So, you just vaped some spice, and, yet again, your mind was blown. It was later on in the eve, so, an hour or two after, you went to sleep.
Wake up the next day, and here and there, throughout the day, you get a random, whiff(?), smell(?), taste even(?), of spice.
I smoalked a little bit last night, and this morning, I had, what I think you guys call, the dmt flu. All congested, felt pretty drowsy. After an hour or so, I'm totally fine now. But, I'm still getting these slight spice odors through the day. In random places too. Where I know it wouldn't be.
This stuff normal? Or, sort of normal? Or.. you know, has it happened to anybody else before?
Every time I've vaped it, not the first few test runs, where I ended up burning(that.. was horrid), but, every other 'correct' time, I've tasted/smelled spice throughout the following day. Maybe just a few seconds of it here, and then again a few hours later. Nothing crazy. Just little hints.
Super Radical wrote:Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.
It's more special that way.
'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna