Hey GT
I started my HBWR in June '11. I'm in Z6 so I had to take it indoors overwinter.
Indoors it grew to 6-7'. This spring it was in the GH until June where it suffered greatly from whitefly infestations. TIP if your leaves get shiny all of a sudden touch them and if they are sticky, you've got whiteflys and/or aphids.
Equal parts of organic dish soap and 70% isopropyl alcohol mixed with 2X that amount of water sprayed on the leaves controlled but never eliminated them.
Planted outside in June, in full sun, she promptly took over my shed, west part of garage and walkway.
As I have about 3 weeks before the average killing frosts arrive(IME they can't take ANY frost}, I've been taking cuttings to bring indoors, no luck with those so far.
Along the base of my plant up to about 6' there are what appear to be buds forming.
I seriously doubt now that they can flower in time for some seed.
Anyway it is a beautiful vigorous plant that can grow quite well as an indoor plant but the fireworks really start inground.
Good luck and keep us informed how she does with you.