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New members can now only PM moderators Options
The Traveler
#1 Posted : 10/22/2012 2:51:23 PM

"No, seriously"

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Hi all,

Due to an influx of complains from our members about getting weird PM's from new members, mostly about acquiring MHRB, RC's and even other substances, I have decided to give new members only the right to send PM's to moderators.

I hope that this new functionality will stop this influx of unwanted PM's.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

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#2 Posted : 10/22/2012 3:00:35 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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Interesting , I have never been bothered by anyone ever so I thought that this measure was already in place Smile

Now the Mods get all the PM's Shocked

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#3 Posted : 10/22/2012 4:12:29 PM

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PM to mod where can i get some 5-meo are mhrb <<< to mod are any other form of this == BAN <--Twisted Evil Google is your friendThumbs up


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#4 Posted : 10/22/2012 7:52:49 PM

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Probably no loss.

It seems like its been months since I had a genuine enquiry from a new enthusiastic extractor.

Nice going!
#5 Posted : 10/23/2012 7:04:52 PM

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soulfood wrote:
Probably no loss.

It seems like its been months since I had a genuine enquiry from a new enthusiastic extractor.

Nice going!

Is it? "Probably no loss", i mean. Has it got so bad that a form of communication has to be taken away? As a newb i used to love getting the odd personal message from others, for whatever reason.
I know the mhrb situation has gotten bad in the states but is there really an epidemic of raw material searchers. If so, isn"t that a good thing, they want to find a good supply to do their extractions like anyone else and start to join in the universal change that i certainly feel is coming. Granted some people may go about their search the wrong way. You can always give them a hint or just say look for yourself.
Or is it just a case of i"m alright jack pull up the ladder.
I am no longer a newb but i still feel a close kinship with them!Thumbs up
#6 Posted : 10/23/2012 7:57:02 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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I can not see anything wrong about this decision. I feel it is right. Take for example myself. I was not really bothered by others as I mentioned before but if someone comes to me, and asks me to give source of most powerful psychedelic on earth that is also class A drug, I will think at least twice about it.

I want to know that person before I do so because I want to know if this person knows what he or she is doing. I want to know if it is safe to give that information.

I believe that there is nothing wrong about asking to contribute to this community before you start taking. Write that introduction at least and talk to people around here. Try to be helpful and understanding, try to find out if this is the right place for you. And before you even notice you get promoted Smile . And then you can bother everyone Smile

No you can only bother The Traveler Very happy and the other gods Thumbs up and then you get a break from this forum for a while Sad

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
The Traveler
#7 Posted : 10/23/2012 9:19:02 PM

"No, seriously"

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hug46 wrote:

Is it? "Probably no loss", i mean. Has it got so bad that a form of communication has to be taken away? As a newb i used to love getting the odd personal message from others, for whatever reason.
I know the mhrb situation has gotten bad in the states but is there really an epidemic of raw material searchers. If so, isn"t that a good thing, they want to find a good supply to do their extractions like anyone else and start to join in the universal change that i certainly feel is coming. Granted some people may go about their search the wrong way. You can always give them a hint or just say look for yourself.
Or is it just a case of i"m alright jack pull up the ladder.
I am no longer a newb but i still feel a close kinship with them!Thumbs up

This was a quick fix to the situation.

In the future there will probably be an enhancement of this new rule, where new members can reply to PM's from full members, and maybe even be able to PM senior members.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#8 Posted : 10/23/2012 9:25:08 PM

Got Naloxone?

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This has already prevented a fascinating new member from PMing me. Oh well, no great loss I suppose.

So sorry to hear people have been plagued so much by this problem/these requests that this became necessary. Sign o' the changing times, eh?
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#9 Posted : 10/23/2012 10:57:04 PM

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It is a shame, and I did actually think about you hug46 when I initially saw this thread (I know hug46 offline for a good few years and we’ve chatted by PM about some things that may well have cluttered the forum). However there have been what I would say are major issues with the use of PMs for a long time. I seem to remember some time ago Pandora had a "I don’t answer PMs" message in her signature (am I remembering right?).

I’ve never had the random PMs issue but I have had some interesting conversation, and found it useful with a couple of friends that joined the forum one which really stands out is a new member who was kind enough to chat by PM about an question I had that never got answered on the forum.

