Mystic0 wrote:My entire life has consisted of an obsession, I wake up every morning and the question instantly resumes itself, what is this? what am I? I keep coming to the same conclusions that I simply AM and have felt this through my DMT experience.
Since my first steps into hyperspace my reality has changed drastically, I see things differently, almost like I see them for what they are. I constantly see the fruits of life in everything and the connection between this duality and the next..
Something has crossed my mind that I need to discuss but sadly I think most people will think I'm insane for even suggesting it.
I felt the creator on my trip, but something in my head tells me that he didn't create all of this.
It seems to me that the DMT space is God's realm, the invisible one who surrounds and see's all things, it's so beautiful and so unconditionally loving, it's beyond words, numbers or even dialect in any form.
Something in my head clicked last night, I think we have all been decieved, Lucifer created the universe as the physical adversary to the invisible realms, it feel's to me like this whole thing is a test and I can't even explain it in words. It's like we're children given a choice, a piece of chocolate now or the whole bar at the end of it, evil is merely the choices and temptations we are presented with through life..
Obviously the psychedelic experience is a completely objective phenomena to some degree.
This just hapens to be subject I have a great deal of interest in so I would just like to share my thoughts on the issue.
From my studies of the Hebrew Torah, to me it is apparent from the opening verse in the book of Genesis that The Creator created Angels (Elohim, Gods) which in turn created the universe we now currently reside in. Satan was one of the chiefs of the Elohim at the time of creation and indeed the bible does state that Satan assisted with creation as it says in the
Book of Ezekiel 28:14---
I created you as a cherub
with outstretched shielded wings
As you resided on God's holy mountain;
You walked amongst the fiery stones
You were blameless in your ways,
From the day you were created
Until wrongdoing was found in you
By your far-flung commerse (<reference to holding great power and influence)
You were filled with lawlesness
And you sinned
So I have struck you down
From the mountain of God
And I have dstroyed you O shielding Cherub.
But when you were wrecked on the seas,
In the deep waters sank your merchandise
And all the Crew aboard you
Their Kings aghast
Their faces contorted
The merchants amount the people hissed at you
You have become a horror,
And have ceased to be forever.
So IMO the shipwreck thing is a clear analogy for when Satan and his crew were cast down upon the Earth.
IMO your on the right track in a way. I agree that there are definitely different layers of perception that must be surmounted. IMO the first layer is an illusion cast by Demonic forces, sort of like blinders on a horse. Once that layer is over come the second layer has to do with tranceding your expectations and preconceptions of what reality is according to your peception.
I just personally believe that the mystery extends very deeply. Also I have had personal experiences with the dark side and there is no way there are currently in charge of the entire physical universe... otherwise things on Earth would be much worse than they currently are IMO.
For example imagine if mercy just ceased to exist? How would life be then? I would guess without mercy life would be intolerable.
Kep in mind this is only my view.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph