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#1 Posted : 10/2/2012 7:25:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Here are a couple of my recent DMT inspired works. Let me know what you think!
Mr.Peabody attached the following image(s):
machine.jpg (3,152kb) downloaded 215 time(s).
Did2.jpg (3,325kb) downloaded 214 time(s).
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/2/2012 7:41:25 PM


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Very cool. Nice pen work! I especially like the second one.

Got any more? I would love to see some more of this. Very happy
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
Soy sauce
#3 Posted : 10/2/2012 7:59:31 PM

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Those are beautiful!

I can't tell which one I like more..
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

'DMT is not one of our irrational illusions. What we experience in the presence of DMT is real news. It is a nearby dimension-- frightening, transformative, and beyond our powers to imagine, and yet to be explored in the usual way. We must send fearless experts, whatever that may come to mean, to explore and to report on what they find.' - Terence McKenna
#4 Posted : 10/2/2012 8:01:37 PM

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Really nice...would love to see those digitized and thrown through a 3D modeller.
(sorry I'm a pixel pusher)

Do more please...Very happy
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#5 Posted : 10/2/2012 8:07:33 PM

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Thanks folks! I'm glad you like them!

I've got drawings for days. Here's a few more.
Mr.Peabody attached the following image(s):
Alt.jpg (918kb) downloaded 196 time(s).
Create.jpg (987kb) downloaded 195 time(s).
Graced1.jpg (644kb) downloaded 193 time(s).
Hatch.jpg (959kb) downloaded 193 time(s).
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#6 Posted : 10/2/2012 8:44:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow! Those are stunning works of art. I find these absolutely fascinating and captivating. Thank you for sharing!
#7 Posted : 10/2/2012 9:46:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow! Those are absolutely amazing, really. Thank you for sharing. Capturing the experience with visual art is not an easy thing to do - I envy those who can. I especially love the 5th one down. I've been wanting a dmt inspired tattoo for a long time. Specifically a shipibo cloth design:

with kind of a mandala like aspect, but i've been having a very hard time putting it together - nothing seems to really convey the feeling.
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#8 Posted : 10/2/2012 9:49:16 PM

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Wow! Those are absolutely amazing, really. Thank you for sharing. Capturing the experience with visual art is not an easy thing to do - I envy those who can. I especially love the 5th one down. I've been wanting a dmt inspired tattoo for a long time. Specifically a shipibo cloth design (pic attached) with kind of a mandala like aspect, but i've been having a very hard time putting it together - nothing seems to really convey the feeling.
Are you ready to die?
#9 Posted : 10/2/2012 10:54:54 PM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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Nice stuff there Mr. P.! Thumbs up

Ever try adding color?
No direction but to follow what you know,
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No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
#10 Posted : 10/3/2012 12:51:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow! Those are absolutely amazing, really. Thank you for sharing. Capturing the experience with visual art is not an easy thing to do - I envy those who can. I especially love the 5th one down. I've been wanting a dmt inspired tattoo for a long time. Specifically a shipibo cloth design (pic attached) with kind of a mandala like aspect, but i've been having a very hard time putting it together - nothing seems to really convey the feeling.

That fifth one is a pretty accurate portrayal of a mushroom trip I had earlier this year. It was a pretty wonderful experience. I have been getting better at capturing the atmosphere of my journeys. My real challenge is to be patient. I have struggled with that all my life, and I think that's why I have been drawn to art (I did not mean that pun, it really is the word I wanted to use). I have to be patient to make great art, and I really want to make great art. It's a struggle...

Well I'm sure you know this, but don't rush your design! It would probably be best to go with something simple and elegant, but that's just my taste. Those cloth designs are pretty cool, but it seems to me you want something unique to yourself. Perhaps you could go on a dmt journey with the intent of finding something special to bring back? It won't be easy, but nothing worth anything ever is.

Ever try adding color?

I have been easing into it. I have worked with black and white for so long because I wanted to master it. Sometimes I try to set out and use color, but it looks so good to me in black that I leave it. I'll post up a few of my colorful ones...

The first one is of my first and only LSD trip. It was phenomenal to draw, the second is of a columbine flower, and the third I draw while enjoying San Pedro. I don't know why it became all maple leaves because I intended something completely different. But I like how it turned out!
Mr.Peabody attached the following image(s):
elles.jpg (1,268kb) downloaded 147 time(s).
columbine.jpg (527kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
Maple.jpg (1,160kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
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#11 Posted : 10/3/2012 1:27:15 AM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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Super cool. Smile I was going to say that colored pencils are a great way to transition between pen/pencil and color. But get some nice ones like Prismacolors, it really makes a differece. They're kind of waxy and blend really well.

Pastels are another good medium sort of in between drawing and painting, but I see you're already on top of that. Keep up the nice work!
No direction but to follow what you know,
No direction but a faith in her decision,
No direction but to never fight her flow,
No direction but to trust the final destination.
#12 Posted : 10/3/2012 2:46:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Really nice linework, and I love how you have transitioned into color, yet kept the values in your pencil/pen work. Thanks for sharing these. I bet soon you will be able to add them to the ArtBin! It's a really great collection of members' work.
#13 Posted : 10/3/2012 3:59:22 AM

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Thanks for the kind words everyone! I hope I can post my art to the art forum one of these days.

