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Entities of Hyperspace & The Nature of Duality Options
#1 Posted : 10/22/2012 2:13:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello Nexus!

I'm a new member, and have an intro essay I have written up called "Fire in the Soul" if you would like to read a bit about me. I am going to launch into a different type of discussion regarding DMT, and this could get a bit lengthy. I have been an independent researcher for 7 years in well over 50 different subjects. Due to my varied background, I am looking at the DMT mystery from many different angles. One of the perspectives I am looking at this through will be in this thread, and I may start up others if I feel so inspired. It would be great to get some feedback from some more experienced users of DMT, as I have limited but profound experience with it. Perhaps I shall start off with my most profound experience with it, as it is a great segue for this discussion.

In October of 2007, I had an encounter with ayahuasca without really knowing what I was getting myself into. I knew it had this stuff called "DMT" as one of the main active compounds, but I didn't really know too much about it. It was a VERY naive thing to do, but it happened the way it did for a reason, and my perspective on this wouldn't be what it is if it happened otherwise. My experience was pretty typical of a "full on" DMT experience. I went out of body once I closed my eyes, and I went to another realm which not only seemed strangely familiar, but seemed "more real" than my waking reality. I had a totally unexpected encounter with these entities that appear to reside in this realm that I went to. When I got away from the entities, and any outside influence, information just came POURING out from within me, and it was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

I was already an independent researcher for about 2 years at the time I had this experience, and the whole thing very much peaked my curiosity as the experience seemed to be of a whole other level than what I had previously experienced with psychedelic substances. I began doing research on DMT and found many things that surprised me. I found that explorers that had taken enough to have a "breakthrough" describe going out of body to a realm that "feels like you've been there many times before", and encountering different types of entities while journeying into this domain. One group of entities described by one explorer fit the EXACT description that I had for the ones I had encountered. This then raised a question that I'm sure is on many people's minds: Is the DMT realm a real place?

This is a question that is certainly not easy to answer, otherwise we'd be certain about it, now wouldn't we!? It is not as simple as being able to "prove" this realm is "real or not" using some "scientific equation" or something of that nature. We are obviously dealing with a phenomenon that exists outside of the scope of modern science, which only deals with reality in a purely materialistic, reductionist frame of perception. This is why it can be helpful to study things in the field of metaphysics and such, as it gives new models through which to examine these experiences. Some people occasionally have a very difficult time with these experiences and the insight/wisdom acquired in the process partially due to a belief in a purely physical reality system. If people were taught other models of science which encompass higher dimensional states, it wouldn't come as such a shock.

"Meta" is simply a Greek word meaning "beyond". So, "metaphysics" is often dealing with things that may exist beyond the scope of a physical matter based reality system. Implicit within a given metaphysical framework is the postulate of a higher dimensional network, which may (or may not) include many different "bands" or "frequencies" at which certain areas of non-physical space "vibrate" in resonance with each other according to certain thought patterns/expressions of energies, and may be fundamentally interconnected with each other via a "Consciousness Field" spanning the entire vibrational spectrum.

You could think of these higher states of vibration as higher densities. Such realms may (or may not) include such places as the ones journeyed to during OOBE's, whether achieved through psychedelics or otherwise. One of the main differences in the OOBE's produced by the psychedelics and the ones occurring without any external assistance is the overall state/rate of vibration in the realm one finds oneself in, thus affecting the intensity/quality/texture of the experience, as well as the rate & fashion in which one receives/produces information.

There has been quite a bit of interest in the whole realm of DMT and it's associated mysteries, happening in two main avenues. You have people like Strassman, the McKenna Brothers, Pinchbeck, Graham Hancock, etc., writing about this stuff in their books. You also have people who contribute to online discussions like this, offering their insight into the picture. I find that an overwhelming number of people who have used DMT would say that they are going to a real dimension, while a select few still have the "this is my brain on drugs" view, which is fine. But let's say, for the sake of this discussion, that the post-breakthrough DMT dimension is a real place; a sort of higher vibrational realm accessible through the use of DMT and possibly other means, where apparent entities of quite a variety appear to reside. There are many fascinating things here to consider and ponder...