I have no clue what any good course of action is though, I hope we can find a more flexible system in the future so we don’t lose too much valuable conversation and information.
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#10 Posted : 10/23/2012 11:23:52 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Sure did but it had an exception for New/Nursury/Welcome Area members. Let's just say I felt I was being harrassed at a time when I felt a door was shut on an issue. I wanted to make it clear my personal door for NON-TRANSPARENT discussion on topics at that time was closed, that is I insisted that any/all communication by any member ranked higher than New be in a very open area such as a forum post or chat so that all could equally and openly see.

That was history and is long over thus the note has been removed.

Please do remember folks, I have the so-called memory of an elephant. Go ahead and refer to things on any day I've been here from sign up onwards and I'll bet I can recall specifics of conversations and other things . . . .

Back to the topic at hand - so sad it has come to this. It really seems to be just one indicator of changing times in particular in the MHRB market availability drying up especially here in USA. This PAIRED with ever increasing public interest in DMT - I may be wrong but I believe The Spirit Molecule is STILL in the top 5 on Netflix. Interesting times ahead no doubt. . . . .

P.S.: Well, d*l*b - I guess we'll just have to invite these new folks to join us in chat. . . .
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#11 Posted : 10/24/2012 12:21:03 AM

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I wasn’t inferring anything by mentioning you except that there have been various long-running issues with using PMs, yours was just the main one that came to mind and I remember the notice in your sig.

Pandora wrote:
P.S.: Well, d*l*b - I guess we'll just have to invite these new folks to join us in chat. . . .

That was one of my thoughts as a possible solution too. It’d be good for more new members to use the chat. It sometimes gets a bit sparse when compared to the main area so that could help to remedy that too.
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Ice House
#12 Posted : 10/24/2012 1:54:35 AM

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Im cool with this, its good policy.

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
Leon Trout
#13 Posted : 10/24/2012 12:20:25 PM

when in doubt, twirl

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it shouldn't be that much of a problem, this new policy... i think i made 3 posts in the forums before i was promoted to full membership... wasn't much of a sacrifice at all to be able to access the whole community... if someone isn't willing to take a little time to get acquainted, well, that's their deal... when you enter a room you at least introduce yourself properly before pulling randoms to the side for conversation...

but at the same time, i think it would be cool if there were maybe be an option, in profile settings maybe, to "allow messages from new members"... that way it could be an individual decision... i, for one, don't mind receiving the random email from time to time... if it's just a leech trying to score an mhrb source, i'm always free to not answer...
spinning a set the stars through which the tattered tales of axis roll about the waxen wind of never set to motion in the unbecoming round about the reason hardly matters nor the wise through which the stars were set in spin...

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#14 Posted : 10/24/2012 4:14:56 PM

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I think this is a good idea considering the influx of new members asking unusually suspicious questions.

I recently received a PM from a new member with absolutely zero posts inquiring where he can buy crystal DMT.

Whats up with that?!
#15 Posted : 10/24/2012 5:01:45 PM

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this is a great idea.. really makes sense to have rule in effect
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#16 Posted : 10/24/2012 5:04:42 PM

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Dreamwalker wrote:
I recently received a PM from a new member with absolutely zero posts inquiring where he can buy crystal DMT.

There seems to be an influx of this kind of activity. Either stupid kids... or cops.

Be warned: if you entertain these kinds of requests you are putting yourself, and the forum, at risk.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#17 Posted : 10/24/2012 5:50:15 PM

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after some of the incredibly suspicious PM's i've received and heard about the past few months, i'm sad to say i'm all for this as well :[

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#18 Posted : 10/24/2012 6:32:08 PM

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Dreamwalker wrote:

I recently received a PM from a new member with absolutely zero posts inquiring where he can buy crystal DMT.

Whats up with that?!

I am totally with you on that score its a no brainer. I am not on a free dmt for all trip. I have learned that you have to treat all psyches with respect.
I guess its a case of the few (or quite a lot judging by the replies) spoiling it for others. When you have a bonus taken away from you for these reasons it hurts. But i guess, from what i can glean from your responses,yes it has got that bad!
I live in a country where i am not fluent in the local language so little snippets of communication in my native toungue , especially from clued up people are valuable to me. Having said that trying to put dmt into words for my French pals is doing wonders for my vocabulary, i have enough problems describing it in English Smile
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