So I am new to DMT and have only traveled in 4 times now and the first two experiences were great what is bothering me now is the last 2 times I have traveled in I have had a purging experience.
My first purge i didnt really seem to have an experience i can call upon. I smoked, walked around a little sat down and then just purged what looked like ghostly matter or goo with a face in it that tried talking to me, but I didnt want to talk to it and then spider webs covered the bucket and I was out of the trip. After the trip I have never felt so relieved and relaxed it made me excited to go in again a few weeks later.
My second purge happened a few days ago and it was strange. My trip started good and then went into that i can only define as a "bad" trip though I feel like the experience was positive. What was strange about the second purge is while in the trip i walked around and eventually felt like i was living Day javu of the first purging experience. I felt like everything that was happening during my second purging trip was the exact way it went through my first one and I felt like it had happened millions of times before. I ended up sitting in the same spot outside and proceeded to what i thought was throwing up, when I was done purging I felt like I had just got done with the worse flu of my life and just like the first time nothing but spit came out. After I sat there staring at the ground for 5 minutes very aware of everything around me, but not at all concerned with it. While staring at the ground i had reality on the left side of my peripheral vision and then whatever the DMT was trying to show me on my right side, in the middle was the bucket i had just purged in and after that 5 minutes was up I was out of the trip.
Both experiences have left me in a better state of mind and I feel better about life, I was just wondering if anyone else had any similar experiences with purging? or any experience with purging, I kind of want to do DMT again, but I dont want to purge again. While afterwards I feel better, the act of purging isnt much fun and I want to see what else these experiences have to show me.
Any advice/input/ comments/ and shared storries are appreciated