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DMT- In The Dark... Options
#1 Posted : 10/13/2012 5:51:47 AM

Paradox Entity

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What are your experiences?
How often do you try it with the absence of light?
Preferred Or Not?
I've only had 2 experiences in complete blackness and i can definitely say the end of the trip is just as alien as the trip itself imo.
By the "end" i mean returning to consciousness.
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#2 Posted : 10/13/2012 6:37:51 AM
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I used to ALWAYS go in the dark, only of late have I been doing so in some light, and unless I saw this thread, i wouldn't be prompted to do what i actually do prefer. The darkness.
Any why, for me a trip can be held back when open eyed and your inanimate objects in your surroundings start morphing all over the place and you get fixated on it as opposed to where I believe the real magic occurs, with your eyes closed.
When in darkness and in the 'her' grasp the difference between closed eyes and open is very minimal, and many times towards 'the end' I have become conscious that it was time to open my eyes, only to realize they already were.
"We'll sit quiet, be alert, pay attention to you, be available, hold good thoughts and feelings for you. If you need human contact, just put out your hand and somebody will take it. If you lose control, we're here to help. Otherwise, this is your experience, not ours. Your pretty much on your own."
#3 Posted : 10/13/2012 8:13:15 AM

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Darkness all the way. I bought some blackout fabric which Velcros perfectly over my window and another piece which goes over my door, it makes my room pitch black.

I agree with Vito, I think that it is the darkness that allows the magic to come to the forefront, especially when it is combined with complete silence.

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#4 Posted : 10/13/2012 9:22:11 AM

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I found using a blacklight beneficial. It gives off enough light so when you come back your not stumbling around, it also looks pretty cool when you first open your eyes, and you can turn off the regular lights before you start hitting it. I've done complete darkness as well as dim lighting and I prefer using the blacklight.

I also use a beanie that I pull over my eyes as soon as I set my piece down on my nightstand.
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#5 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:33:25 AM

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when I really breakthrough it doesn't really make any difference. I'm completely transported to something beyond my imagination. I broke through a little while ago. I split in half. I saw part of me walk one way, and the other part of me the other. Then I opened my mouth and collapsed into myself. Its so beyond words. It reminds me of the game Portal. I fall through different dimensions...collapse into other worlds etc.see part of me in other portals etc. Its so amazing. WOW!! a lot of time though I become many selves at once. Its such a revelation every time. Im seeing things that arent influenced by anything Ive ever seen in this life. Where is this coming from?

I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#6 Posted : 10/13/2012 8:17:54 PM

Paradox Entity

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Awesome... usually when i come down into the dark again, I have a good physical memory and have walked in from my car at night without hitting a single object, or put things in their proper place without really having to search. I had a trip in my car (Parked and Garaged) last night in low lighting and very loud music was one of my best experiences so far. I've had one bad experience in the dark earlier on which was an ego conflict. And one other trip where i encountered these really depressed black beings that seemed to emulate loneliness.
I will definitely continue my own in the dark experiences.

Thx for the replies, i hope we can see more haha.
The Code Was Written In Blood
When the People Fear the Government there is Tyranny, When the Government Fears the People there is Liberty Thomas Jefferson
#7 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:02:46 PM

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I definitely prefer darkness or very low light. These visions seem to be deep and full of deeply saturated colors, deep tones of purple, blue, green, red, etc.

I find that using a lot of light and/or doing it in sunlight brings out fantastic orange tones, quite unmistakeable.

Also when I do it outside my visions are frequently outside, such as on hilltops, etc. But, when I do it indoors, I wind up in buildings, domes or warehouses. . .
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#8 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:17:46 PM

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I simply place a candle light right behind my little buddha, and burn some palo santo on his lap. That little dancing spotlight outlining the figure, and the minimal cinder glow from the wood, are all i need for meditation before spice. But i always close my eyes after inhaling deep, and stay that way. Even a plain candle will fill the room with shine and dazzle if i keep my eyes open.

I like to dive within, all the way. Darkness or quasi-darkness is essential for me atm. If i open my eyes for a few seconds, i do it like a diver that surfaces to catch a breath, only so i can slide inside again.
#9 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:33:33 PM


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Pandora wrote:
I definitely prefer darkness or very low light. These visions seem to be deep and full of deeply saturated colors, deep tones of purple, blue, green, red, etc.

I find that using a lot of light and/or doing it in sunlight brings out fantastic orange tones, quite unmistakeable.

Same, I enjoy pitch black because it makes the colors stand out, I also find that it makes the visions more geometric and hard edged rather than the fluid visuals I get when there is a bit of light.

I have come to like mixing it up by vaping with a light on but covering my closed eyes with my hands for the majority of the experience and as it tapers off I pull my hands off, but keep my eyes closed to get much different fluid orange and red visuals, then finally I open my eyes and watch the color shift of my room as I get back to baseline.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#10 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:47:38 PM

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I also prefer darkness or very low light with almost any and all entheogens.

The less external stimuli, the more the internal experience can envelop your consciousness.
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#11 Posted : 10/13/2012 10:58:20 PM

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I just bought the mindfold mask by alex grey. Good for if you're outside and want complete darkness, even when your eyes are open. Good sensory deprivation IMO. I can get in deep states of awareness just putting this on and listening to music or working out. I guess I'm playing out all those fantasies of being blind sometimes Pleased

Crazy hippie mofo with it on Laughing :

#12 Posted : 10/13/2012 11:12:45 PM

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I guess I'm gonna have to say the opposite for myself. I prefer well-lit areas. I've done it in the dark a couple of times, and I like it for its own reasons, but I have a lot of trouble seeing the details in my vision. I don't know, maybe it's just me, or maybe I just haven't had that "right" breakthrough in the dark yet.
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#13 Posted : 10/14/2012 10:08:55 AM

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Global wrote:
I guess I'm gonna have to say the opposite for myself. I prefer well-lit areas. I've done it in the dark a couple of times, and I like it for its own reasons, but I have a lot of trouble seeing the details in my vision. I don't know, maybe it's just me, or maybe I just haven't had that "right" breakthrough in the dark yet.

My experiences and preferences parallel global's.

I had never thought of pitch black until I saw this thread a few days ago.
I Tried it tonight. It was confusing, completely neon and too much too fast.

I prefer going between eyes open and closed if I'm conscious enough to think that.

I think the best light is full-moon-light for night experiences.
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