Acacia neurophylla DMT (bark), harman, norharman (leaves) [S. Voogenbreinder Garden Of Eden citing 'Jeremy']
31 Acacia obtecta betacarbolines, DMT 0.2% phyllode [J.J. EGA 2009, 2011]
32 Acacia obtusifolia* 0.18-0.6%DMT,NMT,betacarboline(typical)also sometimes 5meoDMT, Tryptamine, Bufotenine [numerous refs, see threads in dmt-nexus.me]
33 Acacia orites (rare, limited to one area)0.07-0.15% alkaloid (unknown), (UV fluoresence) [Nen 2002; S. Voogenbreinder citing 'E']
34 Acacia oxycedrus* strong re-agent +ve [CSIRO 1990]; 0.4-0.5% alkaloid stem-bark DMT-like effects [dmt-nexus.me], may be hybrid with floribunda.
35 Acacia phlebophylla* (rare, limited to one area) 0.3% DMT in leaf [CSIRO, Rovelli]
36 Acacia provincialis* 0.2-0.5% alkaloids (unknown) tryptamine-like effects [dmt-nexus.me]
37 Acacia pycnantha 0.5% Tyrptamines bark [1995 resaerch paper]0.02% alkaloid leaf [Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen by Robert Hegnauer],small amount DMT leaves [S. Voogenbreinder]
38 Acacia retinodes 0.2% alkaloid (unknown) [Roveli 1967];0.5%DMT, NMT, nicotine?,[Pflanzentabelle APB (German)]
39 Acacia thoma rare, NMT plus smaller amounts DMT, and ß-carboline [J.J. EGA 2011]
40 Acacia victoriae* DMT (stems), 5-MeO-DMT (roots) [Trouts Notes,]
addendum: A. pruinosa - tryptamine small amounts [White 1951]; A. vestita - tryptamine [White 1957]
Acacia colei 1% DMT bark [ABC Radio National; several net reports]; needs confirmation.
Acacia concurrens (in research)
Acacia decurrens (confirmed alkaloids)
Acacia holosericia (Hordenine, phenethylaime)
Acacia implexa (alkaloids)
Acacia kettlewelliae (multiple Phenethylamines-White 1952, Fitzgerald et al 1963)
Acacia leiocalyx (awaiting exact ID, 0.3-0.5% tryptamines stem bark)
Acacia macradenia (net reported tryptamines, unconfirmed)
Acacia mangium (reported DMT, unconfirmed)
Acacia obliquifloila (in research)
Acacia podalyriaefolia (tryptamine, phethylamine [White 1951; K.Trout Some Simple Trptamines); all low yeild results on net)
Acacia beauverdiana
Acacia cuthbertsonii
Acacia deliberata

Pacific Island Tryptamine Acacias:
Acacia heterophylla is actually from Reunion and the Indian Ocean, but according to a molecular biology source is very closely related to A. confusa, hence is likely to contain tryptamines.
Acacia koaia - endemic to Hawaii, where it has traditional medicinal uses (skin diseases)..is becoming endangered, needs cultivation. (It is not to be confused with A. koa, used to build canoes & original indigenous surfboards). There have been strong rumours for years that A. koaia contains tryptamines, but if it does
no one is saying publically yet..
Acacia richii (previously synon. with A. confusa, found on a number of pacific islands incl. Fiji)
Acacia simplex (synon. A. simplicifolia) (called tatakia in Fiji, tatagia in Samoa, tātāngia in Tonga and Martaoui in New-Caledonia) -1.0%- 3.6% DMT/NMT

South and Central America:
Acacia aroma (Bolivia,Peru,Argentina,Paraguay) Tryptamines ref.link Poland herbarium,
Acacia caven ( native to Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay) Tryptamines(C. Ratsch; Pharmaceutical Excipients.com)
Acacia cornigera (Central America & Mexico) reported psychoactive/tryptamines (Naturheilpraxis Fachforum (German)); C. Ratsch reports DMT; numerous refs to containing alkaloids.
Acacia farnesiana (native Central America, naturalized worldwide) Tryptamines, 5meoDMT, phenethylamine
Acacia filiciana (Mexico,Central America) reported also used Pulque, not known if psychoactive Pharmamceutical Excipients, Christian Rastch
Acacia jurema 'Jurema-common' =A. olivensana or santossi (native to Brazil) where it is used to make some forms of ayahuasca (DMT,NMT)
Acacia macracantha has been mistaken for A. aroma and is a good candidate for tryptamines
Acacia polyphylla 'Monjoleiro'/'Paricá' (Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Panama) used as a Yopo-type snuff.
Acacia rigidula (Mexico,Central America)DMT, NMT, tryptamine, amphetamines, mescaline, nicotine and others (Clements et al. 2000, Wikipedia discussion)
Acacia tortuosa (widespread C. and S. America) appears to contain tryptamines (see index this thread)

