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first trip on pure salvia Options
#21 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:37:55 PM

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I guess it won't hurt to repeat.

gibran2 wrote:
A threshold dose of salvinorin A is about 200μg (micrograms), a moderately strong dose is about 1mg, and an uncomfortably strong dose is 2-3mg.

A gram of plain salvia leaf contains about 2.5mg salvinorin A. The salvinorin A content per gram of legitimate extracts (of which there are very few these days) is just the average content of plain leaf multiplied by the “X-factor” of the extract.

So a gram of 20X salvia should contain roughly 2.5 x 20 = 50mg of salvinorin A. A gram of 6X would contain 15mg salvinorin A, and a gram of 60X would contain 150mg. Notice that a gram of legitimate 60X extract contains enough salvinorin A for 150 moderately strong doses, and that each dose weighs less than 7mg. A gram of 400X extract would contain 1000mg salvinorin A (400X extract is pure salvinorin A) – it isn’t possible to have a stronger extract.


ॐ wrote:
my 30x extract came in a vial with instructions to use 1/10th of a gram sublingually

moderately strong dose = 1 mg salvinorin
1 gram leaf = 2,5 mg salvinorin aprox
1 gram 30x = 30 x 2,5 = 75 mg salvinorin aprox
1 / 10 gram 30x = 75 / 10 = 7,5 mg salvinorin aprox

Which is a ridiculously high dose even for sublingual slower absorption, so either your extract is not really 30x, or the supplier doesn't know his thing. Or simple math.

sidefx wrote:
Do users ever report experiencing 'meeting Entities' on salvia????

Very often, I'd say certainly no less often than with spice.

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#22 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:38:47 PM

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sidefx wrote:
Do users ever report experiencing 'meeting Entities' on salvia????

I've actually met my first entities on salvia and I had completely forgotten about that.. It was during the time when I had no idea what psychedelics were had just heard about this legal thing called salvia and it fascinated me. I then had about a dozen experiences where it just made me pass out and took me to this other realm, usually a sort of 60's suburban neighbourhood.. or some other quite weird places but there was never any other presence there.

But then one time I smoked it and I was looking at my curtains, and I literally saw these really really intricate "beings" come out from the folds of the curtain, and they were right there in my room. It was the strangest feeling ever, and they were communicating through telepathy and somehow letting me know that, they came from a place of *something untranslatable*, and that I should join them in that place by shedding my filthy body. Then they just soft of faded away and I kept looking at the curtains trying to figure out how the hell that was possible.

The feeling and atmosphere of that was something really unique, like I've come to learn with other psychedelics now.. But at the time I was utterly confused as to what had just happened, I could only refer to it by using the word "them", and I even asked some friends if they had ever met "them", which gave me alot of strange looks..
#23 Posted : 9/20/2012 1:19:42 AM

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the last two times on [20x salley] i had some interesting experiances...
one time...after smoking some 20x i felt the gravity pull and quickly saw a huge line of thousands of people like stone or bone colored statues..
[They all looked the same].. and they were in a long long line...then they started to tople like dominos!
One fell back topling the next one then more and more fell to the ground..
As they fell to the ground they formed huge star patterns on the ground all over the countryside...it looked soo cool!1..[what a vision!]
The latest experiance last night i think i may have broke through mabey a little?
After smoking some 20x i felt the pull but then hit the bong again...
After the second hit i layed down on the couch and shut my eyes...
I find that shuting my eyes helped a lot because..after my eyes closed.i was quickly in another place!..surounded by people i couldent clearly see..
I could hear them around me and i was in a strange room or color scape...
The walls looked like they were made of green leaves with patches of brown everywhere...
I seen a lot of movement in the walls around me and could hear voices close by..but a weak thought reminded me ..[i was alone].. in my what?Razz [room] i think?
Anyway this time i almost couldent remember where i was and was quickly surounded in another world after closing my eyes ..it was so easy!
This may have been a small short break through? it seemes very dosage dependant...
#24 Posted : 9/21/2012 5:52:44 PM

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last nights trip...after one good concintrated hit of 20x salvia laying back..im sudenly surounded by many entitys or strangers...
They are examining me with curiosity..
I remember traveling or flying down a long path in between hundreds of these faceless huminoid shapes observing me on my left and right..
As i fly along i enter inbetween a line of giant ..[ phycadelic skulls].. what apears very similar to what the the famous DMT artist has put on line..
During all this ...im feeling disaotiated from my body.. and for short time forgot where i really was ..alone in my room..[no sitters]..but [even through all of this]..
[from time to time]..i could here a weak voice asure me i was really alone and safe...
I also felt I was understanding the real truth of reality .as I was being observed by spirit beings or extrateresterals?
I seem to be going farther and farther out without any problems or anxiety of any kind..
Although my trips werent what you would call [fun] i would call them fulfilling and spiritualy calming and look forward to learning more...
#25 Posted : 9/30/2012 12:13:34 AM

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For the people who reported adding a pinch of extract to a joint, does that really work?
From what I gather, the salvinorin needs to be taken in around 2 minutes to be effective...

