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Salvia trip gone very very wrong Options
#1 Posted : 10/10/2012 4:22:42 AM
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Hello y'all, first time post here. I'd like to share my recent (30 minutes ago) salvia trip with you guys. I've done it a couple times in the past, low strength I'm assuming. I'm from St. Louis Missouri but am stationed in Texas for a while, living out of a hotel roo
and salvia is legal here so I decided to give it a go. When in Rome right?
I purchased a bag of 80x earlier today and had takin a couple puffs to get an idea of the strength with good results. Well tonight, I packed a full bowl and ripped away. Almost immediately the room starts compressing. It was being Smashed through by what seemed like a gigantic aluminum bottle top, ridges on the edges. In my head I could make no connection that all this was happening due to the salvia. It seemed like an Apocalyptic scenerio, and in a panic I ran to the bathroom, looking for a way to escape. I swear there were other people also trying to escape but that *may* have been me seeing myself in the multiple mirrors in the room. I end up in the hallway, running around frantically, in my effin boxers. By the time I come to I see a guy who's also staying in the hotel with me for work. Still being under it, I ask Him "what the f- is going on" and I probably scared the shit out of him by my behavior. So he runs to The main desk to get me a new room key as I had ran out of the room without it. He thought I was just very drunk, but as I was coming to a kind of explained what happened and agreed to keep it between us.

Never in my life have I been so terrified for my life. It literally seemed like the room was being crushed and I can even remember seeing, hearing people smashed in the rubble. I'm now sitting in my room with a very banged up knee and my jaw definitely took an impact somewhere. It was so embarrasing having him find me, confused in the hallway in my boxers but thank god that he did, who knows where I could have ended up or what I might have done in a panic.

Anyone else have an experience like this? I've had plenty of LSD, dmt and mushroom trips but never,never anything like this. I'm
Still pretty shaken up. First thing I did once back in the room is flush all the salvia down the toilet. Never again.

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#2 Posted : 10/10/2012 4:59:24 AM
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It seems intense but with your experience I would think that you would have seen more intense experience. The most intense experiences are out of body experiences, and I don't think you had one.

I have had multiple OOB experiences with salvia. Yes they were very terrifying, both mentally and physically. I wasn't very experienced in psychedelics so this may have been a bad decision on my part, but I still won't do it again.

Salvia is the black sheep of the psychedelic world IMO, I wouldn't recommend it except if at low doses you and your friends want a laugh.
#3 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:02:35 AM

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I'm still trying to figure why in the world you didn't have a sober sitter? What you did is the same reason why salvia is becoming illegal in multiple places, IMO.

Did you not know that this kind of thing could happen?
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#4 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:26:19 AM

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Kool hahaha
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#5 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:49:32 AM

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80x is extreme overkill. quidding plain leaf is a much nicer way to go for the most part imo

i think the main reason people have bad trips with salvia is because they are smoking way way too potent of extracts, not to mention in often a sketchy set/setting. there is a very fine line between a positive and negative salvia trip and it can hinge on even the smallest kinks in a set/setting, i find. In silent darkness in a bed gently going into it with plain leaf is much better. quidding even moreso

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#6 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:57:08 AM
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I agree with you guys, pretty irresponsible of me. I've had previous experience and considered myself "seasoned" but this was just too much. If I wasn't living out of a hotel room by myself for the month I would have had someone with me.
I wish I could have had an oobe, maybe I would have stayed in one place. I had a couple puffs earlier in the day and was pretty out there, but nothing like this. I was nearly 100% blacked out, I am now able to piece everything together. I had the tv on, I think a sound or image must have triggered all this.
If anything this experience has been humbling, I was trying to break through, trying to learn something. I have seriously never been more afraid for my life. Maybe that's what I learned. I remember getting back to my room and just being thankful what I was seeing/feeling was NOT real. But boy, did it ever seem real.
#7 Posted : 10/10/2012 5:59:04 AM
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As far as strength goes, I knew the 80 was strong strong stuff. I wanted less but that's all I was able to find. Shoulda known better.

