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Will I ever recover? Options
#1 Posted : 10/8/2012 3:45:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Sorry if it's not the right place to post this, but I really dont know what to do with my self.
A few months ago I took a tab which was supposedly LSD, it had a strong metallic taste and was little tongue numbing I'm pretty sure it was 25x-nbome, anyway I had a pretty bad trip and still to this day I'm not my self ,I had lots of depression although now it's better but I have pretty bad social anxiety to this day and I can't function right in public, it keeps me from studying, meeting people and going out in general.
I started doing psychedelics about a year + ago, and it really changed me for the better I was sure that I was finally myself I got everything right and I could do anything, I was functioning at my best. and since that trip I can't go back I'm taking SSRI's now for a month and it's not really helping,I'm eating pretty good, exercising sometimes, and haven't touch any drugs except ciggarettes for some time.
I hope you could give me some advice.

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#2 Posted : 10/8/2012 4:06:02 AM

Reality is a matter of perspective...

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I would suggest obstaining from all substances and seeking some professional counseling. Sometimes just talking to someone is a huge help. A professional counselor could pin-point if you have a more serious problem that could require meds or give you a perspective opinion that is more educated than what this community could offer.

The people here at the Nexus can and will offer support and advise, but you should really get a professional perspective.

Obstaining from all substances would be the VERY least you should do until you have a handle on your situation.

Good luck and please take care of yourself. Keep us posted on your progress.
#3 Posted : 10/8/2012 4:20:59 AM

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You did not do any physical damage. This is more similar a post traumatic stress type thing imo.

A difficult experience which has triggered a bit of psychological crises.

It should get better. eat well, keep positive. Positive music, positive people...leave the grindcore death metal alone, stay away from meth-heads, dump them if they are your friends. You will integrate this experience over time and come to balance again.

I'll echo smoovpncali about the sobriety, staying sober is a good idea for awhile now.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#4 Posted : 10/8/2012 10:56:00 AM


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Stop stop with any medication ssri's you are having , quit smoking cannbis if you smoke , also cut tobbaco , alcohol and whatever else

start excercising (very important psychologically will help you tons to heal fater , try it a few days and notice the difference , eat well , sleep at night not in the morning , sleeping in a very dark place helps release harmones necessary for optimum functioning everyday

psychologically speaking try to be in the moment at all times , being in the now focus on your breath and pay attention , dont think about the future or past since its only imagination and memory , it will stress you out , infact dony think atall if possible , thoughts are really not your friends try to turn off the mindchatter it does not make it better , and remember everything will be alright everything is gonna be fine , and dont turn the music off

you've to live like this everday other wise there will be no healing , in a year it would be all good i've suffered like this before due to stupid experimentation with various substances many a times , it does heal it does become better
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#5 Posted : 10/8/2012 11:20:10 AM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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You've gotten some good advice here, I hope it helps you to work through this.

I really don't feel qualified to tell you what you should do, since I'm still trying to recover from something similar myself. Although I feel I CAN tell you what I think you should NOT do, which is what I did for a very long time (nothing). I just wanted you to know that I totally understand how you feel, and that in my opinion, this is something you will eventually need to confront and take some kind of action to get past. Professional help is a good idea, but it should be someone familiar with this particular kind of problem who can treat it as something similar to PTSD (which it is). A typical shrink will probably just focus on your "drug abuse" problem, then give you OTHER (approved) drugs to "fix" you.

Based only on my own experience, if the trauma is really deep, once the imprint has been made just laying off psychedelics alone won't undo it. I tried that route for 20 years without success or improvement. In fact the more time that goes by, the more it can become a part of you, until you can't really even remember feeling any other way. Prescription meds (paxil) helped for the short term but in the long run only seemed to make it worse.

At least, that's how it's been for me. We're all different people with our own experiences, and it sounds like some of these guys have gotten over their bad trips fairly easily. So I hope your damage isn't as deep as mine was and that you're able to get back to the way you felt before, sooner rather than later. If you weren't in any actual physical danger at the time, and the "bad trip" was all just an experience in your head, a relatively quick recovery seems to be more likely. But if you're having a bad trip, AND someone is actually trying to hurt or kill you in real life (for example), I think it all goes much deeper into your subconscious than either would on it's own.

Maybe it would help some if you were able to put the experience into words here? It might help you understand it better, or help those who have been in a similar place offer more specific advice.
No direction but to follow what you know,
No direction but a faith in her decision,
No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
#6 Posted : 10/8/2012 2:44:39 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you all, this is helpful.
I will soon get professional help although I doubt these people are open minded about psychedelics and such.
Crazyhorse, I wont get into specifics but my bad trip was mostly me thinking bad thoughts about myself, my past and my family. I just sunk into bad thoughts of bad places and phases I went through when I was younger, something like that.
#7 Posted : 10/8/2012 7:30:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Meditation, meditation, meditation. Honestly a month is not too bad man. Just hang in there. Bad trips can be pretty devastating but you have to remember it's all just in the mind. It's pretty awful losing control of yourself if you're not prepared for it. My first real lucy trip turned into one of the biggest nightmares I could ever imagine. I mean REAL primal fear like I've never felt in my life. I was less afraid of death than I was at this horrible experience. But I woke up the next day, thought "damn that's going to be a story for the grandkids", put a big smile across my face, and went about my day. Sometimes I can imagine it's not as easy to get over. Just spend some time meditating and getting control over your mind again.

I actually suffer from pretty bad social anxiety and depression myself. However, after being through a number of these experiences I'm starting to see the good in life. It's not always easy, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Stay strong man, and good luck! Big grin
#8 Posted : 10/8/2012 8:05:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Did you hold the blotter in between your gums and lip? 25c/i arent active orally. I've heard some horrible stories about the nbome family (dragonfly etc). RC's scare me. Sorry to hear about your experience.
I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
#9 Posted : 10/8/2012 9:32:51 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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If you are having problems with depression, lack of sleep or anxiety, I strongly suggest getting yourself off the SSRI's, they inhibit serrotonin pathways and can actually make you more depressed, mixing them with other drugs can also cause more long term damage.

Try - 5 HYDROYTRYPTOPHAN < or Commonly known as 5HTP.

It's a precursor to serrotonin and improves the baseline production of serrotonin, it helps with anxiety, sleep and depression and can cause an overall improvement in your health, as well as having next to no consequences at all. One of the only known fatalities (serrotonin syndrome) was from an 1980/90's batch of the product which was called up as a bad batch.

I personally used 5HTP and many of my friends have for a very long time and it's helped them far more than SSRI's or MOAI's ever have.

a lot of other users have already stated the obvious ones too, drop anyone from your life that is bringing you down, it's not worth the time or effort and thing's will always right themselves.

Hope you get thing's sorted and the balance returns Smile

Much love.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#10 Posted : 10/9/2012 2:20:34 AM
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RayTracer:I took the tab like a normal acid tab, not sure what it was but I had a strong feeling that it wasn't L also heard other people who took it said it wasn't L.

mescaline-man: I had some experience with brainwave tracks though hadn't felt a significant change.

Thanks everyone.
#11 Posted : 10/24/2012 12:06:53 PM
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Hi everyone,

This is my first time writing on this site. Please bare with me if this may be a long story. I've actually never expressed what I'm going through in a public forum before but I think it's about time I should. I'm currently going through a similar experience.

I don't really know where to start so I'll just start at the beginning. I'll try to keep background story brief. The first time I've ever tried psychedelics was when I was a freshmen in college. Up until my Sophomore year, I haven't taken more than 2 tabs at ounce. It wasn't until Summer of 2011 that I really started to enjoy tripping. I during that Summer, me a bunch of close friends from my school decided to go to Summercamp Music Festival for the first time. To be brief, it was by far the greatest experience of my life. Throughout that weekend I pushed my limits on psychedelics (taking as much as 12 tabs in a day on top of many others including molly, shrooms for breakfast, lunch and dinner all in the same day). (In my mind I was in the best place on Earth, surrounded by music and beautiful, loving people). I literally spent most of my time with three very attractive ladies. (One was a close and the other we just met by our camp site, which we found out later had tons of mutual friends). The entire experience is probably too much to tell. Some of my favorite highlights include: smoking to, from, and after shows; holding hands (which sounds a bit cheesy but at the time felt soooooo good); laughing together; dancing together; laying down next to each other in the tents. Everything was just magical and so perfect. The four of us were so lovey and comfortable with each other. You get the idea.
This experience did many great things for me. It allowed me to experience something I thought wasn't even possible (like a complete fullness of good intentions). For the next few weeks I was a completely different person. I saw everything in a brighter more positive light. All my problems seemed to lifted away. Not that there weren't any but that all my problems were so much easier to managed. I was thinking so clearly and the little things no longer bothered me. I was more social and friendlier than ever. Just felt like a better me.

Everything changed when I decided on experimenting with DMT. A few weeks after Summercamp I went to North Coast Music Festival. I met these kids selling doses and I instantly became friends with them. They're were great group of kids. Everyone was extremely friendly (even invited me to hang out at the hotel they were staying at). It was at the hotel that I tried DMT for the first time (I told them I had never tired it and they eagerly gave me hits from their stash, didn't really 'trip' or at least didn't felt I did, but all in all a great night; just chilling and smoking some trees). The final day of North Coast I met up with them again. I felt like we definitely bonded from the day before. When the night fell Bassnectar went on. This would be the start of my horror. By this time I've taken 6 tabs, most of which were gifts from that group on top of some k I ate earlier that day. At some point in the show I was passed a piece from one of the guys from that group and thinking it was just hash on top of trees I took a huge rip. I didn't notice it was DMT until about my 3rd or 4th huge rip (I held every hit in thinking it was some good hash). After realizing what it was, I was actually trying to enjoy it at first thinking it's no big deal and that it would eventually wear off. I remember I kept looking at my watch, counting down when it would wear off. After the 30 min mark I started to get worried and that's when my entire reality started to crumble. I felt like everything was happening in a loop. I kept doing the same motions and experiencing constant deja vu. I began hearing whispers with a almost malicious undertone. Like I was being watched and everyone was messing with me. I don't remember exactly what they were saying but it sounded something like "man, how hard is this kid tripping?" "is he ever going to get back to normal" "someone needs to buy this kid a drink" "how long has he been like this??" "duuuudeeeee" "maaaaan" "this guyyyy" "wow wow, he is fucked up" "did you guys just break his brain" "what if he never gets back to normal". All of which freaked me out more and more especially when I would turn around and see everyone smiling at me when I looked at them. I drifted into the deepest depths of fear. At one point I tried calling my roommate to come find me, but I no longer knew how to use my phone. I was so scared of everything. I was almost convinced that I had fell into a comma and everything was just part my imagination. My only option at the time was to find the paramedics but was debating it (I really didn't want to end up in a mental institution). As I was looking for the med tent, out of no where my roommate and his girlfriend just appeared in front of me. They told me that I ran into them as I was wondering (something I still have doubts about). Seriously! I was trying to call him and he suddenly appears?! How am I supposed to believe that? I have this theory that I was probably carry or taken to them in a frantic state and this is just the story the came up with so that I would not recall what actually happened. I don't know the limits to DMT so this could just be my wild imagination filling in for such an absurd coincidence. For the rest of the music festival I fought with myself on whether or not I was in comma or not. After we all got together after the Bassnectar show, I was also toying with the thought that everyone was not who the actually were. (that everything from then on was part of my endless trip, continually messing with my sense of reality).
This last part is the most mentally challenging for me to put into words. I can't completely explain what was going through my head at this point but all I knew was, I needed to get OUT!. I just remember seeing the same street pass us over and over. I was sitting closest to the door. I remembered a distinct click as I pulled the handle. I was prepared to fall out and hopefully that would snap me out of this nightmare. I don't remember what stopped me. This is as far as I'll go with this. And I'll the story here.

Sorry if this was difficult to read. I didn't put much effort into revising what I was writing. Just putting this into words brought back some scary feelings. I just thought I just type and whatever comes to me.

