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still seeking
#1 Posted : 10/16/2012 3:56:39 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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a friend of mine is currently depressed.
he has been aware of this for about a month.
he does not know what the underlying issue is,but it is there.
in the past he has done lsd,mushrooms,weed ect.

i think i read somewhere that dmt may help people with depression.
would it be advisable to offer my friend some dmt to smoke to try to help him overcome this.
i personally do not believe in big pharma and there products to help people with depression.

any advice would be most welcome.

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#2 Posted : 10/16/2012 4:03:32 PM

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Hi still seeking,

It is a hard and fast rule here at Nexus that we not give medical advice.

Having said that, I think many of us have had depressed friends or relatives and/or have felt low ourselves in the past at one time or another. General, empathic understanding and support without encouraging wallowing in the issues can go a long way. Also, normalizing options, such as suggesting that speaking to a counselor is a privelege and opportunity that should be grabbed whenever possible rather than seen as an indication of illness of malfunctioning.

In general, unless the situation is desperate, I tend to stay away from meds for times when I'm feeling low. Other than just maintaining my usual habits (for me that's cannabis and caffeine), time is usually my best medicine. The one (mildly) psychedelic that helped me personally during very low times was banisteriopsis caapi only ayahuasca brews. 50grams of vine only once a week worked wonders for my mood and digestion.

That and attention to things like diet and exercise. Getting out into the elements, walking a few miles, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, all of these things can help me when I'm feeling low. If it's a shared (grief) kind of thing, speaking with friends and family helps me too.

I certainly wish you and your friend the best still seeking and do hope that you will keep us posted. . . .
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#3 Posted : 10/16/2012 4:07:29 PM


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Hi still seeking,

I always hear that dmt boosts your emotions and using it while under depression can result in a bad trip. So I say wait until your friend is in a better state of mind. Just my point of view
#4 Posted : 10/16/2012 4:10:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'd have to agree with Pandora here. Having someone to talk to can go a long way for depression. Another good idea is healthy changes to lifestyle whether they be in your food choices, exercise or mental habits. Eating healthy and exercising daily is one of the best things someone can do for themselves. Perhaps reading a new book and getting a fresh perspective on life outside the typical dualist ways of thought. I know reading about Zen Buddhism helped me to understand the source of my depression and really helped me to touch it deeply.

Just being there for them can really be a plus. Listening to this friend can do wonders for their health. I wish him/her all the best in pulling through a tough time.
still seeking
#5 Posted : 10/16/2012 4:18:42 PM
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thanks guys.
this friend of mine is a avid walker(climbs mountains ect).
he very aware of where he is at.

but as many of people know when one is in a depressed state,you maybe aware of it but its still hard to get out of.

anyway he asked me about the spice i had extracted,but i said i would consult with you guys first and your advice.

he is a very empatic,spiritual person who has experienced both psychidelics and depression throughout his life.

thank you.
#6 Posted : 10/16/2012 6:19:18 PM

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Have you asked this person if they have tried meditation? You say they are unsure of the cause of their depression. I am sure through some deep introspection they will discover the source of their suffering. Even a good 10 minutes in the morning and at night can do wonders for understanding our suffering.
#7 Posted : 10/16/2012 7:47:54 PM

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Hi Still Seeking,

So sorry to hear about your friend. When it comes to depression, there really isn't a quick fix. I would suggest being a strong shoulder to be leaned upon. Let your friend know that you are there and will listen. Just having that support is huge.

Also try to get them out into the sun and get some exercise. Exercise will naturally release endorphines. That is the best natural way to boost their mood. Turning to mind altering substances really isn't the way to go.

Another idea would be to just have your friend sit and write out random thoughts that pop up in their head. No matter what the thoughts are or how stupid it feels. Have them do this for as long as they can stand it. This is a method therapist use to get at the root of the problem. When the writing session is done you can both go over the random thoughts and see if there are any clues to the core of their depression. As an outside observer, you could see things that they could not.

I hope this helps and your friend gets back to feeling "normal" soon. They are lucky to have a friend that cares as much as you seem to.
still seeking
#8 Posted : 10/17/2012 3:41:51 PM
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thanks guys and gals.
worked with my friend today and he seems to be much better.
although it is noticable he has lost weight.
everything you guys have suggested i will ask him if he is interested in.
thanks for the advice.
#9 Posted : 10/18/2012 2:41:18 AM
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Meditation is truly a wonderful way to alleviate stress and depression. Water meditation helps me quite a bit. A lake or sea's embrace while your thoughts and natural energies just flow like clouds can be quite helpful. Also watching what you eat or fasting may help. Most importantly your benevolent support and understanding will be most healing.
#10 Posted : 10/18/2012 2:49:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I dosed a close friend of mine that has been instantly depressed for a very long time. His outlook on life is negative and he has a difficult time finding motivation to over come his issues.

Now, I'm not advising anyone to do this but...

I dosed him a 15 then a 20mg dose. Both times he had an amazing experience and laughed hysterically while he was under. I plan on dosing him more in the near future. Everyone is different and it's important to use critical thinking when giving anyone psychedelics. My gf also has deep rooted depression issues and has had amazing experiences. Although, these experiences did not "fix" anything. Lasting effect will come with hard work on there own time.
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