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First attempt to smoke DMT, but my throat was burning.. :( Options
#1 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:21:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi everyone!
I extracted my first pull of freebase yestarday and now i tried to smoke a very little dose, like 20mg... But, my throat was burning as hell, i cough several times, and of course nothing happened.. Sad

I must say that i never smoked cigarettes or weed in the past, nothing at all.
And now i also was a little bit afraid because it was my first extraction ever, and i'm not conversant with drugs in general, i have this fear that something dangerous was left in my yield, even if i'm quite sure that everything is ok.. Sad

Is there something wrong with my DMT, or is it just normal for someone that don't smoke nothing??

BTW, i smoked the DMT in the way showed in this video at min 3.57 (with the plastic bottle).
Could it be dangerous or "painful" compared to other methods??

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#2 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:28:16 PM

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Sounds like you burned the spice and didn't vaporize it...

If you have never smoked before it's going to make you cough as you have virgin lungs..

Also Why are you taking Spice if you are not really conversant with drugs??

It's a bit like trying to pilot an Ocean Liner when you can't even ride a bicycle...!

Baby steps...Wink
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#3 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:34:47 PM

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Because i want to try DMT cyb! I want to try it really bad!
I was attracted by psychedelics for years, but never done my homeworks..
Now i had some time to deepen the subject, and i decided to try one of the
best and less harmful, more spiritual substances i know.. so that's way i'm on this way.. Smile

So what do you think? Should i keep on trying until i'll be confident with the
smoke in my lungs, or should i try another way to smoke it?
(what do you think about the bottle method? Can it be dangerous or unuseful? )
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#4 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:41:28 PM

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That plastic bottle method doesn't look all that to me.

I'd invest more time into researching a better method and apparatus.
#5 Posted : 9/27/2012 12:43:21 PM

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kenji wrote:
Because i want to try DMT cyb! I want to try it really bad!
I was attracted by psychedelics for years, but never done my homeworks..
Now i had some time to deepen the subject, and i decided to try one of the
best and less harmful, more spiritual substances i know.. so that's way i'm on this way.. Smile

So what do you think? Should i keep on trying until i'll be confident with the
smoke in my lungs, or should i try another way to smoke it?
(what do you think about the bottle method? Can it be dangerous or unuseful? )

I suggest you smoke a cigarette...just one..you won't like it but it will give your lungs a start...
Then look into making a 'machine' (plenty of info here)
There's no rush...spice isn't going anywhere..just store it in a little bottle with the lid on.
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#6 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:03:23 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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cyb wrote:
I suggest you smoke a cigarette...just one..you won't like it but it will give your lungs a start...

C'mon cyb, this is a dreadfull ideaThumbs down , in no way will a smoking a ciggy prepare you for DMT vapour, it will just be very unpleasant, you dont learn to smoke from a single fag.

kenji, making or buying a decent vaping device (GVG/VG/machine/key ect) is the way to go, if you vape DMT properly it will be very smooth and negate the need for smokers lungs. If you need to smoke anything then it would be better to buy some Mullein and smoke that, it is much less harmfull and smoother than tabaco.

you could also infuse your DMT into some Mullein and smoke that in a normal bong, its pretty fool proof and works very well

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#7 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:13:15 PM

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3rdI wrote:
C'mon cyb, this is a dreadfull ideaThumbs down , in no way will a smoking a ciggy prepare you for DMT vapour, it will just be very unpleasant, you dont learn to smoke from a single fag.

This is of course true...but I think kenji would benefit from at least knowing what it is like to inhale smoke...
And also know what it is like to be high...even if it is a tobacco rush...
maybe a puff of weed would suffice...

I personally think that it is maybe a mistake to jump in at this level without experiencing at least a mild high.....
20mg may very well kick his butt...

But each to his own I suppose...

Everything else you said...spot on Thumbs up
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#8 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:26:00 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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i would certainly go with a puff of weed over tabaco, but nothing is gonna prepare you for 20mg properly vaped, i mean, id done my fair share of mind melting substances and it still kicks my arse on a regular basisSurprised.

you have chosen a brave route kenji, i hope you have your seat belt fastened good and tight.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#9 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:54:04 PM

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Aaaaaargh! Tin foil! Nooooooooo! Aluminium has been linked to various mental health problems, such as Alzheimers. Please, if you value your health, don't make a habit of smoking off aluminium foil!

Also, 20mg is NOT a "a very little dose" - I have broken through from less, albeit in combination with deep meditation and some help from my harmala-y friends... It may not look like much, but it can and will take you far. possibly further than you are comfortable with, considering the amount of psychedelic experience you have had.

I think 3rdI's suggestion of making some enhanced mullein is good. When I started with DMT, I didn't even bother trying to smoke freebase on its own (well, I did, once or twice) - it takes quite a bit of practise this way.

If you enhance some herb with DMT, get a small bong, and practise with that, I bet you will have rewarding experiences in no time, plus the water will cool the smoke and you can take big hits with minimal discomfort. Use JUST enough flame to get the herb glowing, and pull slowly until the bowl is cashed.

If you vaporise 20mg efficiently in one hit, you will (unless hard headed) have a moderate - strong experience.

Start off with 10-15mgs worth of spice and see how that treats you. If you make 1:1 leaf, that would be 20-30mgs of material to smoke, which isn't too bad.

Practise makes perfect, good luck Thumbs up
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#10 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:04:19 PM

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Thank you for your advices Purges!

So, let's say that i'm going to buy a bong:

1) what kind of bong should i buy? Which shape? (any image?)
I don't know very much about bongs, i only know that there are dozens of different

2) How to use a bong for smoking DMT?

