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My Og Dog Options
#1 Posted : 9/21/2012 6:06:48 AM
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This is my little dog, his name is Bubba and he is 1.5 years old. He is a pure-bred golden retriever and I swear the best dog you could ever have.. I'm trying to find a female to breed with him to pass on his dna. He sends his emotions and needs through his mind and I have actually tried 3rd eye training techniques.. It's strange how smart he is.
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#2 Posted : 9/21/2012 8:01:26 AM

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sound amazing Smile im sure you both will build a lifelong relationship. im sure he will find some woman Very happy you gotta be his wingman Pleased

Ny cats are everything for me, they give me so much love, when im with them. I couldnt ask for a better gift i this world, nothing in this world could compare to the love and life they give me and I to them.
#3 Posted : 9/28/2012 3:36:48 AM
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And now the newest addition: Prince Bo. He's 11 weeks old, never had a cat before. He's so cuddly.
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#4 Posted : 9/28/2012 3:41:25 AM

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He looks so much like a dog I had, also a golden retriever pure breed. Such a loving and faithful companion! Friendly to other animals too, I wonder if most golden retrievers are like that ?
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#5 Posted : 9/28/2012 4:15:29 AM
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I think the only fear my dog has is old women. When I take him outside when an old lady approaches he barks really vicious like. He escaped the fence at my old house and was taken by a neighbor, she then gave him to another old lady due to her having to go to work. For some illogical reason the old lady took him to the humane society; ever since then, he is uncomfortable around all old women. And the kitty I just recently got is hesitant to trust his giant size. Ha Pleased
#6 Posted : 9/28/2012 1:27:59 PM

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i"m soory to turn this into a pets section but i have to post a picture of my cat Mongo. he is now 6 months old and he has become like my errant son (middle aged bloke no kids), his back legs dont work too well and i think he is short sighted (going to vet soon) almost everyone is telling me to lop his balls off cos he will change and go off into the night for days on end, i dont mind too much about this if it what he has to do it is thus, what does anyone else think about testicle removal of cats and dogs?
hug46 attached the following image(s):
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#7 Posted : 9/28/2012 1:35:25 PM

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hug46 wrote:
what does anyone else think about testicle removal of cats?

When your house stinks of Tom Cat Spray....you won't hesitate....It's harsh but necessary...best to get it done early...they won't even notice.
BTW I love black cats....Mongo is a real cutey...
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#8 Posted : 9/28/2012 2:06:45 PM


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Nice looking dogs/cats, folks. I love my pets.

This is my cat, Molly Zanzabar.

And the boxer I saved from some crackheads. His name is bentley.
#9 Posted : 9/28/2012 2:08:34 PM

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MomentOfTruth wrote:

And the boxer I saved from some crackheads. His name is bentley.

Truly great of you to do! I guess he was happy to get out of that enviroment and formed a good relationship with you now?
#10 Posted : 9/28/2012 3:41:35 PM


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absolutely! He had mange, was super emaciated, and covered with fleas when i got him. He was just a little puppy at the time. Not to mention the broken tail. Fortunately the tail doesn't bother him! he is in perfect health now and has gotten quite big and strong!

Super lovable and playful! Great dog!
#11 Posted : 9/28/2012 5:14:39 PM

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cyb wrote:

When your house stinks of Tom Cat Spray....you won't hesitate....It's harsh but necessary...best to get it done early...they won't even notice.
BTW I love black cats....Mongo is a real cutey...

