Here's what you do if you want to really experience DMT. Study up on the native american sweat lodge ceremony. You will need a place that you can perform this like a place you can start a fire and heat rocks for about 7 hours. Lie in a dark room and meditate. No light no distractions nothing. If you have the means a floatation tank would be far better. I built my own for about 400 dollars and used it for years. This will take your senses to the limit as they are starving for input. Depending on how long you do this you can actually start seeing visual hallucinations just from this. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!!! Then spend 30 minutes listening to a sequence of binaural beats ( Then enter into your sweat lodge and take a hit. Usually I will have a bucket of water set up to tip over onto the rocks with little effort. Your not capable of doing much when on the spice.
Youve just went from 0 to little stimulus input heightening your senses to more stimulus input than most here have ever experienced at one time in your life. You might want to try the sweat lodge alone a time or two because it is in and of itself a profound experience. Be sure to throw out your britches cause no amount of bleach will get out what you just did in them.
If you think DMT is intense sensory deprivation makes it 10 times more intense and the sweat lodge will take it beyond what you can imagine. A tip on the sweat lodge. Do not ever have conditioner in your hair, Lotion on your skin, cologne or any kind of jewelry. If you do your skin will literally fall off. Do not breath quickly either thru your mouth or your nose it will blister your lips or make the inside of your nose come off. The intensity of heat in a sweat lodge is more than many people can handle. If you got the balls to try it and I am sure a few of you do tell me how it goes.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.