USA: (most species claimed phenethylamines from single 1960s test, unless stated)
Acacia angustissima (DMT, other alkaloids)
A. berlandieri (possibly a lot of things see index)
A. constricta
A. gregii (Cat-Claw Acacia)
A. rigidula (controversial claimed finding of DMT plus 44 alkaloids)
A. roemeriana
A. schottii
A. texensis (Acacia angustissima var. texensis)
plus many naturalised Australian potential tryptamine species.

A. adunca, A. baileyana, A. dealbata, A. farnensiana , A. floribunda, A. hanburyana (an European hybrid between A. dealbata and A. podalyriifolia), A. longifolia, A. retinodes (1 finding DMT) & A. saligna..
also A. cyclops is naturalized in the Canary Islands..


..with many more still to report and discover..

keep up the research Nexians..Smile

#771 Posted : 10/26/2012 5:08:52 AM
member for the trees

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling

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^..haha, pirateb0b, i'm always making my final last post for a while, and then someone asks a question..Smile
..noticed you on the 'corroboree' forum..what an odd place..!Wink

..i wouldn't personally want to put my sacred leaf in a microwave..so i don't know..i would suggest a fan-heater or standard oven (below 120degrees C) to dry phyllodes..or just wait a few weeks..
or, collect the recently naturally fallen leaves as suggested by the pioneering-sistas here..

..not all the methylated spirits impurities (in that brand in particular) will come out in defatting, as not all compounds are defattable..but, in other brand, this may work (and the impurities aren't as bad), but it's designed not to be turnd back into pure ethanol..i'm curious..have you tried and achieved this pirateb0b..?

a 'home-brew' kit to generate ethanol is very easy..easier really than extracting DMT..
you just need a starter kit, some yeast culture, some sugar, and some simple distillation rig (to purify)..this could be improvised by the practical who can't afford expensive glass ware..

so, come on..try some Alchemy..Smile

..is this my last post? i doubt it..but let me just say, and i'm not being arrogant here, more astonished..after a year and a half, i think we can say that
this thread is the number1 and most up-2-date place for entheo-acacia heads to gather!..thanks all of you for making it such...


Major Tom
#772 Posted : 10/26/2012 12:27:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thaks nen for the Cincinata info . That is a new one to me . Looks great . I have ordered seed today , and hopefully will get them planted out this wet season . I expect they will do well in my area , considering they originate nearby . Maybe in a couple of years I will be able to post some data ....Very happy
#773 Posted : 10/26/2012 1:12:34 PM

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pirateb0b wrote:
nen888 wrote:
^..haha, pirateb0b

..not all the methylated spirits impurities (in that brand in particular) will come out in defatting, as not all compounds are defattable..but, in other brand, this may work (and the impurities aren't as bad), but it's designed not to be turnd back into pure ethanol..i'm curious..have you tried and achieved this pirateb0b..?

a 'home-brew' kit to generate ethanol is very easy..easier really than extracting DMT..
you just need a starter kit, some yeast culture, some sugar, and some simple distillation rig (to purify)..this could be improvised by the practical who can't afford expensive glass ware..

Well my thinking is if the impurities (which survived the boiling process) are not soluble in the solvent during defat - they do not end up in the final product otherwise if they are soluble then they are discarded (in an environmentally friendly way of course).

I use a total of 2L of Diggers brand Metho, Shellite as my solvent, evap with a fan and usually vaporise the entirety of extract around 100mg. While I haven't seen interstellar space travel from my methods due to poor source material, I have also not keeled over dead from metho poisoning. That's not to say I'm not doing any damage either - I don't get a chest x-ray after each session.

Strangely enough I actually have an old distillation rig, a big bag of glucose and various other things lying around from when housemates brothers friends were poor uni students. Now they just buy their alcohol. The thought of getting them to show me how to use it has crossed my mind but I always end up purchasing metho from the servo down the road.