3) I researched a little bit about this "mullein", and i'll try to find
it in some herbalist shop here in my town, even if i never heard about it.
Is that the right place where to find it?

4) What if they don't have mullein? Is there another kind of herb that could be good as well?

5) How much herb should i use with the DMT, and how should i "mix" them?

Thank you very much!!
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#11 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:19:43 PM


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INFUSE SOME HERBS!!(or MJ if you smoke)

Supplies needed

1 gram DMT
1 gram Herbs(your choice)
Acetone - Either get it from lowes/home depot/or even CVS pharmacy
(they have 100% pure acetone by the nail polish remover)

Dissolve your 1 g dmt into a small amount of acetone. Make sure there is just enough acetone to cover your 1 g of herbs. Mix the dmt/acetone with the herbs in a shot glass or something small. Let the acetone evaporate. Dump the infused herbs out on a paper towel or something to dry out the rest of the way. Voila. Now you can just pack it up in any bong/bowl/vaping device and fire it up!

This is the easiest way beginners to smoke IMO. This way you don't waste a bunch of precious spice trying to get your vaporization technique down.

My favorite blend right now is

1g DMT
0.3g Calea
0.3g Blue Lotus petals
0.4g B. Caapi leaves

I'm telling you... this blend of herbs is absolutely INCREDIBLE to smoke. So unbelievably delicious!! If you need a good source for excellent quality herbs for SUPER CHEAP that will be delivered to your doorstep in 2-3 days, then let me know! Its only like $3 per ounce for most of these herbs.

Check the "CHANGA" sub-forum for ideas and more detailed instructions. A lot of info there!
#12 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:30:47 PM

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MomentOfTruth wrote:
INFUSE SOME HERBS!!(or MJ if you smoke)

Supplies needed

1 gram DMT
1 gram Herbs(your choice)
Acetone - Either get it from lowes/home depot/or even CVS pharmacy
(they have 100% pure acetone by the nail polish remover)

Dissolve your 1 g dmt into a small amount of acetone. Make sure there is just enough acetone to cover your 1 g of herbs. Mix the dmt/acetone with the herbs in a shot glass or something small. Let the acetone evaporate. Dump the infused herbs out on a paper towel or something to dry out the rest of the way. Voila. Now you can just pack it up in any bong/bowl/vaping device and fire it up!

This is the easiest way beginners to smoke IMO. This way you don't waste a bunch of precious spice trying to get your vaporization technique down.

My favorite blend right now is

1g DMT
0.3g Calea
0.3g Blue Lotus petals
0.4g B. Caapi leaves

I'm telling you... this blend of herbs is absolutely INCREDIBLE to smoke. So unbelievably delicious!! If you need a good source for excellent quality herbs for SUPER CHEAP that will be delivered to your doorstep in 2-3 days, then let me know! Its only like $3 per ounce for most of these herbs.

Check the "CHANGA" sub-forum for ideas and more detailed instructions. A lot of info there!

Thank you Moment!
But, i haven't 1gr of DMT at the moment!! I only have 100mg, but is it ok to use all these 100mg of DMT and 100mg of parley (for example)?? Why do you suggested 1gr, where everyone seems to advice 10-15mg for my first try??? 1gr seems to be a horse-dose!! Very happy
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#13 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:34:56 PM

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kenji wrote:
Hi everyone!
I extracted my first pull of freebase yestarday and now i tried to smoke a very little dose, like 20mg... But, my throat was burning as hell, i cough several times, and of course nothing happened.. Sad

I must say that i never smoked cigarettes or weed in the past, nothing at all.
And now i also was a little bit afraid because it was my first extraction ever, and i'm not conversant with drugs in general, i have this fear that something dangerous was left in my yield, even if i'm quite sure that everything is ok.. Sad

Is there something wrong with my DMT, or is it just normal for someone that don't smoke nothing??

BTW, i smoked the DMT in the way showed in this video at min 3.57 (with the plastic bottle).
Could it be dangerous or "painful" compared to other methods??


DMT smoke can be harsh on even the experienced lungs. It could be that you have impurities, but chances are, it's because your lungs aren't used to having anything but air in them, and because the smoke is too harsh, and very possibly too hot.

In terms of having other drug experience as a prerequisite, I don't think that's really necessary. DMT is so far removed from marijuana, and they have practically nothing in common other than you're not at baseline. In terms of other psychs, from my experience in administering it to friends, and my own personal experience, DMT can tend to be much easier on the psyche than the other psychs. Partly because of its short duration, but also it has simply treated me better than any of the others. Of course you're gonna have your disaster stories, and some will have a higher tendency towards these than others, but I wouldn't let the others discourage you towards using DMT just because you don't have other drug experience. I've introduced a couple drug virgins to DMT, and it couldn't have gone better.
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#14 Posted : 9/27/2012 4:56:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Something like this should do the trick. 15cm high, clear sides so you can see the smoke & know when it's clear. Ideally get a glass one, the smoke is smoother than with plastic/ wood/ ceramic etc.

kenji wrote:

Thank you Moment!
But, i haven't 1gr of DMT at the moment!! I only have 100mg, but is it ok to use all these 100mg of DMT and 100mg of parley (for example)?? Why do you suggested 1gr, where everyone seems to advice 10-15mg for my first try??? 1gr seems to be a horse-dose!! Very happy

Yeah, you can do that Smile It's best to make a batch so that you don't have to keep making tiny batches. Don't smoke it all at once silly! Surprised
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