Crazyhorse, do you have an art thread? I think I remember you saying you're an artist. I am actually going to school for engineering at the moment, but art has become almost an obsession. I really want to be exceptional at creating art, but I often get discouraged at my slow pace of progress. I supposed that's yet another example of how I need to be patient. It's incredible how much a simple thing like art can do to help (force) someone to develop patience.
Be an adult only when necessary.
#14 Posted : 10/3/2012 4:35:48 PM

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Absolutely Awesome! I wish I had artistic abilities...

I exist!
#15 Posted : 10/3/2012 6:50:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Mr.Peabody wrote:
I am actually going to school for engineering at the moment, but art has become almost an obsession. I really want to be exceptional at creating art, but I often get discouraged at my slow pace of progress. I supposed that's yet another example of how I need to be patient. It's incredible how much a simple thing like art can do to help (force) someone to develop patience.

These are just incredibly awesome! You probably know it already but you could pretty easily become a professional artist if you wanted to.. all of those sketches could be made into really sweet paintings.

The thing is, I'm pretty much exactly in the same situation as you, I'm currently studying software engineering but I've become totally obsessed with art this year, slowly dropping out of school. The way I see it, there's absolutely no way I'm gonna spend my life stuck in routine, going to a cubicle in an office everyday, being around people I don't want to be around. When instead I could become a full-time artist and do what I love, create my own things everyday, be with people I want to be, dictate my own life without being a slave to anyone. I might be poor but atleast I'll be happy. Whenever I have doubt, I just need to think about that again and it gives me 100% motivation to continue chasing my dreams.

And I don't draw even half as good as you, so I think you have a very bright future ahead of you, whatever you choose to do.. I mean I'm not trying to sell any lifestyle here, just wanted to bring out my view on it since it's something I'm currently dealing with aswell.

I've also had problems with patience, and I often become overwhelmed at the amount of work that certain projects require, and feel like just giving up. But there's something I read in a book recently that has helped me alot: "You get out what you put in." That is so true. When I read that it just like clicked, and I realized it's so silly to try to build Rome in a day. You should focus on a single brick at a time. Even if there's millions of bricks, you just need to focus on that one brick and enjoy that moment of creation associated with that one brick. That way you'll always have just one brick and an infinitely dilated moment of happiness.

I'm just very happy you're here and am really excited to see more stuff from you.. and maybe to hear more about your views on art, school, life, happiness... Smile

#16 Posted : 10/3/2012 7:19:52 PM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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Mr.Peabody wrote:
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I hope I can post my art to the art forum one of these days.

Crazyhorse, do you have an art thread? I think I remember you saying you're an artist.

No, I don't, have been considering it but I've got a paranoid streak a mile wide and in this day and age that kind of thing can easily get someone identified. I could at least put up some unpublicized stuff from my sketchbooks and such, if I had access to a working scanner. Sooner or later I'll try to get it together and make something happen, at least a few annonymous samples for the art bin. Just got about a million other things to deal with right now.

I am actually going to school for engineering at the moment, but art has become almost an obsession. I really want to be exceptional at creating art, but I often get discouraged at my slow pace of progress. I supposed that's yet another example of how I need to be patient. It's incredible how much a simple thing like art can do to help (force) someone to develop patience.

I'm a believer in following whatever your current obsession happens to be. That's basically why I've switched between various art-related fields repeatedly over the last 20 years, rather than just sticking with one thing. In my experience, if you indulge that obsession and just plunge wholeheartedly into practicing and learning as much about it as you can, the external factors that make it possible to continue doing it (like money and such) tend to just fall into place. It's sort of like a leap of faith.

So if you're in school anyway, why not be learning about the thing you're really interested in, rather than putting yourself on track to have a job you end up resenting because it keeps you from spending time doing what you love? There are limitless opportunities out there, IMO the best way to decide which one is the best path for you, is to listen to what your passion is telling you.
No direction but to follow what you know,
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No direction but to trust the final destination.
#17 Posted : 10/3/2012 11:11:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks again guys! I really appreciate the advice!

I realized what you are saying, and I especially love the brick analogy. I had one of the most introspective trips last time I had shrooms. I realized I have spent much of my life hoping I'll be a "natural" at something. I have more hobbies than you can even imagine. I tend to be good at most things, but I have always hoped I would find something where I would just be a prodigy or something. While some people like that do exist, they still need to put in the effort. And as for us non-prodigies, we need to put out tons and tons of effort. So, I realized that this attitude of waiting around to find something that I'll be instantly good at is a really shitty attitude, and very counterproductive. I just think of that when I am feeling weak, and wanting to quit.

Don't get me wrong, I do have a passion for what I am studying. I didn't go to college straight out of high school, and I put some effort into my decision. Building things and designing things have probably taken a huge majority of my life. I see art as being connected with that. Loenardo Da Vinci was a stunning artist and an engineering visionary who lived far before his time. He's always been one of my role models, at least in those respects. I do agree, though, and I do plan on putting more energy into my art and find out where ever that may lead. Plus, I have only a year left. I haven't worked this hard to quit now! And I have taken art classes, and plan to take more.

