Hey guys,
I've been a casual visitor to this site for a long time, but just now have made an account. I noticed I can't seem to post in other forums for some reason so I'm posting here.
I just tried DMT for the first time, and would like some feedback on my method/experience. So I smoked what my friend eyeballed as "a lot" of dmt, or a strong dose, out of a bowl, layered between weed. The first hit tasted like buds, but the second, third, and fourth tasted like dmt, which is an interesting, but not unpleasant taste. I would say by the time I was two hits in I started to feel very "dreamy". I have much experience with lucid dreaming, and it felt VERY much like I was looking at the world through my dreaming eyes. Vivid, yet mystically unreal. There was moderate intensification of colors, and a sort of vibrating fogginess seemed to veil over my field of vision, but no distinct visuals ensued. I felt a very great urge to simply relax. I was sitting cross-legged against a tree, and I relaxed into a meditation and shut my eyes. I was feeling the effects rise rapidly in intensity, and had the intuitive knowledge that if it kept going, the whole of my reality, and my perception would be shattered. It came very near that point, and that is where it peaked. My eyes remained closed, and I simply remember experiencing feelings and perceptions that make absolutely no sense. It was very hard to integrate those feelings, so they are now mostly lost on me. I do recall seeing non-vivid, dream-like images of ordinary things. This lasted for a while, as I was experiencing what I believe to be the deepest and most relaxing meditation I've ever experienced. It wasn't too intense for me, and wasn't scary. It wasn't "neutral, but interesting" like many say. At least at the dose I received, it was a very pleasant experience.
Now, I've heard that a bowl is not a proper way to smoke dmt, and that vaporizing with a crack pipe kind of thing is the way to go, but exactly how wasteful is my method? Based on the description of my experience, how much do you think I really got in milligrams? Is it safe to say that I didn't break through, then?