Yeah, for sure i havent even started on it yet... Figured it would be best to talk about it first before anything like this is started.
But thats interesting...
Im sure there are other possible ways of fermentation, im just specifically interested in kombucha because all it is, is fermented tea. Technically you can make "tea" with mhrb. My intuition says "dont get a step ahead of yourself, but this could possibly have SOME promising effect". And its probably not that simple, but using that simple principle sorta makes a little sense.
Dagger mentioned something about shamans in peru using fermented ayahuasca brews...
I would like to know what process they go through to do this?
And as for the whole maoi issue, it can be lethal no doubt. A hypertensive crisis would be my main concern... But im sure as long as you are not eating cheese all day and getting hammered i think one would be okay for the most part, haha.
"Hardonfordrums" does not exist. All information given out by this character can not be trusted, nor taken truthfully. Simply she is a complete and utter fairy bitch who tries to be "informed".