As for the paranoia, I know how that one is. I have been having mild pangs of worry since I created this profile. And those drawings are published on another site, but I don't have anything linked between the two. I figured it was worth the risk to share with all of you fine people! I guess we'll see how I'd feel about that one if anything really did happen...

One more question, have you seen Carl Sagan's Cosmos?
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#18 Posted : 10/4/2012 12:01:19 AM

Wide eyed and hopeful

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daedaloops wrote:
And I don't draw even half as good as you, so I think you have a very bright future ahead of you, whatever you choose to do.. I mean I'm not trying to sell any lifestyle here, just wanted to bring out my view on it since it's something I'm currently dealing with aswell.

Don't sell yourself short, the stuff you posted in the frontpage colab looks promising to me, very clean! And if you know how to translate that into 3DCG that's a valuable skill too, and will only be more sought after moving into the future. I left my work in that area behind back around 2000 when the video game company I worked for went under, but now wish I'd kept up with all the changes that have happened since then. If I ever want to get back into 3D I'll have to start all over again! Confused

Mr.Peabody wrote:

Don't get me wrong, I do have a passion for what I am studying. I didn't go to college straight out of high school, and I put some effort into my decision. Building things and designing things have probably taken a huge majority of my life. I see art as being connected with that. Loenardo Da Vinci was a stunning artist and an engineering visionary who lived far before his time. He's always been one of my role models, at least in those respects. I do agree, though, and I do plan on putting more energy into my art and find out where ever that may lead. Plus, I have only a year left. I haven't worked this hard to quit now! And I have taken art classes, and plan to take more.

In that case by all means, keep on keepin' on. Big grin Creativity can take all kinds of forms and I'm sure a good engineer needs it as much as an artist does. There's nothing wrong with making art a "side project", in fact it's better in some ways. Although your progress may be slower, you get to have the freedom of creating whatever you feel like, whenever it's a good time. When you make a living at it, it can end up being a drudgery just like any other job, something you just don't feel like doing today but have to do anyway. You often end up having to make OTHER people's vision a reality, and catering to whatever their tastes might be, no matter how much you think their idea sucks. Or you end up having to use your "skill" to crank out endless variations of the same old thing, just to keep fed, when you'd much rather be working on something more interesting. That's pretty much where I'm at right now, and the only thing that keeps me doing it is the hope that if I can ever get caught up for once, I'll be able to stop that long enough to make something I really want to make instead. Razz If I had a steady income doing something else that didn't take up so much of my time, it wouldn't be an issue.

One more question, have you seen Carl Sagan's Cosmos?

I saw a lot of them as a kid when they were "new", that's probably one of the reasons I ended up with a hard-on for space stuff. Razz But I'm sure I missed a lot of them too and have meant to go back and re-watch them as an adult, just haven't gotten to it yet. But Sagan was awesome, even if some of the info is outdated now I just love how passionate he gets about it all.

No direction but to follow what you know,
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#19 Posted : 10/4/2012 5:08:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Well, I don't know if I'll always be an engineer. At this point, I think I would really enjoy teaching at the college level. So I may do that one day. If nothing else, I will be happy to just have learned the thing's I have.
I do worry about being a professional artist and making a living off of solely that. Not so much about the money, since I figure if I ever hit hard times I'll be a street performer in the city and CLEAN UP! I think if it was my only job, and I was doing things for other people instead of what I want, I may become frustrated by it. The best works I have done have been without pressure, and that includes no pressure on myself. I do envy you, though. I think I could progress faster without so much else in my lofe, but then again I may burn out on it if I do too much too fast. Typical of human nature, I crave drawing more, the less time I have!

And I thought you'd seen Cosmos! It's one of my favorite TV series. If you have a hard-on for space stuff, then he achieved his goal. There's actually not that much that's outdated, and it's amazing how right he was about somethings he speculated on. What I love the most is his philosophy. What he wanted was to get people to think. My brother says the book Cosmos goes into much more depth than the show. I've been meaning to read it, but I spend most of my free time drawing.

Forgot to add this video. I have watched all of this girl's videos, but I especially like this one. It was one of those "exactly what I needed when I needed it" moments. She quotes this book about how one should view their art and medium. It seemed to me to be very wise words.

Speaking of art, here's my work for today.
Mr.Peabody attached the following image(s):
Costan.jpg (797kb) downloaded 55 time(s).
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#20 Posted : 10/4/2012 5:52:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Mr.Peabody wrote:
Here are a couple of my recent DMT inspired works. Let me know what you think!

The eye reminds me of a digital doodle I did after doing some DMT>
RayTracer attached the following image(s):
trip.jpg (368kb) downloaded 48 time(s).
I am completely convinced that there is a wealth of information built into us, with miles of intuitive knowledge tucked away in the genetic material of every one of our cells. Something akin to a library containing uncountable reference volumes, but without any obvious route of entry. And, without some means of access, there is no way to even begin to guess at the extent and quality of what is there. The psychedelic drugs allow exploration of this interior world, and insights into its nature. - Shulgin
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