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A very strange one tonight... Options
#1 Posted : 10/1/2012 12:05:57 AM

Ninja of Consciousness

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Location: YHVH
So, I went to see a friend today, she was the first person I smoked DMT with, she happened to have some Changa. I've wanted to go back to the DMT space recently, but something has been telling me I need to be more grounded in this place first, or I just wasn't sure.

I was incredibly incredibly anxious before smoking the changa tonight, upon hitting the pipe I felt an instant buzz, the vibrations starting to tingle through me, a ringing sound in my ears and a slight ripple of reality fading throughout the room, then nothing happened.. I waited 30-40 seconds then hit another huge hit on the pipe, not frustrated at this point, the buzzing and other usually feelings intensified 10x fold but still, nothing happened no break through, although what I have to describe now is something I cannot really explain.

It felt as though someone put a very large heavy hand or object on my chest and it pushed me down, as if to say 'LISTEN'. What were originally my own thoughts became me being spoken to, it told me I needed to learn to love myself more in this place and I belonged in this place for the time being, it told me I would not get answers to the questions I was seeking in the DMT space and told me that I AM and all others are GOD and that females are the 'Adversary' or opposing creator to the male form.

Many thoughts have been passing through my head tonight, I simply cannot explain or begin to reationalise what it was I was told, I was completely in this reality, my friend still obviously in the room, no visuals (some closed eye but nothing too intense, very faint vortex like visuals and seeing the cross/wheel of life in arm life forms, mantra etc) the music from my phone seemed a little louder but in general, the experience felt very much like I was being told to sit down and listen, accept and let go of the questions I have and live my life and through doing so I would be given answers.

Another very serious lesson learned from DMT that I cannot explain... it told me I could go back when I wanted too but not at that moment, it just wasn't the correct time.

The stranger part is, some of this changa has followed me home and is in my pocket, and it followed me willingly, was given willingly... I cannot explain it.

One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/1/2012 3:03:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Changa is amazing medicine, isn't it? Wink It digs down inside of you, and determines what you NEED to hear or experience, not necessarily what you want to. You may not have seen elves, aliens, other dimensions, etc., but I bet you will end up looking back on this experience as being one of your most powerful and profound.

Integration is the key to these travels. Some people may have 100's of extreme journeys under their belt, but if they have failed to use what they have learned to grow spiritually, heal themselves, and help those around them, was it even worth it? Not IMHO.

The medicine will be there when you are ready for it. Now is the time to prepare your mind and body for the path in front of you. When you are ready to embark on another journey, you will know it, and you will be welcomed in Smile

Peace and Happy Journeys Big grin

All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#3 Posted : 10/1/2012 7:39:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Based on your avatar picture of the Fruit of Life and Metatron's cube I suspect you already know about the masculine forces vs feminine forces and creation. Visuals are a masculine effect and there are the four broad styles of perceiving things. Masculine being through logics and visuals, feminine being through feelings and sounds, both being through the mix of the two, and neither being when you just are and know (probably non existant in our race).

Maybe, just maybe what the message is about is to slow down what you are doing and working through each detail calmly as opposed to jumping to the end picture by using the magical substances. There is nothing wrong with using the substances but what they can do they can just show you the "end result" or the path etc. and then you have to go back to the previous places where you were and figure out how to connect the dots from where you are to where you want to go and were shown through the experiences given by these substances.

I like to think of this whole process of development as building a giant bridge over and a really big ocean and you have to start from the shore where you are but you don't see exactly in which direction to build, how strong it should be or how long it will be. The experiences from the substances act as a little lighthouse light shinning at you from across the ocean and provides you with an anchor of sorts so you can see in which direction to build, to get a sense of how much work must be put into it, to learn patiences and that "cheating" is not possible by jumping some steps.

Kind Regards,
#4 Posted : 10/1/2012 11:58:22 AM

Ninja of Consciousness

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Both replies here are very similar to the kind of replies I expected or needed in some way, a friend of mine has been incredibly worried about me recently as I am really relatively new to psychedelics, he's worried I've been going a bit dellusional with some of the thing's I've been saying or talking about since my introduction to DMT.

