About 4 months ago I was given smokable dmt for my birthday. Nervous about the drug itself I did not hold the smoke in because I was nervous. I never got the "hyperspace" effect. Just the common patterns and being in a massive dome room with a floating pattern aabove me. Anyways.
Givng much interest in this drug, I have been extremely moved by dmt experience, particularly, ayahausca. The first thing that drew me to ayahuasca was the easier availability thn smokable dmt. So, I did tons of more research as to how to make the brew. Ordering materials from a popular extractum website, I continued my research on ayahuasca experiences and safety information. A week later after ordering I got the plant materials. 224g of caapi vine, and 125 g MHRB.
I wasted no time in preparing the brew. The first time making this stuff was pretty hard for somereason. But making 2 batches for my friend and I we went to my girlfriends living room. we sat on a big couch and drank it very slowly. My friend was smart and layed down when the nausea set in. I for some reason sat up. Thought I could hold it. But I couldnt hold it in. I lost the trip. And because we had a watery batch, it didnt kick in for a while for my friend.
Disapointed in a long awaited experience, I was set on making another batch the next day. As i did. Went to my room in my moms house proceeded to drink the ayahuasca. Again having a watery batch, it took a while to take effect.
I was in an empty void, of sorrow, dispair, and disapointment. Feline creatures that stood upright were intimidating me. (But it wasnt like i left my body to journey a distant planet.) It was like they were coming to me. Tons of feline creatures, all alienlike. all having different distinguishing features. Some muscular and being padded with armor. and little lion cubs, lioness amozon.... FELINES. Anyways I was very intimidated, and very scared. But i knew i just had to take it. And then all of a sudden a large radiant human like entity (somewhat like the blue guy from WATCHMEN) but more yellow was above me. And he said to me "Everything will be alright" And all ofa uddenmy fear subsided and it was an overwhelming lvin feeling. I started crying and strted feeling supper happy. Small euphoric hallucinations proceeded afterwords.then i went to sleep.
Anxious to start the day with my "new ways" I woke up not feeling connected with the nights befores experience. I felt like as if it didnt happen. It felt like all the expreience was for me was a story to give my friends.
About month later, I ran into an old friend, and he was interested into trying out ayahuasca.
moderator wrote: No discussion of buying/selling drugs
He agreed and I startd to make the two doses. and almost near the end of making it, I burned the caapi vine final product, to the point where there was very very little water and sizzling caapi bi-prodcust. Immediately i poured a little more water in. It went from being a light brown mixture to a dark brown mix. reading on similar forums simiilar to this one, I learned burning to that point does decrease potency. I declined the deal, told the guy i couldnt sell him a burnt batch and rip him off. So I figured I might as well take the 2 doses (figuring 2 burnt doses of ayahuasca= 1 good dose of ayahuasca) at my girlfriends place. She supervised me.I drank the doses.The taste was AWFUL. It tasted like dirt mixed with cornstarch. But i got it down. While in the processs of drinking, my gfs roommate was being all dramatic about how she didnt feel comfortable with me here doing that. So she was making it a negative atmosphere. I told my gf to go spend some time with her roomate and leave me be. And i layed in bed. This is what heppened exactly.
I dont remember lying in bed waiting for the onset of efffects. I remember jumping up to go Purge. getting to the toilet i started puking. It sounded like an extremely robotic distorted sounded of me puking. And my vision was having repittive mirrored visuals. I supossedly sat there for 45 minutes. But i dont remember a thing. At two moments i do remember my eyes rolled in the back of my head for like one sec. But i was still capable of functioning my body. and could process mental thoughts. So i started getting nervous. I have never been this fucked up and i thought I was sure a goner. Getting up holding to my girlfirned for support, I look at her face. It looked like claymation. Everything looked like claymation. Except her eyes looked normal, so It was scariing the hell out of me. So I slowly walk to our bed and as I turned into the room my heart sank. A deep deep alien noise with a penetrating bass sound. It sounded like it was entering my body and approving my human body. All at the same time, I noticed claymation worm gremlins blended in with the blanket. With coartoony faces, they kinda look like The Annoying Orange. The curtains were breathing. And everything was really scaring me. I was having a massive panic attack. Then SNAP. I sat up and was coherant . The euphoric visions (afterglow) lasted for 2 days afterward, seeming to activate whenever I smoked weed.
Traumatized from the experience, I felt emotionally drained.I felt like the experience ripped a hole out of my soul, and I was kindof just an empty soul. THat lasted for a week, until I took dxm (having strong feeling that a dxm experience would recover my soulless feeling. It did. Sure enough. i felt somewhat revived aftr taking the dxm. (Im very used to dxm experiences and very comfortable and familiar with the experience)
But sitting here, I have a question to ask. Im sitting here in my room debating if I should take this one last dose i made today. Im nervous, especially after last experience. can a normal dose of ayahusca be as scary as the one i just had. Maybe u guys can help me out by talking me threw the process of trying to keep calm and let it take you over. Any advice would help plz.