I feel it would not be inappropriate to suggest that the DMT mystery is one that is as old as mankind. Given that it is ubiquitously present all throughout nature, and the abundance of the compound, I feel it is safe to say that we have had an intimate relationship with DMT throughout the course of history. People have likely known about it for much longer than what is actually recorded in history.

I'm very curious as to the real relationship between these entities that reside in this place, and the individuals who come into this place in one of their explorations. Have you ever encountered an entity that you felt knew everything about you, all of your ins and outs, every nuance of your personality? I know I'm not the only one! These beings appear to have the ability to scan the consciousness of those individuals they encounter, which should raise a lot of questions.

This realm appears to exist outside of the scope of what we perceive as "time". For all we know, these beings have access to information about the entire Earth's history. Some DMT explorers often report seeing things from ancient history, like hieroglyphs, ancient architecture, etc. I mean, these entities don't appear to be mortal or anything, thus would have all of eternity to learn everything about human culture. I'm very curious how many of these entities are just playing games with people.

Anybody who has either done serious explorations or serious research on the subject (or both) eventually encounters these entities, or information about them if you're researching this stuff. They appear to be of both Light and Dark polarity. You have some that appear to shower you with love and wisdom, and others that want to intimidate and manipulate you. I've encountered both personally. I'm just curious how many of these entities really have some kind of serious agenda, and what this may all be about.

I know that this isn't the appropriate place for a lengthy discussion for this, but I do feel it deserves mention given the context of the discussion: I have been involved in serious research regarding UFO's, ET's, and all of the accompanying baggage for the past 7 years, along with many other things. I've met contactees, abductees, people with real UFO sightings, etc. I'd be curious to know how many people here investigate all of that, because that stuff has very fascinating correlations with this DMT based research, specifically regarding these entities.

If these entities have some kind of agenda, I'd be very curious to know what that may be. If you think that the idea that they have an agenda is silly, that's perfectly fine, but ask yourself stuff like this: "Why do these entities keep on engaging with people and interacting with them in the ways that they do?" "Why do people have entities telling them things about reality, when they should really leave it up to the explorer to discover truth on his/her own?" "Why are the same entities showing up to completely different people?" "How do these beings know so much about us?"

To touch on that last question... If one considers the idea that people have been journeying to the DMT dimension for thousands of years, that implies that these beings have been having these encounters with people "playing tourist" in their realm for a VERY long time. How much might they know about us?

I personally do not necessarily subscribe to the idea that there is some kind of "agenda" or something of that nature going on with these beings. I am just willing to speculate the possibilities. I don't really see a lot of discussion about this. I know people certainly acknowledge these beings, but I don't see a whole lot of effort being made to understand what they are, and their intentions. I mean, it's pretty serious stuff. Some DMT explorers (to my surprise) have never had an encounter with these things. Others will know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

Here are some more questions that are really designed to get you to examine these issues in different ways. "How many seemingly Light polarity beings are really just actors putting on a show for the naive?" Think about it... "How often do entities show you what they feel you want to see, and tell you what they feel you want to hear?" I mean, they DO have they ability to know everything about you, so it seems. "Do Dark entities feed off of your fear?" "Do Light entities feed off of your willingness to submit to their teachings?" "Why do some of these encounters so closely resemble classic ET abduction/contact reports?" "So this entity you're talking to is from a higher realm/density. Is that really a reason to trust the information it gives?" "If you were an entity residing in a higher state of vibration for eons, how might you react to someone, whether a spiritual seeker or a thrill seeker, playing "tourist" in your domain?" "Might various higher dimensional beings behave differently depending on whether that being has incarnated in a body before or not?"

While I'm not looking for someone to answer all of these questions for me, you can certainly offer some input if you want. I'm doing this to generate discussion about this aspect of the DMT experience. I certainly have many opinions about this whole realm of stuff, but I'm more interested to hear what others have to say at this point. Do you guys think about this type of stuff much? Do you think about the fact that when you take DMT you are opening yourself up to all of these unknown influences? I'm certainly not suggesting you stop exploring or anything like that. I'm just curious how many people really think about what they may be opening themselves up to, and understand the various dynamics in play. I know that DMT explorers range a wide variety of people. Some are very well educated seekers, using alternative means of self exploration. Others are ill-informed teenagers or users of street drugs who treat DMT as if it were some drug. I think it is a gateway into other levels of reality, and is very serious stuff. The doorways this stuff opens are profound, indeed!