It's been over a year since my bad trip and ever since I've been suffering through a lot anxiety issues, social anxiety, and depression. I took 150ml Bupopion XL along with Fluoxetine 20gm for a few months but stopped. It felt like it worked a little at first but ultimately made things worse.

Crazyhorse wrote:
You've gotten some good advice here, I hope it helps you to work through this.

I really don't feel qualified to tell you what you should do, since I'm still trying to recover from something similar myself. Although I feel I CAN tell you what I think you should NOT do, which is what I did for a very long time (nothing). I just wanted you to know that I totally understand how you feel, and that in my opinion, this is something you will eventually need to confront and take some kind of action to get past. Professional help is a good idea, but it should be someone familiar with this particular kind of problem who can treat it as something similar to PTSD (which it is). A typical shrink will probably just focus on your "drug abuse" problem, then give you OTHER (approved) drugs to "fix" you.

Based only on my own experience, if the trauma is really deep, once the imprint has been made just laying off psychedelics alone won't undo it. I tried that route for 20 years without success or improvement. In fact the more time that goes by, the more it can become a part of you, until you can't really even remember feeling any other way. Prescription meds (paxil) helped for the short term but in the long run only seemed to make it worse.

At least, that's how it's been for me. We're all different people with our own experiences, and it sounds like some of these guys have gotten over their bad trips fairly easily. So I hope your damage isn't as deep as mine was and that you're able to get back to the way you felt before, sooner rather than later. If you weren't in any actual physical danger at the time, and the "bad trip" was all just an experience in your head, a relatively quick recovery seems to be more likely. But if you're having a bad trip, AND someone is actually trying to hurt or kill you in real life (for example), I think it all goes much deeper into your subconscious than either would on it's own.

Maybe it would help some if you were able to put the experience into words here? It might help you understand it better, or help those who have been in a similar place offer more specific advice.

Crazyhorse, would you consider my story a near death situation?

Please if anyone has any suggestions for me, help. I feel like not myself anymore. I would really like to get back to the "better me" from before my bad trip. From time to time, I still sometimes feel like I'm tripping. I feel like the world is out to get me. It's no long full of good intentions in the world but the exact opposite. That somehow something is going to go wrong. Like my mind is still playing malicious tricks on me. I feel like I've been keeping my guard up for something to go wrong. Like it's my reality plotting something. Do I sound crazy? If I read this, I would think I was crazy too.
#12 Posted : 10/24/2012 8:02:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Well, CalvinCarl and everyone else I just wanna say, that about a week or two ago I started reading The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle got alot in two spiritual practice (which I experienced without totally understanding while having good times on acid) and meditate.
I dont take any SSRI'S and no drug whatsoever expect tabbaco, and I really made a huge progress, I am happy ! and most of the bad feeelings are gone.
Thanks for your support, everyday that passes I feel better, cheers!
#13 Posted : 10/24/2012 9:47:59 PM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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CalvinCarl wrote:

Crazyhorse, would you consider my story a near death situation?

Please if anyone has any suggestions for me, help. I feel like not myself anymore. I would really like to get back to the "better me" from before my bad trip. From time to time, I still sometimes feel like I'm tripping. I feel like the world is out to get me. It's no long full of good intentions in the world but the exact opposite. That somehow something is going to go wrong. Like my mind is still playing malicious tricks on me. I feel like I've been keeping my guard up for something to go wrong. Like it's my reality plotting something. Do I sound crazy? If I read this, I would think I was crazy too.

Put my reply in your thread HERE since this one is really about e10's situation.


Well, CalvinCarl and everyone else I just wanna say, that about a week or two ago I started reading The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle got alot in two spiritual practice (which I experienced without totally understanding while having good times on acid) and meditate.
I dont take any SSRI'S and no drug whatsoever expect tabbaco, and I really made a huge progress, I am happy ! and most of the bad feeelings are gone.
Thanks for your support, everyday that passes I feel better, cheers!

Really glad to hear that! Thumbs up I haven't read that book yet but it's not the first time I've heard it mentioned, I definitely need to make time for it.

No direction but to follow what you know,
No direction but a faith in her decision,
No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
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