Thanks DreamTripper! I'll keep trying when it feels right
Thanks No Knowing, it is truly beautiful.
Since my first post I've managed to create a couple of machines and have been experimenting with them. All in all I am truly mind blow. I don't seem to have to much of an issue letting go and it doesn't feel too uncomfortable but I feel as though despite the dosage I'll be let through when I'm deemed ready. So far I tend to start off with a light dose and have a little heavier, mainly one large inhale from the machine.
A few journeys ago I had a little bit of a headache and I felt myself sky rocket into it, it was like nothing I had ever felt before, the closer I got the more immense pain I felt so I opened my eyes to soften the pain and cut the rockets momentum.
My last journey a friend advised to play the below song in the background and it was magnificent.
Nahko Bear ღ Aloha Ke AkuaI've just recently been given some red spice which I've heard is stronger than the other colours, anyone experienced something similar?
Now that I've tried several different batches and colours it seems like each mix has it's on personality and shows you something different, anyone feel the same? So far I've experienced one that seemed to be very sepia (a changa blend), another that seemed ancient Egyptian (white crystals), another that seemed almost cartoony (murky white) and another that seemed some what Indian in the visuals (yellow crystals).