At first whith salvia being new to me... I was adding a [[small pinch]] of 60x salvia to my ..[indica pot]..and i felt as if i were melting into my matress while laying down..
This melting feeling was so strong that i was somewhat alarmed after turning on my side in bed i felt my self start to slip out of my body some and sat up to halt the out of body experiance i was about to have!
At that time salvia was new to me and it really effected the pot and made it last much longer [about 3 hours].. with lots of open and closed eye visuals in a darkened room!
[Mixing mostly indica pot with a small pinch of 60x salvia] ]The resulting visuals were very impressive and colorfull and the body high was awesome!
I have found that
[salvia alone] takes me farther out with more intense hallucinations ]
.and is more spiritual and emotional..but a shorter lasting experiance...but time ..
[a minute or 10 minutes] still stretches farther than it feels when not tripping..
I now smoke salvia.. when i feel im in the right emotional and spiritual stateof mind to get the most from it..[i dont want to waste any sally!]...Very happy cheers...
#26 Posted : 9/30/2012 6:56:59 AM

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My first true psychedelic experience was with salvia about 5 years ago. I did mretty bit amounts of 30x, but was always just confused. I had no context or anyway to integrate such experiences. I still remember them quite well, but there's nothing really important to note.

I recently bought a few live sally's. I have a few changa blends and read positive results about mixing a little bit in. So I did yesterday. It was one of the best experiences I've had with spice. The initial rush was like any other time, with the fantastic tryptamine colors and geometry. It was very noticeable when the salvia joined in the chorus after a minute (?) or two. The usual reds yellows and oranges I see turned a brilliant shade of green. The texture of my mindscape took on a smooth feeling. I found myself in almost a tube place, being pushed and pulled back and forth. Unfortunately, this was the peak, and I think I stalled out between realms. I did feel a presence about me, a spirit. All in all, it was still a very good experience.

I have never come into direct contact or conversed with entities, but I have experienced their presence like this in the past. The salvia definitely had a very interesting and pleasant effect on the experience.
Be an adult only when necessary.
#27 Posted : 10/3/2012 2:29:48 AM

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just reviewing my experiance...Rolling eyes

one time...after smoking some 20x i felt the gravity pull and quickly saw a huge line of thousands of people like stone or bone colored statues..
[They all looked the same].. and they were in a long long line...then they started to tople like dominos!
One fell back topling the next one then more and more fell to the ground..
As they fell to the ground they formed huge star patterns on the ground all over the countryside...it looked soo cool!1..[what a vision!]

#28 Posted : 10/6/2012 12:21:24 AM

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last night first time trying 40x salvia..
took one good concintrated ..[hit and a half ].. of salvia from water bong ..
Held it in about 30 seconds..
It came on strong and fast.. as i sudenly found self in a diferent world ...
I think after imeadiatly laying down.. i closed my eyes and felt a buzzing feeling going through my face and whole body is when it all started...
I felt a strange buzzing feeling and observed many objects in front and all around me..
Their were lots of ..greens ..reds..purples..all over.
The objects i saw made up ..[some kind of strange room]..[that had 2D or 3D quality. and i heard and felt the presence of many beings all around me!..[even though i was really alone .[with no sitter]..
I felt as if my body was being seperated..[ atom by atom].. and the objects all around me were also slowly seperating..
I also felt as if i was part of all these objects and they were part of me..
Everything all around me was moving slowly.. and as this was happening I had familiar feeling that [this was the true nature of things] as old as time itself..
I have yet to take a dose of smoked salvia that will make me pass out...
[[atleast..I dont think i have passed out yet?]Wut?
how much salvia does it take to put one in a ..[dream like state].. where one finds their self on a street years back durring their child hood?
I have read several salvia trip reports where this has happened..
Will it take ..[a larger dose of salvia to the point of passing out?] to acheave this experiance??
any opinions??

#29 Posted : 10/9/2012 6:32:11 PM

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last night my second try with 40x savia was quite interesting..
Not having a scale yet i used a dose of 40x that apeared a little smaller than last try..
After firing up the salley ..i managed to get most of it in first hit.. and held breath for a good 40 seconds .then inhaled the last vapor that was floating in the water bong..
Shortly after that.. i felt it starting to hit me as i quickly layed down on my bed..
As soon as i hit my bed the visuals came in strong with the usual buzzing..
I remember a mass of green objects with reds and yellows all around me with a strange wooshing sound..
I remember I and the objects were moving gracefully back and forth as I experianced a wind or breeze feeling passing through me..
I remember moving my physical hands hands back and forth gracefully in time with the movement of these objects..
I also felt that i was traveling back in time ..
Most of the heavy visuals were over within 8 minutes but i was still feeling the salvia buzz..
I also remember feeling a strong feeling of being part of the objects that surounded me!
I then went to sleep and dreamed a lot through the morning hours..

I have been trying to learn lucid dreaming the past 7 years.. and was..and still am in the habit of recalling my dreams that i sometimes put on my bed side recorder!
So after wakeing this morning I played back one dream i had during the morning hours..
Then i tryed to remember the salvia experiance i had last night before bed..
After trying to remember the sally experiance i sudenly became clearer to me what happened!
I apears i was in a feild of green plants and i could see small specks of reds and browns some yellows..
I felt VERY STRONGLY part of what I was surrounded by..
I seemed that ..[I was a salvia plant!Rolling eyes in the middle of a large field of salvia plants and I could feel a wonderfull breeze blow through me as I swayed back and fourth as did all the other plants around me..
I also felt as if I we being transported back in time experiancing past generations of other salvia plants..
During this experiance the human feeling was gone and replaced a feeling of another life form from the plant world!
After realizing my salvia experiance clearer with clearer mind..i was elated that this had happened..and i know everything on this earth ..[animal or plant rock or earth]..is alive in some life form ..and should be respected as such..
This is the first time i have felt this natural and close to the earth with that wonderfull salvia breeze!Very happy

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