Waking up this morning and rethinking, I know he's been right in some ways, like you just said, it's perhaps that I need to slow down and take in what I've already seen instead of jumping straight back in for more.

I need to learn to love and be confident in different ways and I feel profoundly different as of my experience last night, I was in tears after it spoke to me. I cannot explain it in words simply that it told me what I needed to know but didn't show me anything really, just that I already knew and I needed to find those answers from what I already knew or something...

I had seen metatrons cube hundreds of times before my experiences with DMT but upon hitting the changa the 2nd time last night, that image was all I could see and feel in everything and I knew that image was what was speaking to me, it's almost like it told me that the creator was not alone in the creation of the universe and to be part of the universal society we all consent to it willingly.

I did feel a profound sense of empathy and feminine in my experience last night and my friend obviously helped push that (she's a girl) I actually asked her for a hug which is something I wouldn't normally do, I just needed someone to be there with me as I felt insanely alone for some reason but knew I would never be alone.

It told me to never be afraid of anything, to always speak what I feel and to always show people what needs to be shown even if it upsets them in some way, as much as I need to learn from things in life so do others, and if what I has to say upsets them or changes them, then that lesson was for them.

It's almost like I understand now that everything is a complete duality folding and changing endlessly on itself and everything else around it.

Thank you for listening and replying, it's been most helpful and has again helped me put together dots. The replies you gave were always meant to be given Smile

I love all of you on the nexus, and I love all existence.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#5 Posted : 10/1/2012 1:20:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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somaeye wrote:
Mystic0 wrote:
[...] it told me I would not get answers to the questions I was seeking in the DMT space and told me that I AM and all others are GOD and that females are the 'Adversary' or opposing creator to the male form.

One thing I would say about this is that you were shown: that thinking you and all others are God, goes together with thinking that females are the "Adversary" and that that identifies where those statements and spirit came from.

Thinking females are the adversary is a very different idea than the spiritual/esoteric concept that the opposing male and female archetypes pervade all of existence. This isn't a matter of sexism or stereotyping. In sacred geometry for example, the male and female archetypes are well accounted for. Straight lines and sharp angles are male while curves are representative of the female. By calling them "adversaries" isn't to say that they're necessarily pitted against each other either, but rather they are incomplete in and of themselves and require their counterpart for balanced completion.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 10/1/2012 2:56:03 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

Posts: 213
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Last visit: 19-Oct-2023
Location: YHVH
It was never a telling of 'competition' or 'evil' my first experience of DMT told me there are no rights or wrongs, they are merely our own perceptions. In my own research and experience of Theology and Philosophy which in a way is and always has been my obsession, I have come to conclusions (which I have also mentioned in other threads and posts) that Lucifer created this place, Lucifer being the brightest star, Satan meaning Adversary, or in my own eyes, the thing we have to have to continue the cycles.

What it told me of adversary the other night was that it is not the competitor, more that it is required have both halves in the same, we cannot be one without the other, light or darkness, good or evil, these are our own perceptions and even then, I cannot even begin to know.

I have personally in my life so far been single and have felt what I could call 'alone' for a very long time and it's personal message to me was that I need to explore both halfs of the same picture, which is impossible to do so on your own, I think this is why is presented the thought of adversary and feminine view point.

I have chosen to be a single person out of my own ignorance to a lot of things, obsessing and valuing questions over living my own life.

'One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter'

I think now with replies to this post I have worked out certain things in my head and know what it is I have to do to change my own life and move on with it, too long have I sat and pondered the reasons of our existence without realising, I already know them. Seeking something only ever pushes it further away, while living and not seeking allows the answers to come to you without effort. It's simpy harder to realise this path than it is over others that are presented to us.

This is how I see it anyway.. everyone must take what they need from whatever is said or given to them, nothing more, nothing less.

Much love to the DMT nexus and all those in existence.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
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