Hello guys.
I'm hoping to perform my first extraction soon and the tek I intend to use is found here:
http://www.psychonaut.co...t-easy-low-cost-way.htmlAs mimosa is unavailable to me (I live in the UK where I believe it is banned?) I intend to use acacia confusa.
I was wondering if there was a significant difference in the DMT levels present between the root and the bark of the plant. I understand that bark is more sustainable so is of course the more ethical option.
Also, If anyone can recommend a cheaper setup then I would be very thankful
My priorites are
1) Purity and minimalisation of toxins
2) cost (secondary but I don't have much to spend :/ )
3) a good yield
4) I would like to find a procedure where Little can go wrong as this is, of course, my first time.
Cheers all, Jim