I look forward to hearing back from some explorers about their thoughts on the nature of these entities residing in the DMT realm! Thanks for reading!


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#2 Posted : 10/22/2012 2:54:41 PM

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In one of my many deep journeys I asked, what are you ?....
the response I received as clear as a bell was " Time before People" there's no way to be sure where that came from.
Through quite a few years of extensive experience with this stuff more an more it seems to be leaning toward entities that are beyond the self. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with this. I have had repeated encounters with the same kind of things for years now. They seem to join with our minds and want to connect deeper and deeper to us. The only agenda I suspect is a symbiotic, parasitic feeding on the energy of our consciousness. They are either very advanced form of energy being residing in the hyperspacial dimension or very highly evolved life forms that are beyond our present comprehension. There are moments where they feel like synthetic programs of sorts, automated data collectors if you will. I am dubious of any genuine detailed information received from these things. They don't use english, and for the most part the whole damn experience is un-englishable really. They seem to modulate your nervous system using some form of electrical energy.

I'm still at a loss to fully comprehend and understand what i've experienced. I think about it every day of my life. There are people more eloquent than I at explaining they're position on this. I expect some very lengthy opinions on this whole subject.
My own experience has been the duality of privilege and curse.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#3 Posted : 10/22/2012 7:53:38 PM

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Digital Machine
#4 Posted : 10/23/2012 9:08:52 AM


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I love your curiosity, and the questions you pose, I too have posed many of these and they been very much apart of my journeys and search. (sometimes I search too much, see one of my quotes below my post about asking why so much, or trying to seek an Akashic record of my past)

Are they real? Here is my account of questioning one such entity...For sake of brevity I will keep things short. I have done this before too but that would be a massive post because the answers I got rocked my world. This hits some of the topics you pointed too :

I once had an encounter with a Trixter type entity, he emanated laughter, delight, playfulness and fun. As we were having a good ol time I remembered my best friend saying "man come on its all in your head" (My friend hasn't done DMT btw). The instant I even thought that... the Entity stopped playing and got real serious. He emanated almost flabbergasted surprised dismay at how I could be in this place interacting with him and me thinking its just my imagination. He then emanated at me, English translation "WOW, you are REALLY a curious little thing aren't you? You are not here to have fun at all but get to business? Fine! Class starts NOW!" He proceeded to tell me that Time as we think it is, does not exist. He went on and on about time this, time that, illusion, existing all at once...etc, etc. He demonstrated with some insane show man ship how anything in this realm can be created by simply thinking it into existence. Sweet Jesus I won't forget that part it was amazing what it demonstrated. It then touched into me and start flowing what to me was head hurting insanity. Symbols,Numbers,Math,Imagery, Ideas so complicated insane it was either complete bullshit or a like a 5 year old being taught calculus. A few ideas stuck tho!
... like how rudimentary it is to do math in 2D left to right, why not do math in multiple directions all at the same time, or for that matter multiple dimensions.
... Imagine reading a book but instead of the book you look at one object and that object will morph into symbolic meaning and you can get the whole story by essence for simplicity sake only looking at one letter that will morph in front of you to display an entire book if you were to read. (but imagine if this object could convey more than a 2D letter but 3D, emotion...more. blahh. I can't can't describe this in English any more or the ideas.

