HELLO Nexus!
I have been following discussions for awhile now, just lurking about and have decided to join and share some of my experiences and opinions with all you out there
A little about me, well name is Thomas
I have had a short life so far jam packed full of experiences that have changed me and my surroundings for the better. im always out to help people who want to be helped, and want to find the greater person in themselves.
i picture can say a thousand words and more, it can express emotions and experiences. this is why i LOVE art, every form of art. i also found drugs can alter art incredibly and love how it changed my art as years went pass.
now a little more about the drugs...
I first tried magic mushrooms at a younger age and took a shine to the effects, i wanted to take more, i wanted to know more about them and i wanted to experience more. I DID THIS. After sharing this with friends around me i got interested in other drugs out there aswel, soon after this i tried LSD and was amazed ! shortly after tried ecstasy, meth and a few handfulls of Research Chemicals. (salvia divinorum aswel)
LSD was me. I enjoyed this the most, felt as tho i learnt the most from my time on it. (also had a good source at a young age
) after being with people like minded and become close friends with some these people i soon learnt about DMT. or should i say i was educated on what DMT is.
After much study on DMT and learning the most i could about this amazing DMT. Listing to TOOL (a fav band), trolling through the web and underweb, watching films such as Enter the Void and The Spirit Molecule. i was lucky to have a close friend that could inform me and answer many questions on this topic for me. After watching the extraction and asking a billion questions helping where i could, i was blessed with being able to try the final product. DMT.
After this experience wel, after a few travels, i had to share this knowledge with others and had to know more about this.
since my first DMT travel, i had smoked it in a few different forms at separate times. having small and large doses from solid spiritual visuals to falling over the edge to the other side. Mushrooms, LSD and DMT have brought me closer to nature in ways of personal interest aswel as spiritually closer. i feel if i hadnt had these experences i would not be the person i am today .
i feel i have much more to learn and hope that Nexus is a place i could learn far more.