It is considered a third gender not a sexual orientation, I think two spirited people in native american culture are closer to what we call transgender and is just a bit unfair to consider gay or lesbian. They usually were healers or medicine workers. In Indonesia there are five genders. Gender is commonly viewed as a straight line male and female. In actuality it is an all encompassing circle with masculine women, feminine men and everywhere in between. The public opinion on the LGBTQA community in my part of the U.S. is sickening, but I have learned a valuable lesson, which is most of that is social programing and ignorance and most people here I used to consider bigots are just going through the motions, much fewer people than we think actually wish suffering on others with differences than meets the eye. We are becoming more accepting as a whole.
Thanks for touching on this Jamie, this is one of my favorite topics. I have lots of LGBTQ friends and I am intrigued by this.
Here is a link to the wiki about Indonesian gender, I read a fascinating book on it written by an anthropologist who lived with them.
BugisAlso the prophet Daniel of the Bible has been believed by scholars to be an Eunuch. A good writing on this can be found
Here as an answer on wiki answers.
Androgonous people are considered highly enlightened in many occult and esoteric beliefs structures.