.... You have a long post with no simple answers, to bad we couldn't hit up a bar and has discuss it over some drinks.Big grin

I think entities come in all types just like us. As Above so Below! They may be us, they may be real or some combination in-between. I think there are infinite levels of consciousness we are apart of "ONE" and separate from. There depths of good beyond all understanding and depths of Evil beyond all understanding and its all apart of existence that has always been and always will be. Scratch that because from what I have learned there is no/good evil there just IS.
“Accessing your existence before the current one is of no concern, all you need to know is open your Heart and just BE” - A loving Entity from a Breakthrough
“To question is good, but take delight in contentment as well, because always asking “WHY?” too much can create a feedback loop into madness.” - A concern Entity from a Pharma voyage.
#5 Posted : 10/23/2012 9:55:25 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I find all of this extreemly fascinating to read and consider. There is so much we don't know, can't prove and still left to discover. Everytime I come back to the DMT nexus, I find more interesting speculation and individual interpretations based on experiences with DMT. It has to be one of lifes most interesting phenomenum.

Whilst the original post concerns speculating on the possibilities, one thought that did enter my mind the other day - which I posted on the forum here: Poltergeist reference is what if everyone is destined to eventually pass on to the next realm, after our body administers that final DMT hit when we die. What if everyones consciousness does end up in the same sort of place eventually and that the entities users have encountered are just the evolution of a past human life as we know it now. Perhaps after an unknown amount of time (if it exists in that realm) the entities have forgotten what they were previously and are drawn to us because our life force is so strong as we dip our toes into they're realm - possibly because we represent a distant reminder of what they once were...

After watching the film Poltergeist (as mentioned in my post/link above) I found Tangina's explanation in the film to be very interesting, and an instant reminder of DMT:

"There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Carol Anne is not like those she's with. She is a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plain. They are attracted to the one thing about her that is different from themselves - her lifeforce. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It is a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures, something they desperately desire but can't have anymore. Right now, she's the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the real LIGHT that has finally come for them. You understand me? These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They're not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger in a perpetual dreamstate, a nightmare from which they can not awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plain. They must pass through this membrane where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies."

This definately makes me wonder about what comes next after life - and I am in no way a religious person, I'm just so curious about all the possibilities!
#6 Posted : 10/24/2012 3:22:04 AM

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Thanks to all who took the time to read what I wrote! Thanks to all who have shared their input! At the time I went in to reply to those who wrote, I noticed that I had 144 reads on this thread, which is peculiar to me due to the fact that I have reoccurring synchronicity with the number 144. Random, but true. Anyway...

@ Felnik - I am particularly intrigued by the statement you made in regard to these beings seeming like, "synthetic programs of sorts, automated data collectors if you will." Very curious as I have picked up on something similar in some of my explorations. I've felt like something was able to "record" my soul's vibrational signature somehow, and possibly was going to bring information about me somewhere. I know it sounds strange from a certain perspective, but it seems anything can happen over there. If there is some kind of "data collection" happening with some people who go, it certainly opens up many different possible scenarios as far as what that could all be about. Thanks for sharing!

@ mayaself - Very detailed account of your experience that you linked. Fascinating to read! I would be very discerning concerning entities that pose as your Higher Self. As I have spoken with people in my area about, your Higher Self will NOT interact with you during DMT experiences. I have heard of a number of people who think their Higher Self communicates directly to them in this state. They are having entities playing games with them. During our DMT experiences, as far as I've been able to determine, you are going out of body to somewhere in 5th density. Your Higher Self resides on the lower 6th density. If you have interaction with the Higher Self, it will take place in 6th density, and you will need no external aid like DMT to do so. Thanks again for the link!

@ Digital Machine - That you had an experience with an entity who appeared at first very positive, and you still are able to discern it as a "Trixter", says something about you. It shows that you seek to discern the experience rather than just taking it at face value. As far as the entity all of a sudden "shifting gears" and getting serious with you and giving you complex information, says something about the entities. They have many facets and aspects to their personalities, and can behave in many different ways. You have been very insightful! Thanks for the reply!

@ robdealer - Thank you for your interest! I'm glad you are interested in this type of discussion! Certainly a lot of food for thought on this whole forum... I'm quite impressed with it so far.
Soy sauce
#7 Posted : 10/24/2012 5:25:19 AM

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SoulFire wrote:

"Meta" is simply a Greek word meaning "beyond". So, "metaphysics" is often dealing with things that may exist beyond the scope of a physical matter based reality system. Implicit within a given metaphysical framework is the postulate of a higher dimensional network, which may (or may not) include many different "bands" or "frequencies" at which certain areas of non-physical space "vibrate" in resonance with each other according to certain thought patterns/expressions of energies, and may be fundamentally interconnected with each other via a "Consciousness Field" spanning the entire vibrational spectrum.