Edit: I do have to laugh in retrospect. I thought I would almost for sure die, with the room(whole building for all I knew) collapsing. What I really wanted was an oob experience, letting go of my ego and it appears what I got was the opposite.
#8 Posted : 10/10/2012 3:24:43 PM

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Hi Openbook,
I´m sorry you had such a bad experience.

jesus9112 wrote:
...Salvia is the black sheep of the psychedelic world IMO, I wouldn't recommend it except if at low doses...

I have had some nice and very interesting experience with Salvia. I need to stress that I only "chew" plain leaves, and I would never consider smoking any extract, or "enhanced" leaf, stronger than 10x or so.

Chewing plain leaves can take you pretty deep and far out there, yet it still preserves the "gentle" and "caring" feeling Salvia Divinorum offers. This is actually why I would recommend plain leaves of Salvia as a psychedelic for ´beginners´... (but definitely not some crazy 100x extract; Salvinorin can be quite overwhelming at 1mg!)

Openbook: if you would ever consider giving Salvia another try, I would suggest going for plain leaves, or weaker extracts Wink
#9 Posted : 10/10/2012 10:32:01 PM
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Yeah I knew the 80 was strong but good god. I almost wish I hadn't flushed the bag, the visuals were so intense and it was so real, with some practice I definitely could've broken through
#10 Posted : 10/10/2012 10:48:57 PM

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Yup, that sounds about right.

Salvia, to me, is the deep end of psychedelic experience, or maybe human experience period. I had an OOBE on it five years ago that haunted me for a long time, and it still gives me shivers when I think about it. That was from 5x, I can't even fathom 80x. It would probably cause me to black out.

But that's me, it's not my place to say, "Don't do it," just, "Go carefully." Cool

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#11 Posted : 10/10/2012 11:17:49 PM

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Simply making 80x for general consumption seems irresponsible to me.
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#12 Posted : 10/10/2012 11:50:36 PM

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In 2001 I met a young homeless kid in Arcata, CA. I invited him home for a warm meal, shower, new socks etc. I notice that the only possession he had was a small plant in a clay pot. After eating dinner I ask him about his plant. He tells me its this mint herb and that it you can smoke it and get high.

I had never heard of salvia , so after clearing the bong I quickly collapsed to the ground and forgot who/what I was. Complete ego dissolution.

I haven't had any interest in trying it again since. Before this experience I had tried dmt, LSD, shrooms etc. something about salvia didn't settle with me. It felt like bad "juju" or sorcery, like datura or something.

Is salvia worth exploring?
I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#13 Posted : 10/11/2012 12:02:35 AM

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RayTracer wrote:

I haven't had any interest in trying it again since. Before this experience I had tried dmt, LSD, shrooms etc. something about salvia didn't settle with me. It felt like bad "juju" or sorcery, like datura or something.

Is salvia worth exploring?

I spent quite a bit of time exploring with salvia. It is for sure a very powerful psychedelic. My theory is that the plant has developed a defensive mechanism that when animals eat it, they think they are dying by the way it shuts down neuro-transmiters. Thats just my theory.
Any time I smoke a good hit of salvia I feel like I am going down the rabbit hole, like my life energy is being shut down. It can be just unbelievably powerful. So yes, I think its worth exploring but only wisely and respectfully using very small amounts initially. I started with 5x and had a great time slowly discovering the salvia visions.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#14 Posted : 10/11/2012 12:33:44 AM

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I might have to look into it. I wonder if this guys homegrown stuff was stronger than normal? It seems like salvia has a strong effect on the amygdalla.

After watching people on YouTube have very similar experiences to me I just assumed that salvia wasn't meant to be for me.

I've broke through on DMT quite a few times, and even after my ego was dissolved into a million little pieces I felt home...in Heavan, back to the source. Salvia freaked me out in a yucky bad way.