As for the Corroboree, I post there about cultivation and avoid chemistry talk. Most threads I read (not ones I've posted in) seem to end in squabbling about some petty shit. Probably some scene bullshit I don't understand - but they seem helpful enough. My floribundas have just recently surpassed me in height.

Bob, I melodramatically pointed out the ingredient list of Diggers Metho as a 'worst case scenario' for other rookies like me Smile

I wanted to clarify 4 points.

1) A suggestion as to why you didnt die:
An extract from the PNG Poisons and Dangerous Substances Act 1952 states the definition of brucine poison:
Brucine in substances containing 0.2% or less of brucine except when used in concentrations of 0.02% or less for the denaturation of alcohol
. Might be Australia too.

2) I'm no chemist but Brucine (the dangerous ingredient) is an [alkaloid] like DMT...i.e. might not be defatted. NEN commented on experiments possibly/maybe suggesting that it doesn't migrate to the non polar solvent, make up your own mind.

Diggers listed the disclaimer for a reason. Having worked for large bureaucratic and incompetent companies I always take for granted that the disclaimer will eventually be cashed in when a bad HR decision results in a cowboy manager indirectly upping the Brucine content for god knows what reason and unbeknownst to you.

3) I did try the product of a Diggers Metho process and kicked some serious goals with no noticeable short term health impact BUT I will NEVER use this product again.

4) If you wish to distill your own alcohol for purity of which I'm sure you know is illegal, then you must purify it with a slow drip through charcoal. Even using a turbo yeast for the first part the drip alone will take days.

Have a nice day.
#774 Posted : 10/26/2012 1:19:28 PM

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thanks so much for all your contributions and wisdom nen.. i have learnt a lot from you in a lot of differen't aspects of plants and yes, i agree.. this is the number one place for up to date acacia info for sure. kudos my friend

someday maybe we can go for a bushwalk Smile
Major Tom
#775 Posted : 10/26/2012 9:02:30 PM
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Although off topic , any thoughts on 99.9% isopropyl alcohol ? It can be sourced for about the same cost as metho in Oz , if one looks around for it .
#776 Posted : 10/27/2012 1:27:37 AM
member for the trees

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..thanks for you responses pirateb0b and Borris..
and, yeah acacian, see you for that bushwalk..bring Seldom along too (& Growpen)..Smile

Major Tom, DO NOT USE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL under any circumstances! apart from not working very well, it is potentially quite harmful for you..

..meanwhile, back in South America..

..a little more on Paricá-branco [white Paricá] Acacia polyphylla, the Yopo alternative..

here is an excerpt from the reported bioassay of acombination of Macrocarpa and Acacia Polyphylla
from : http://rixonology.wo...shamanic-snuffs/
Then i went, macrocarpas first. Feel good hit… strong ‘jabbing’ on my eyes,
strong waves through my limbs. I felt as though I would melt like plastic.
A nice letargo follows with the usual abstract thought patterns and the
mild visions, which sometimes happen to bind to my imagination or to the
concepts that come to my mind… Very cool i thought, stronger than ever but not
really a breakthrough.
I’ve lost track of the time enjoying this like i never did (with yopo) and about
45 minutes after i took the macrocarpas i went to the bathroom and cleaned up my
nose and sinuses, getting ready to try the polyphyllas.
And so I did.
The usual heating and flashes were felt but it was somewhat less painful than
with macrocarpas. Soon a very pleasant letargo took over and i laid back in the
dark. By this time the imagery that was mild with the macrocarpas started to
fuse with the abstract ideas i was experiencing and it developed to the point i
started to see sequential slides of bizarre things. They were some kind of
machinery or industrial machines but they were too odd in appearance because
they would combine the most different designs together, some aerodynamic parts
like 50′s cars, wheels on one side and things like Greek columns in the other,
along with all sort of non related crap all around it. It’s hard to describe.
The slide sequence has finally subsided and at despite of my lack of thoughts
(typical) i was feeling very WOW!.
By then I’ve opened my eyes, feeling really tired all i wanted was to sleep, but
hey, very cool colored visuals with open eyes, specially in the darkest parts of
a dark room. Then i was suddenly hit by a strong feeling of presence. I am very
used to that,