I think you mentioned something about the senses somewhere else in this post, but, this one paragraph got me. I like where you're going with the, metaphysics, and quantum physics.

I had a pretty deep experience last night, which, will take a little time before I fully grasp, and could write down. But, almost every time I go in, pretty deep, I always come out with one or two little clips of info, that seem, extremly important to me.

I've always had this weird little thing, where I'd usually predict the way something was going to go, or how a certain thing would be invented sometime soon, or, just something, in the future, that wouldn't be able to be truthfully predicted. I just, sort of, thought it'll happen. Knew.. it'll happen.

One peice, that isn't from last night, but another trip, was about yawns, and how this, this state of mind, this, under the influence type thing, was where they came from. Or, what they were for. Not to much rhyme or reason to it, I know, but.. something told it to me.

But, last nights, told me about the senses. And, that that's where all this really boils down to. Something about how the DMT completly consumes all of our senses, our normally used ones, at least. Feeling, touch, taste, sound, sight, ect. All of them. Totally engulfed by the dmt. And then, once you get a little bit more in, after everything's already being taken care of, occupied, it re-awakens another sense. Well.. maybe not another sense, but, it opens something up. It.. lets you see things, places, that we've "upgraded" from, according to the modern world. According to them, we're better than that stuff, better than that place. Under the influence of anything we say isn't ok, ISN'T OK. PERIOD.
Stay back.. this stuff opens doorways. To places we've yet to understand.

I've seen stuff around here before, saying mostly the same things, but.. it's now just dawned on me. And I feel the need to let this stuff out. To anybody willing to listen.

Basically, this dmt is re-awakening/re-activating something in us that we've lacked the use for for so long, that, we're almost afraid of. It's almost to amazing to comprehend. To beautiful to put into words. Something long forgotten, but all to familiar once you're there.
Strange stuff.. this dmt. Strange stuff indeed.
I'm truly grateful I've found it though. I feel like it's woken up parts of me I've un/intentionally shut off.
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna
#8 Posted : 10/24/2012 5:57:28 AM

Eye of the Beholder

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Somehow, the questions you are asking us to consider seem rather negative to me. I'm not saying we shouldn't ask such questions... but we should be cautious not to fall into fear-driven paradigms.

What if the Light entities are showing us what we want in order to please us and inspire us? What if the Dark entities are bringing up our fears in order to challenge us and make us grow? What if they ARE us?

Honnestly, I suspect the truth is a little bit harder to comprehend than anything we can come up with, and that it lies in between, and beyond, good and evil.
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

#9 Posted : 10/24/2012 7:24:49 AM

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@ ChaoticMethod - My brother and I were talking about exactly this yesterday, and he also thought that my some aspects of my perspective seemed a bit "negative", which is perfectly fine. Indeed I am bringing up aspects of the "Dark Side" of DMT, because as many explorers have said, "It's not all flowers and roses." You have a very valid point, Method.

The questions you pose are very valid as well. The more questions that are asked about this whole phenomenon, the more roads are paved to a potentially greater understanding of what we are dealing with. Thanks for your input!

#10 Posted : 10/24/2012 7:57:16 AM

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Soul fire,

I really appreciate this post and this is VERY similar, but a slightly different perspective to many of the questions and concerns I have about DMT journeying and experiences. With regards to your questions: from a shamanic perspective the beings are simply the ancestors. Whether this means ancestors specifically from planet Earth or others is open to interpretation, but it lends an explanation to WHY these beings seem to know you so well and WHY they seem so familiar. Also, if you have ever read much about energetic fields and ‘grids’ so to speak, some skilled energy workers can see peoples energetic bodies placed within a grid. What is behind them, or everything entering the back of them energetically is from the past or ancestral grid lines, and everything in front of them and coming out of the front of them is reaching towards the generations to come. From this place any energetic shifts or healing one goes through ripples out, so to speak to, affects, changes, and heals the lines of ancestral and future generational traumas or blockages. From this stand point it would also lend an explanation for why these entities/beings even have the initiative or interest into giving us information and help. Also, I would like to mention that this is just one perspective that I have collected from other healers and shamans and is not something that I believe to be FACT, just something thought and imagination provoking.

