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~ crystals ~ Options
#1 Posted : 9/25/2012 4:10:12 PM

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Sky Motion wrote:
Just thought I would start a little thread about crystals and their metaphysical properties.

I have an amethyst anklet that I have really bonded to over the months, and I do believe it activates my crown & third eye chakras. I love it.

I cant post in the section this OP came from so this is my only recourse.

ALL stones and crystals have energetic properties. All of them in their own way and strength. They have influence on the subtle energies that surround us. That influence is attained by the chemical/physical structure of the material but I cannot be much more specific than that with my current knowledge.

The various colored stones interact with our chakras of corresponding colors. Hence the amethyst affecting you violet and indigo chakras. Your crown and third eye.

Crystals(colorless ones such as clear quartz and the like) are much more "rounded" in their ability to affect ALL of our different energetic "parts" as the physical beings we "are". That is due to its lattice like structure at the molecular level.

You can find much information on this subject at


I recommend to ignore the "classes" or whatever training it is they are trying to sell but the info provided on the sight is helpful for research on this subject an a few that are closely related.

I hope you find this helpful

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#2 Posted : 9/25/2012 9:24:09 PM
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Thanks URBY, fascinating stuff...crystals. I will check the link out.
Sky Motion
#3 Posted : 9/26/2012 3:58:12 PM


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Thanks for the links its much appreciated!
#4 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:51:42 PM

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URBY wrote:

Crystals(colorless ones such as clear quartz and the like) are much more "rounded" in their ability to affect ALL of our different energetic "parts" as the physical beings we "are". That is due to its lattice like structure at the molecular level.

I've never heard that the color of the crystal affects the crystalline structure itself at the molecular level. I was under the impression that the different colors were a result of impurities such as iron and the like. Do you have a scientific source to verify your assertion? I could only find metaphysical pages that indicate it as such.

If we're sticking to the color/chakra theory, it would make more sense that colorless or white crystals would affect all of the chakras, as when you combine all of the colors in the spectrum, you get white.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 9/27/2012 3:33:58 PM

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I see where youre coming from with that global. Im not saying the color actually changes the structure of the crystal, but rather adds to the "fine tuning" of a particular kind. Agate is agate whether it is blue, red, etc... Quartz is quartz whether its clear, rose, smoky.... The extra compounds/elements within that stone ever so slightly adjusts its "frequency". As for giving the "scientific evidence" I can offer very little. I do crystal work with less "knowledge" than I do "understanding". Take that statement as you will. I am self taught from personal research. And I should note that I use them almost strictly in a metaphysical way, I do not collect gems as decoration.

The most effective way to use a crystal/stone is to keep near a "pulsepoint" on ones body or the chest for hours at a time. Specifically the wrists(namely inside), ankles, neck, and ears. This is WAY more effective than carrying them around in ones pocket.

If you have a particularly large clear quartz crystal, I have a meditation technique to share should any be interested in trying it. It blew my mind when I did it...

Is your crystal cleared, purposed, and charged? One can find many methods to these on the net but here is a very basic rundown on how I do it.
CLEAR- find a safe place to leave it in the sun from rise to set, one day will do well to clear any previous charges/purposed depending on size and that particular ones "strength"
PURPOSE- hold your crystal in your dominant hand. Focus on the crystal and what you are purposing it for. I set mine to attract love and understanding. WILL the crystal to hold that purpose. Focus but do not concentrate, many of are very familiar with what that means. Shouldnt take but 60 seconds or so.
CHARGE- there are also many ways to do this... The most effective for me has been to hold it to my chest with both hands, right hand on the crystal, left on right, and to focus on giving/sharing my energy to/with it. I accompany this with om chanting. I feel it helps, just preference. About 5 minutes.

The Meditation- Audio stimulation helps alot for me, soothing music, maybe just running water in my environment, whatever works for calm, obviously. Lay down and get comfortable. Place the crystal directly on your chest "centered" over your green chakra. Here is the fun part:
1-Feel out your chakra. You should be able find a "flowing" of energy a few inches below the surface. Get aquainted with that energy. To me it feels like a odd "heaviness" within.
2-Slowly move your focus from this energy to where you can feel the crystal sitting on your chest, pull that "energy" with your focus. At this point the crystal begins to feel like it is becoming lighter, almost as if I am melding with it, becoming the same as.
3-Once you do not "feel" the weight of the crystal any more, slowly move your focus inside the crystal. Once there, ENJOY!

The first time I had a "breakthrough" it was during this meditation. I used it to find my way to the "door to hyperspace". I havent been very far inside but holy smokes was I surprised to see what I did when I "opened" it.

to continue my answer to global:
I am heavily into the metaphysical, my reason for coming to the nexus was partly to find the scientific echos of what I feel/believe.
#6 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:19:26 PM

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URBY wrote:
I see where youre coming from with that global. Im not saying the color actually changes the structure of the crystal, but rather adds to the "fine tuning" of a particular kind. Agate is agate whether it is blue, red, etc... Quartz is quartz whether its clear, rose, smoky.... The extra compounds/elements within that stone ever so slightly adjusts its "frequency". As for giving the "scientific evidence" I can offer very little. I do crystal work with less "knowledge" than I do "understanding". Take that statement as you will. I am self taught from personal research. And I should note that I use them almost strictly in a metaphysical way, I do not collect gems as decoration.


to continue my answer to global:
I am heavily into the metaphysical, my reason for coming to the nexus was partly to find the scientific echos of what I feel/believe.

That's fine, I was just curious if you had some information I didn't. I have my own crystal collection (just posted the pictures and what not in the original ~crystals~ thread), and I've experienced the metaphysical powers of these beauties first hand. I actually discovered first hand where my chakras were through experimentation with my crystals. I talk about it in detail in post #11 of this thread. I was only curious if you had scientific evidence because it sounded like an assertion that fell somewhere in the realms of testable science (the crystalline structure part - not the chakra part).
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#7 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:52:19 PM

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I think the stones conduct the subtle energies in a similar way to how certain metals conduct electricity. Only instead of high/low resistance it is high/low "frequency". I dont know HOW but the effects are obviously there.

Again, I say this hoping someone can link a/the science behind it.
#8 Posted : 9/27/2012 5:28:02 PM

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certain crystals, like quartz specifically work to generate voltage due to their piezoelectric properties. Quartz itself also seems like it could be used to store information as well due to it's highly structured formation. It has information because it is in formation.

The piezoelectric properties of quartz are why we have quartz radios and use it in computer chips and watches etc..

Quartz is composed of silicon dioxide crystals.

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