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Lucifer and the creation of the universe. Options
#1 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:22:55 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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My entire life has consisted of an obsession, I wake up every morning and the question instantly resumes itself, what is this? what am I? I keep coming to the same conclusions that I simply AM and have felt this through my DMT experience.

Since my first steps into hyperspace my reality has changed drastically, I see things differently, almost like I see them for what they are. I constantly see the fruits of life in everything and the connection between this duality and the next..

Something has crossed my mind that I need to discuss but sadly I think most people will think I'm insane for even suggesting it.

I felt the creator on my trip, but something in my head tells me that he didn't create all of this.

It seems to me that the DMT space is God's realm, the invisible one who surrounds and see's all things, it's so beautiful and so unconditionally loving, it's beyond words, numbers or even dialect in any form.

Something in my head clicked last night, I think we have all been decieved, Lucifer created the universe as the physical adversary to the invisible realms, it feel's to me like this whole thing is a test and I can't even explain it in words. It's like we're children given a choice, a piece of chocolate now or the whole bar at the end of it, evil is merely the choices and temptations we are presented with through life..

One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.

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#2 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:37:25 PM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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You seem to be on point with my beliefs. One thing I noticed is that you mentioned duality, I think where you were getting at is your belief is non duality, the "im not these feelings" I'm not these thoughts" I'm only a part of this earth because it is perceived by the mind, an illusion I chose to take part in" the I am the silence in my mind that knows truth, because I know mind I can't be my mind.
I do believe in god and lucifer, and I believe lucifer was allowed to create all of this because he had free will, we were fooled by him and followed. But it is for a much bigger purpose than we could ever fully understand.
I believe got wants to forgive lucifer and let's this continue because he deserves forgiveness just as we do.
It is amazing to me that you have seen well enough on your own to express it without a teacher, the guru is in us all and wants us to know truth, so now you share it to keep it, only very subtlety, if I told all that to someone who is still very young in their spiritual development they would never listen to another word I say.

Two books I recommend to you, are the Urantia book, and A Course In Miracles.

Be well, don't let your emotion control you, remember balance is true peace and that shifts from this center, positive or negative.happy or sad both stand in the way of this.

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
#3 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:38:00 PM

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There's some Gnostic stories that maybe sound similar to this.

And DMT is not always unconditionally loving...
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#4 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:51:09 PM

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Mystic0 wrote:
what is this? what am I?

You're gonna fit in nicely...Very happy
Please do not PM tek related questions
Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
#5 Posted : 9/27/2012 9:58:30 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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Believe me, I understand DMT is not always unconditonally loving, there was a point on my first trip where I was so scared I can only describe it as absolute terror, beyond words or anything close, horror, terror, fear, a million souls laughing at me.

Thank you for the recommendations, i'll give them a sharpish read Smile already reading The Cosmic conspiracy and The Philosophers stone at the minute among other things!

I am truly starting to understand that all things are about forgiveness, even forgiving for evil action, there are no rights or wrongs in anything that anything does, for we simply cannot know and knowing becomes lie.

Lucifer/Satan, (brightest star, adversary) are to me, the duality between love and fear, one being non physical the other being physical... I can't explain it but you seem to understand too, thank you for listening Smile
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#6 Posted : 9/27/2012 10:12:26 PM

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Mystic0 wrote:
My entire life has consisted of an obsession, I wake up every morning and the question instantly resumes itself, what is this? what am I? I keep coming to the same conclusions that I simply AM and have felt this through my DMT experience.

Since my first steps into hyperspace my reality has changed drastically, I see things differently, almost like I see them for what they are. I constantly see the fruits of life in everything and the connection between this duality and the next..

Something has crossed my mind that I need to discuss but sadly I think most people will think I'm insane for even suggesting it.

I felt the creator on my trip, but something in my head tells me that he didn't create all of this.

It seems to me that the DMT space is God's realm, the invisible one who surrounds and see's all things, it's so beautiful and so unconditionally loving, it's beyond words, numbers or even dialect in any form.

Something in my head clicked last night, I think we have all been decieved, Lucifer created the universe as the physical adversary to the invisible realms, it feel's to me like this whole thing is a test and I can't even explain it in words. It's like we're children given a choice, a piece of chocolate now or the whole bar at the end of it, evil is merely the choices and temptations we are presented with through life..


Obviously the psychedelic experience is a completely objective phenomena to some degree.
This just hapens to be subject I have a great deal of interest in so I would just like to share my thoughts on the issue.

From my studies of the Hebrew Torah, to me it is apparent from the opening verse in the book of Genesis that The Creator created Angels (Elohim, Gods) which in turn created the universe we now currently reside in. Satan was one of the chiefs of the Elohim at the time of creation and indeed the bible does state that Satan assisted with creation as it says in the

Book of Ezekiel 28:14---

I created you as a cherub
with outstretched shielded wings
As you resided on God's holy mountain;
You walked amongst the fiery stones
You were blameless in your ways,
From the day you were created
Until wrongdoing was found in you
By your far-flung commerse (<reference to holding great power and influence)
You were filled with lawlesness
And you sinned
So I have struck you down
From the mountain of God
And I have dstroyed you O shielding Cherub.

But when you were wrecked on the seas,
In the deep waters sank your merchandise
And all the Crew aboard you
Their Kings aghast
Their faces contorted
The merchants amount the people hissed at you
You have become a horror,
And have ceased to be forever.

So IMO the shipwreck thing is a clear analogy for when Satan and his crew were cast down upon the Earth.

IMO your on the right track in a way. I agree that there are definitely different layers of perception that must be surmounted. IMO the first layer is an illusion cast by Demonic forces, sort of like blinders on a horse. Once that layer is over come the second layer has to do with tranceding your expectations and preconceptions of what reality is according to your peception.

I just personally believe that the mystery extends very deeply. Also I have had personal experiences with the dark side and there is no way there are currently in charge of the entire physical universe... otherwise things on Earth would be much worse than they currently are IMO.
For example imagine if mercy just ceased to exist? How would life be then? I would guess without mercy life would be intolerable.

Kep in mind this is only my view.



And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#7 Posted : 9/27/2012 10:30:35 PM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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Again this is spot on, the terminology is off because you learned this through spirit, not man. Love is all that exists, fear is only the absence of love , our misguided creation, this is the meaning of non dualism.

Not what you know what you feel.

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
#8 Posted : 9/27/2012 10:41:05 PM

Not an angry scientist but a mad one.

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Location: I'm there man! I'm there.
Some song lyrics come to mind...

Ask yourself; 'Does your God come in a capsule or on a plate?' -Mudvayne

As we, the human species, scramble to bottle all the water, coat the whole landscape in micro-bile plastic. Process and condition the air.

We're taking our living planet and transforming it into something artificial, alien and dead...

And shoving it up at the sky, in high definition, in hopes that someone will notice.

Someone alien that is not us. Someone alien like us. Hoping that they will notice that we are alienated and artificial and not natural to this planet. That then we won't be alone anymore in this universe.

But is this really what we want?

There is a microwave background behind everything.
Mankind didn't invent microwave but we use it for communication...

DMT is everywhere but, I just don't feel like the high definition, day glow plastic bling-bling landscape of my closed-eye, DMT-induced, visions really originates within my own mind. I realize also, that this disbelife qualifys me as delusional or not-sane.


We are not alien and, this plastic lego-landscape can not support life as we know it and, we were never alone as long as we had each other. As long as we had ourselves.

'It's so lonly when you don't even know yourself'-R.H.C.P.
In this world there are adults and there are children. In fact the world is filled with children; they are angry and hurt, frightened and abused, lazy and ignorant, stubborn and hateful. The world hates an adult and they would rather cause their peers to fail at any venture of self improvement before having to step up and improve their selves so as to maintain pecking order and evidence of the lowley opinion they have of each other. The best of them enslave the others so that they all consume and destroy all there lives in order to satisfy their immense greed claiming that they are providing a future for their legacy and never question the possibility of doing better in order to leave a real future for the children they will leave behind on this, our Earth. They pretend that it is impossible and when cornered they admit their apathy saying that they won't be around to suffer the out come. They hate the adults for exposing their immense weekness. The total failure that they call success. Mean while the adults strive to minimize their own impact and perpetually work to undo the damage already done. The adults who already know; they are the children of tomorrow.
#9 Posted : 9/27/2012 11:26:05 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

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If we could see clear we would see there is no dualism though, wouldn't we?

Like we are all apart of some Infinite sound wave some cosmic Echo, which is Infinite in capacity, energy, thought, colour, emotion true infinity!


Like a grand persian rug.

no matter how much i manipulate this idea of a creator force, i always come back to realizing that there has to be something infinite'

That all came from something as great or even greater than every atom, greater than every thought, every energy, every thing

I look past our solid state universe 'fabric' past aliens past humans (there are aliens)

There has to be something infinite

There could never have been NOTHING

I mean what is easier to accept, That everything magically came from nothing


that everything magically came from something??

I don't have a complete understanding of this conclusion, it just makes more sense to me, taking into account what DMT is.


i am simply a human that gets sick and old in mind and body, i cannot expect to Know all!
I can take a look at it though on DMT, and it looks infinte to me

RANT: LOL this creative force-(conscious), is something i truly believe in

I reckon all conscious is derived from one pure conscious source 'the infinite'
All beings have a percentage of this conscious (like watered down)
I believe DMT raises this conscious level up up and up.

But i believe this Creator conscious to be more than just what is, that before all it is conscious of itself also.

It is not some Dude sitting in the clouds watching sucking through his teeth.

It is something Very Very Psychedelic to try and comprehend......................NOT ONE THING

This is why we react so strongly to psychedelics maybe?

off my chest.

"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
#10 Posted : 9/27/2012 11:44:57 PM

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sidefx wrote:

There has to be something infinite

There could never have been NOTHING

I mean what is easier to accept, That everything magically came from nothing


that everything magically came from something??

The idea that everything came from nothing is a very linear based christian/greek sort of abstract myth derived from various mistranslation and undertranslations of the Torah..

The modern bible starts out... "In the beginning" and this is a translation of the Hebrew word Bareshith. The word bareshith is an extremely dynamic hebrew phrase that can be interperted in many ways. Ancient hebrews (sort of like the Mayans) thought of time and space in a more cyclical sense as opposed to the greek linear thinking we are all accustomed to.

One of the ways bareshith could be translated is "he created six" Also it could be translated as, the universe came into being with a sudden and violent affirmation of it's own existence.
(the big bang?)

The original Hebrew creation myth states that the universe at one time existed in a state of Tohu and Bohu (Chaos and desolation). It says that prior to the point of creation there was an older proto-universe that was created also but that primal universe was destroyed or rather collapsed due to it's it's various imperfections.

-Just food for munchies...i mean thought.

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
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