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DMT & Purging Options
#1 Posted : 9/28/2012 10:17:24 AM

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Now I know people purge on ayahuasca and it can be in several ways, sometimes physically, sometimes not.

I'm curious as to wether people have experienced physical purging with smoked DMT.

I have shared it with a good amount of people and most of the time there was no physical purging, except for a few. My ex was the first person I saw do it. She was totally wasted, and it you couldn't tell her shit when she was like that, so she had a full breakthrough and crapped her pants.
Then, someone I had given it to at Burning Man blasted off and started burbing, farting, and dry heaving the whole time
Then just the other night my friend started dry heaving and vomited up a few ounces of orange liquid, said it felt like there was something stuck in his throat.

And all 3 people expressed having an awesome experience . . .

So, anyone else experience anything similar? I have not yet felt any need to purge physically, but then mescaline never makes me sick either . . .

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#2 Posted : 9/28/2012 2:32:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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In the case of your ex, I would imagine it has little to do with much else than the fact that she was already wasted, and probably shouldn't have been indulging in the first place. Your friend at burning man could have been in the same boat, cause let's face it...it was at Burning Man Laughing

But in all seriousness, there are two good reasons why you may purge (or feel you have to) on smoked DMT that I can think of, and that have happened to me. I've never actually purged on smoked DMT, but I have felt the need to. So the first reason would have to do with what was eaten before the trip, how much was eaten, and when it was eaten. Secondly, and perhaps more likely is that the spice is being burned. This sounds to be the likely culprit as your example #3 claimed it felt like there was something stuck in his throat. This is a classic symptom of burning spice. You couple it with the other classic symptom - nausea/vomiting - and the picture looks pretty clear that the spice is being burned.

So how are you smoking this DMT? What kind of device are you using? What kind of lighter? How do you have it set up (i.e. copper mesh/ash bed/herb bed/etc...). I'm just trying to get a feel of if you're burning it, and if so, how we can help you rectify this situation.
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"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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#3 Posted : 9/28/2012 7:26:32 PM

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In the case of my ex and at burning man it was pure white crystals on a bed of ash, in a bubbler. I used a bic lighter and lit it for them being as careful as I could not to burn it. The third one was enhanced leaf with .5 gwhite dmt, .5 g orange spice, 1 g of mullein/Pau D' Arco. The changa was lit just until slightly cherried and drawn on slowly.

The guy at Burning Man had eaten mushrooms 15-20 min prior.
The other guy had some pizza a few hours prior

My ex was pretty wasted, although she got trashed a lot and I don't think that was it, I could be wrong.

I wouldn't have preferred that she indulge either, but whe she got drunk she became someone else and it could get ugly . . .

The funny thing is, when I did my first extraction and it was both of our1st times trying it, she said to go to the bathroom first because she had heard of people doing that on DMT.
#4 Posted : 9/28/2012 7:41:01 PM

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I have never felt the need to vomit after smoking DMT. I have used several different methods but never purged or pooped my britches. I do find that even with my newly purchaed GVG, I do burp a few times after. My friends as well. The guy at Burning Man probably puked thanks to the Shrooms. It is a 50/50 chance for me to vomit on shrooms, but i found that growing my own and eating them fresh just after picking them, cleared that up. Thumbs up
#5 Posted : 9/28/2012 7:47:25 PM

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I've never purged, but i've had a few experiences that made me come really close. I'm not much of a fan of throwing up, so I tend to fight the feeling if at all possible.

I know some people get the 'marble in the throat' sensation. That's not usually what causes me to get nauseated though, i'm not really sure what it is. Luckily its pretty rare for me, although more often lately just because I think I'm worried about it potentially happening.

I have heard of other people having to get up and hug the toilet while entering hyperspace, so its not completely unheard of.
olympus mon
#6 Posted : 9/28/2012 8:00:37 PM

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I've gagged before and almost purged one time when I burned the spice. Burnt dmt is horrid!
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#7 Posted : 9/28/2012 9:11:37 PM


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so wait.. your gf actually crapped her pants?

Or you mean she shat metaphorically?


That would be a hell of a thread title

"Best diaper for smoking DMT?"

#8 Posted : 9/28/2012 10:38:23 PM

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It was a crazy night actually, my friend and his gf were visiting me from out of town. I had just moved into my gf's place a few months prior. We were all on L, except my gf cause she doesnt like L anymore and is a wino, and we decided to hit some DMT. My friend had his first taste of D earlier that day. So my friend and her shared a bubbler and they both blasted off pretty hard. He came around first and started talking about circles, then she came around and expressed how crazy it was. She then got up and went to the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on.
I went to check on her and when I went in she told me she shit her pants, so I got her some clothes and my friends never knew.

And then she went nuts later that night, which was about par once she got to the 1.5-2 bottles of wine mark, at that point, no alcohol in the house was safe. She was like jekyll & hyde on that stuff. She has a lot of demons
#9 Posted : 9/28/2012 10:42:01 PM

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" so wait.. your gf actually crapped her pants?

Or you mean she shat metaphorically?

lol. "

Gave me a whole new meaning to the expressions regarding shitting ones pants lol

She made me swear never to tell anyone, but after we broke up I told my friend, is that wrong?
#10 Posted : 9/28/2012 11:27:08 PM

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She made me swear never to tell anyone, but after we broke up I told my friend, is that wrong?

Gee... I wonder if she will end up reading this...Neutral
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#11 Posted : 9/29/2012 6:09:35 AM

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Shes not that into psychedelics . . . but it would be funny if she did lol
#12 Posted : 9/29/2012 12:20:08 PM

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Yeah I have thrown up a few times from smoking Changa. First time was an unweighed amount, the intensity made me hurl almost instantaneously, consistency was a sort of orange goo. Second time I coughed up what looked like a blob of black tar. Third time, during a vapohuasca session with lots of harmalas, it was some sort of clear phlegmy goo. Very strange, I think the Changa was clearing some stuff out of my system...
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#13 Posted : 9/29/2012 1:45:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Not to mention the small percentage of people who seem to get sick on changa consistently independent of dose and where others partaking in similar dosages from the same batch at the same time experience no illness.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
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