..below, a few more South and Central American Acacia images..
1) Acacia polyphylla - cream variant ('blanco'Pleased, also has yellow varieties (see prev page).
2) Acacia aff. multijuga Meisn. - a yet to be named Brazillian species..
3) Acacia altiscandens Ducke - a very interesting acacia resembling some alkaloid sp. from Qld., Aus.
..and, at last..
4) Acacia olivensana G.P. Lewis = Acacia jurema ('Jurema Common'Pleased (or it's A. santossi, close relative) ..it was initially mis-identified as a Mimosa by the local botanists..
..so, a lot still awaits revelation in the land of the soulvine..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Acacia polyphylla - cream var..jpg (41kb) downloaded 627 time(s).
Acacia aff. multijuga Meisn..jpg (135kb) downloaded 632 time(s).
Acacia altiscandens Ducke.jpg (64kb) downloaded 631 time(s).
Acacia olivensana G.P. Lewis .jpg (1,145kb) downloaded 632 time(s).
#777 Posted : 10/27/2012 1:52:49 AM

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nen888 wrote:
..thanks for you responses pirateb0b and Borris..
and, yeah acacian, see you for that bushwalk..bring Seldom along too (& Growpen)..Smile

I'm in......Thumbs up
One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
#778 Posted : 10/27/2012 1:58:25 AM
member for the trees

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i'll be in touch via the 'usual channels'..Wut?

..and by the Way, african ground dwellers, i have new information that suggests that the honourable Sasha Shulgin did not mis-read papers with regards to DMT findings in african acacias..
so lets look at Acacia nilotica again..we know from Oliver-Bever [1986] that it contains 'tryptamine and harmane derivatives'..think about that 'wording'..and we know (search the INDEX on p.1) that the kenyan variety is orally active (and ceremonial)
..now, add to this the elusive Phlux-, who recently said:
i have had good success with a.nilotica lower trunk bark - id go for that over the leaves - and do a defat.
dont mix leaves and bark - for 2 reasons
firstly - it doesnt help the community - best to know which works
and leaves muck things up as they have chlorophyll etc...use the bark and grind it fine - u can go stb - xylene pulls - fasa salting or dlimo pulls fasi salting - maybe even fasw or vinegar salting for total yeild - incl n-oxides
then freebase - and re-x
..yes..Phlux- who had DMT-N-Oxide, and didn't want to tell us much more cause the taste was bad! Smile [see here]..
a lot of inside information going on..ha, ha..a suite of A. nilotica images from Kenya attached below..enjoy..Wink

..but first.. all of you who care about plants and ecology..
we need to band together to stop the kind of thing i'm sadly reporting again!

from a recent 'corroboree' forum thread, which i encourage you to read, entitled
"Who's Ring barked these Acacia Longifolia and Floribundas?" http://www.shaman-austra...ndex.php?showtopic=33417
I was out for a bushwalk today, basically a field trip by myself to learn how to identify Acacias.

I walked up a hill through some bushland I know of and came across a large amount of Acacia Longifolia and Acacia Floribunda. From what I've read they have a Low to Medium Tryptamine content.

Anyway to my question. Every other Acacia in the area was unharmed except for the A. Longifolia's and A. Floribunda's, they were all Ring barked down the bottom of the trees and look as though they've been sprayed with something coloured blue.

I have two theories on what's happened.

1. Someone has come and taken a small amount of bark from at least 20 of the trees for themselves.

2. The local council has decided to try and eradicate Tryptamine containing trees by Ringbarking and spraying a poisonous blue liquid on the exposed wood.

..so, there is something similar about the 'authorities' and greedy DMT-salespeople..
they're both agents of babylon..ignorant
nen888 attached the following image(s):
1990-07-acacia-nilotica.jpg (88kb) downloaded 562 time(s).
Acacia_nilotica_Ally.jpg (276kb) downloaded 562 time(s).
map to hidden treasure pt.1.gif (18kb) downloaded 561 time(s).
nilotica and friends in kenya ;).jpg (3,799kb) downloaded 550 time(s).
Major Tom
#779 Posted : 10/27/2012 3:23:00 AM
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Thanks for the alcohol info nen ; I was about to order some iso after reading the info on metho . Cost is an issue for me - vodka is too expensive for me to use regularly , but it sounds as if I will have to forgo food for a while ! Perhaps distilling metho before use ??
Major Tom
#780 Posted : 10/27/2012 11:34:47 AM
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As always , nen , you've called it right ... Today I filled a petri dish with Diggers metho , and evaporated it . There is a definite film of residue left behind . This is something I had never considered . I had always assumed metho was just de-natured with methanol only .Looks as if I will have to find something else ; or pay big bucks for " Pure Polish Spirit " ... [ and tighten my belt ] ....
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