yes , i"ve pondered this situation quite a lot. My ex had 5 male cats, all with balls. some sprayed some didn"t. One morning ,round her house, i came downstairs with a monster hangover and made a sugary coffee. Then the mrs comes down and starts shouting at one of the moggies.
"whats up?" i exclaimed. She showed me the sugar lump bowl full of cat spray/piss. I"d wondered why the lumps had a yellow translucent look but it didn"t register at the time and unfortunately i had drunk all of my weird piss/coffee by then and it did"nt help the hangover one iota.
As for Mongo , i smell up the place and make a mess and he deals with it, so do i have the right to castrate (nasty word) him for my comfort? Also i think he is gay, as he prances around the house in a camp fashion much like a dressage show pony. If he is gay maybe he will be more in touch with his feminine side and not feel the need to macho spray everywhere. However this could be a double edged sword, my place could become the new scene for all the gay cats. I could be overrun with legions of cats spraying my place in order to lay claim to Mongo"s virginal ass!
Please do not misconstrue what i am writing, i am happy for Mongo (or anyone who is gay) i just want him to keep on being happyVery happy But i guess its now or never if i want emasculate himCrying or very sad
#12 Posted : 9/28/2012 5:29:46 PM

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hug46 wrote:
But i guess its now or never if i want emasculate himCrying or very sad

At least he's giving you Paws for thought...Laughing
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#13 Posted : 9/28/2012 7:03:13 PM

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i quite like the idea of opening a gay cat club.... I could just imagine all these big tomcats in leather chaps, wallflowering, checking out Mongo"s moves on the dance floor
#14 Posted : 9/28/2012 9:04:52 PM


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This thread just got really weird. LOL.

#15 Posted : 9/28/2012 9:24:05 PM

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hug46 wrote:
i quite like the idea of opening a gay cat club....

Mongo's Mince Market...Razz
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#16 Posted : 9/28/2012 9:27:41 PM

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I think the thread is great. The image of a cat prancing around like a dressage pony is priceless! Piaffer!

Hey if he doesn't spray, don't do it. But castration is no guarantee that he won't eventually, as sometimes it's a stress response. I've had neutered males still spray out of spite- on baby's things, my office... Tell him "look man, you spray, you lose your balls, no ifs ands or buts." My Cosmo kitty is spayed, and no spraying problem, not even outside. My dog still has his balls at 14 and I see no reason to cut him. My stallion, on the other hand, I gelded at 17 because he was such a wreck when the mares were in season- he could easily lose 150# in one day, running the fence line, worrying himself thin. His mind was a mess because of it, and I gave him the option- he said 'yes, please. I don't want anyone to fear me anymore, and I just want to be out with the others." So, there you have it. I think it all depends on the individual.

I love my animals, all of them, and we have a great psychic relationship. We talk all the time, and they certainly seem to feel how I'm feeling, when I need their contact and support. Sometimes I wonder if it's just my wishful thinking that that they understand me, or that I understand them, but the way things come together, I think not. I really think we have a good psychic thing going on. I am totally bound to them- the trust is deep.
#17 Posted : 9/29/2012 12:45:42 AM

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cyb wrote:
hug46 wrote:
i quite like the idea of opening a gay cat club....

Mongo's Mince Market...Razz

nice...got a good ring to itVery happy

#18 Posted : 9/29/2012 12:54:38 AM

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[quote=Julz]I think the thread is great. The image of a cat prancing around like a dressage pony is priceless! Piaffer!

Hey if he doesn't spray, don't do it.But castration is no guarantee that he won't eventually, as sometimes it's a stress response. I've had neutered males still spray out of spite- on baby's things, my office...

This is a good point, when i used to argue with my flatmate, my old cat (female neutered after 1 litter) used to go and shit on her bed. Obviously i had to do the shitty cat smell laundry but there was a little thought in my head thinking "good ole girl we are united in our causes!" as you say, deep psychic togetherness. Also if i got Mongo"s nuts chopped and he still sprayed i think i would be mortified.
#19 Posted : 9/29/2012 2:03:26 AM


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hug46 wrote:
i"m soory to turn this into a pets section but i have to post a picture of my cat Mongo. he is now 6 months old and he has become like my errant son (middle aged bloke no kids), his back legs dont work too well and i think he is short sighted (going to vet soon) almost everyone is telling me to lop his balls off cos he will change and go off into the night for days on end, i dont mind too much about this if it what he has to do it is thus, what does anyone else think about testicle removal of cats and dogs?

nice, i have a black kitty the same age

best friends nappin

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#20 Posted : 9/29/2012 2:28:01 AM

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