I guess we are all unique. To each his own. Live and let live.

I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#15 Posted : 10/11/2012 12:43:50 AM

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Openbook wrote:
I agree with you guys, pretty irresponsible of me. I've had previous experience and considered myself "seasoned" but this was just too much. If I wasn't living out of a hotel room by myself for the month I would have had someone with me.
I wish I could have had an oobe, maybe I would have stayed in one place. I had a couple puffs earlier in the day and was pretty out there, but nothing like this. I was nearly 100% blacked out, I am now able to piece everything together. I had the tv on, I think a sound or image must have triggered all this.
If anything this experience has been humbling, I was trying to break through, trying to learn something. I have seriously never been more afraid for my life. Maybe that's what I learned. I remember getting back to my room and just being thankful what I was seeing/feeling was NOT real. But boy, did it ever seem real.

Have you done DMT, or rather has DMT ever done you? If so, have you ever broke through? Did it scare you?

Terrence says if a drug doesn't terrify you it's not worth doing. I'm not gonna elaborate on that, but I'm pretty sure I know what he was getting at.

These aren't superficial substances, that's for sure. We should all treat these entheogens with a lot of reverence. Why are we doing them, what is it we expect to gain? That being said, I had a really bad experience on salvia and haven't been back.
Maybe I wasn't respectful....in fact I know I wasn't.

This medicine will stuff humble pie down your throat if you don't respect it!
I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#16 Posted : 10/11/2012 12:59:20 AM
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I have a handful of times, nothing break through however. My most comfortable, eye opening experience was when I was peaking on LSD and took a hit. That was something else, very comfortable. Dmt seems to be rather exotic and hard to come by in my crowd. Guess I don't know the right people. I had done salvia in the past and it was at the time the most intense experience I've had. This Time it one upped itself. I'm still piecing together my experience it seems like a LOT had happened in the 15 or so minutes I was blacked out. I almost wish I hadn't flushed all of it. Rash decision for sure, I just wanted nothing to do with it at the time. I'm pretty bruised up from the experience, I'm lucky I didn't break anything, hurt myself or even worse someone else.
#17 Posted : 10/11/2012 2:10:09 AM

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For reasons I won't get into here, it’s very unlikely that any commercially available extract labeled as 80X is actually 80X.

If it was legitimate 80X, a moderately strong dose would be 5mg. You say you “packed a full bowl”, and since you were still aware of your immediate surroundings, my guess is that the actual strength was closer to 5X or less.

Anyhow, welcome to the world of salvia.
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#18 Posted : 10/11/2012 3:49:05 AM
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Well, full bowl in a small pipe. Hard to measure. As far as aware of my immediate surroundings.. That's questionable. The more I think about it the More I remember. The corner of my room was bent smashed in, by what seemed like a Machine of sorts. The machine was getting closer and closer to smashing me a d my first reaction. Was to try to push back, on the wall I'm assuming. The machine was ever changing, I felt like I had to jump through holes in the "cookie cutter" to avoid being destroyed. I swear I was witnessing people, women, children being destroyed by this thing. In a panic trying to escape I ran to the bathroom. Maybe these other people I saw were on the tv or myself in the mirror. The whole trip was very alien-ish and oddly enough had some kind of Disney theme?? Like a killing machine disguised as a toy or a game. I know my story is changing a little but I posted this immediately after it happened and I'm remembering more about it with time.
In my head I was convinced that there was some kind of "invasion" and "they" where strategically smashing the building in patterns, letting only crafty people through. I was by myself but I swear I was with others trying to escape. This machine was intricate, ever adapting and almost formless. I don't know what's scarier: what I saw or the fact that I was able to think up something like this.

I'm still in complete awe of what I witnessed. In my head I felt completely sober, I even remember thinking to myself "this shit would go down right after I smoked this stuff" that should have been my red flag for it not being real but I wasn't able to rationalize that.
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