Also, with regards to the dualistic view of ‘light vs. dark’ beings it is important to realize that ‘dark’ beings only benefit from stagnation, they are not inherently ‘evil’, but rather they block or stunt natural flow and change. What is the easiest way to block natural flow of energy than to catalyze confusion. Light beings on the other hand are here as teachers. A really easy way to establish whether or not an entity is ‘light or dark’ is to simply as the question ‘Are you my teacher?’ And to create the intention to only connect and meet with beings of purest light consciousness and create a protective shield/container for yourself before your journey. What worries me a little bit more than the interaction with these entities at the time of the DMT experience, is if, when, and for how long certain entities can be hanging around an individual after the experience. Going into these different realities really opens one up in a really vulnerable way for spiritual intrusion….but that sounds more like a discussion for a different post. 

I hope this is a perspective that is intriguing and please let me know if any readers out there resonate with any of this.

I honor all of you that have the courage to dwell in these realms

many blessings,

#11 Posted : 10/24/2012 2:44:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SoulFire wrote:

@ Felnik - I am particularly intrigued by the statement you made in regard to these beings seeming like, "synthetic programs of sorts, automated data collectors if you will." Very curious as I have picked up on something similar in some of my explorations. I've felt like something was able to "record" my soul's vibrational signature somehow, and possibly was going to bring information about me somewhere. I know it sounds strange from a certain perspective, but it seems anything can happen over there. If there is some kind of "data collection" happening with some people who go, it certainly opens up many different possible scenarios as far as what that could all be about. Thanks for sharing!

While I do agree with Felnik, and have encountered many entities like this as well, I've also come across some that do not meet this description. They do not use telepathy to speak, they use sound. They don't use computeresque sequences of thoughts, or if it is English words - gibberish, but rather they speak in full English sentences with perfect grammar and real meaning. I'll give you an example. For about two years of adventuring, I had met many entities, but I hadn't met the elves that people speak so fondly of. Well this one elf (or maybe it's several) has been appearing more frequently in these past few weeks. He speaks in English using sound, with a distinctive and loud elf voice (whatever you imagine an elf sounds like, this guy sounds just like that), he speaks with perfect grammar, and it's not nonsense or scattered thoughts from earlier in the day or week or whatnot. He actually describes what's going on. He narrates things as they go by. These things are too complicated or beyond me for me to narrate what's going on, and for that reason seems less automated, and more like an authentic intelligence.


@ mayaself - Very detailed account of your experience that you linked. Fascinating to read! I would be very discerning concerning entities that pose as your Higher Self. As I have spoken with people in my area about, your Higher Self will NOT interact with you during DMT experiences. I have heard of a number of people who think their Higher Self communicates directly to them in this state. They are having entities playing games with them. During our DMT experiences, as far as I've been able to determine, you are going out of body to somewhere in 5th density. Your Higher Self resides on the lower 6th density. If you have interaction with the Higher Self, it will take place in 6th density, and you will need no external aid like DMT to do so. Thanks again for the link!

Who are these people who've spoken to, and what proof or credibility do they offer to substantiate such claims. I recall seeing information of this kind in the Ra transcripts in regards to the Higher Self residing in the sixth density and all that. But lemme ask you: let's just assume that it is true that the universe is arranged in densities as such, and that the Higher Self does in fact reside in the sixth density, even holding all those things as true, how can you make the leap to say that you don't interact with your Higher Self in these DMT experiences. Entities come in all sizes and shapes. There's such a variety to the experience, that anyone claiming that the entities can't be the Higher Self could very likely simply be lacking a particular DMT experience that would suggest otherwise. For example, while probably the majority of the entities I've encountered would seem to be lesser beings, there is one that stands out above all the others. It is incredibly more immense, magnificent, powerful, sacred, complex, etc...and is very much like the descriptions of the Higher Self. I would just like to know what information aside from pure speculation would say that such an entity isn't the Higher Self. I don't mean to come off aggressive, but you have some strong assertions you make without any disclaimers or proof.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#12 Posted : 10/24/2012 3:34:52 PM

Eye of the Beholder

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Last visit: 30-Apr-2014
Global wrote:
Who are these people who've spoken to, and what proof or credibility do they offer to substantiate such claims. I recall seeing information of this kind in the Ra transcripts in regards to the Higher Self residing in the sixth density and all that. But lemme ask you: let's just assume that it is true that the universe is arranged in densities as such, and that the Higher Self does in fact reside in the sixth density, even holding all those things as true, how can you make the leap to say that you don't interact with your Higher Self in these DMT experiences. Entities come in all sizes and shapes. There's such a variety to the experience, that anyone claiming that the entities can't be the Higher Self could very likely simply be lacking a particular DMT experience that would suggest otherwise. For example, while probably the majority of the entities I've encountered would seem to be lesser beings, there is one that stands out above all the others. It is incredibly more immense, magnificent, powerful, sacred, complex, etc...and is very much like the descriptions of the Higher Self. I would just like to know what information aside from pure speculation would say that such an entity isn't the Higher Self. I don't mean to come off aggressive, but you have some strong assertions you make without any disclaimers or proof.

I agree with this last point. It is also something that has bothered me a bit in your answer, SoulFire.

As Global says, there is a multitude of different DMT experiences. While some of them are related to "external" entities (elves, angels, aliens, call them what you want) some other phenomenons are of a very different nature. For example, there was this time where I became a node of energy, pulsing and sending/receiving signals to other nodes of energy... I was a point in the Nexus.

Juste because your interest lies mostly with the abduction phenomena (which is indead often part of the DMT experience) doesn't mean you can discard all the other phenomenons and possibilities.
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#13 Posted : 10/24/2012 11:21:12 PM

Wide eyed and hopeful

Posts: 492
Joined: 18-Sep-2012
Last visit: 02-May-2018
Location: Elysian Fields
Global wrote:


@ mayaself - Very detailed account of your experience that you linked. Fascinating to read! I would be very discerning concerning entities that pose as your Higher Self. As I have spoken with people in my area about, your Higher Self will NOT interact with you during DMT experiences. I have heard of a number of people who think their Higher Self communicates directly to them in this state. They are having entities playing games with them. During our DMT experiences, as far as I've been able to determine, you are going out of body to somewhere in 5th density. Your Higher Self resides on the lower 6th density. If you have interaction with the Higher Self, it will take place in 6th density, and you will need no external aid like DMT to do so. Thanks again for the link!

Who are these people who've spoken to, and what proof or credibility do they offer to substantiate such claims. I recall seeing information of this kind in the Ra transcripts in regards to the Higher Self residing in the sixth density and all that. But lemme ask you: let's just assume that it is true that the universe is arranged in densities as such, and that the Higher Self does in fact reside in the sixth density, even holding all those things as true, how can you make the leap to say that you don't interact with your Higher Self in these DMT experiences. Entities come in all sizes and shapes. There's such a variety to the experience, that anyone claiming that the entities can't be the Higher Self could very likely simply be lacking a particular DMT experience that would suggest otherwise. For example, while probably the majority of the entities I've encountered would seem to be lesser beings, there is one that stands out above all the others. It is incredibly more immense, magnificent, powerful, sacred, complex, etc...and is very much like the descriptions of the Higher Self. I would just like to know what information aside from pure speculation would say that such an entity isn't the Higher Self. I don't mean to come off aggressive, but you have some strong assertions you make without any disclaimers or proof.

I went into one of my early breakthrough attempts hoping/intending to "meet" my higher self, atman, whatever... I didn't, and now I'm glad. But I don't think it's for the reason Soulfire suggests. I think about the idea of the "higher self" in a different way now, and this video by Alan Watts pretty well sums it up.

I no longer see myself as both rider and horse. I am simply the horse, and only want to run free.

No direction but to follow what you know,
No direction but a faith in her decision,
No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
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