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#1 Posted : 9/23/2012 11:25:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Where are we really?

I remember my dreams better than I remember yesterday. Dreams are a real experience to me. As real as me typing on this keyboard. My narcolepsy may be a part of that, but I believe everyone takes hold of their dreams the same way, whether they remember it or not.

I have this thought in my mind. What if this reality is just the children's playpen? Age is so irrelevant when it comes to what I'm speaking on here. Your experiences are whats important.

What if this "reality" (which this reality is made up of the same "stuff" dreams are, it just appears more ordered) is just the child's playpen. And once you've experienced and been shaped enough by those experiences, you are allowed to die, or move on to the next realm?

What if we're all sitting here and our "immature" (to the next realm) thoughts are holding us here in this reality? Or maybe we just haven't experienced or thought what we've need to move on. What if the next realm is so greatly dependent on thought that we wouldn't be allowed in because our thoughts would ruin it for the rest of them?

I've been thinking a lot about death lately. I know nothing. But I do choose to believe that nothing ends. DMT taught me that.

So whats holding us back from experiencing a reality like hyperspace all the time? There's a whole lot of greatness out there to be had, why are we stuck here in this limited time-space?

Any thoughts you have on this and would like to share would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Dreams

Who are these people in my reality and in my dreams? Why do I see them in reality and in my dreams and they appear and seem to be the same people? Although they don't remember the experiences I have with them. Why do I share experiences with them on different levels? I really wish sometimes they'd remember what we do together in my dreams. Wishful thinking?

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No Knowing
#2 Posted : 9/24/2012 12:39:16 AM

fool adept

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The child's playpen idea resonates strongly with my own ideas. It seems like this world really has little, if any, inherent meaning and is more of an exploratory trial of our soul before we can launch into greater realms of purpose and experience. But, if there is no purpose, then what is the test we are taking to leave the playpen?

Maybe these realms are withheld from us if we take this "playpen" too seriously and we are only admitted into higher realms if we take the leap into "letting go" of all our ideas about this reality and just live and explore without any pre-conceived notions.

Seems like the more one tries to figure out reality the more it turns out to be a puzzle that cannot be solved.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
The Spice must flow
Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.
Parshvik Chintan
#3 Posted : 9/24/2012 1:02:29 AM

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i am reminded of a sort of fractal version of the birthing process.
in the womb the state of consciousness is so alien, at the time we could not conceive of reality as we now know it; and now that we are here it is still so alien we aren't even sure we had it before.

i think in the same sense we cannot conceive of what reality would come next, and when we are in such a reality, we could not conceive of a reality such as the one in which we currently exist.

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#4 Posted : 9/24/2012 1:40:33 AM


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We are inside our own experience. Some are real and some probably aren't. who's to say?
#5 Posted : 9/24/2012 1:56:11 AM

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You are experiencing exactly what I have been ranting about since I showed up.

There are quite a few people here that will tell you not to listen to me. Do as they say if you like... Or you can work with it and develop it....

Your call
#6 Posted : 9/24/2012 2:48:17 AM

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'we're like caterpillar, contemplating pupation'

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 9/24/2012 3:59:46 AM
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we're here yet everywhere but yet nowhere
#8 Posted : 9/24/2012 4:05:44 AM

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I like how Alan Watts talks about reality.
We can not have life without death, light without dark, or black without white.
Although we use words to seperate "things" from other "things", reality is really nothing and everything. We are limited in describing "things" with words which has huge limitaions to them. Although language bring us mostly good.

Whats holding me back from hyperspace all the time?
For one, who is me? Twisted Evil
anyway, I do experiance life as hyperspace all the time but I can only experiance this one at a time. I am also stuck here because I want to be stuck here in this limted time-space. Just like I want to beat my heart, flap my wings, and shine my sun. Surprised

What does it matter? Really? Confused
If I want to feel, think, or experiance.... I will! Love

From my interpertation of what I have read though, I want to assume you would like something more concreate and "real" in a response. Smile

Where are we, really? On planet Earth, our home!
maybe we are here like the cristains belieave. Being tested to see if we are ready to move onto relm A or relm B (heaven or hell).

Whats holding us back from experiancing hyperspace all the time? Our brain with what we feel, think, or have injested.

"Not one rain drop blames it's self for the flood"
#9 Posted : 9/24/2012 5:56:15 AM

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Science has already proven that the apparent solidity of reality is illusory, and that everything can be interpreted as pure energy. It's not too great a leap to start looking at it all as pure thought. If it is pure energy, and that energy is conscious, then that's an easy conclusion to arrive at.

The notion of this being a place for having a rich variety of experiences, of it being a place for growth... That's more or less what I get from it all.

Nonetheless, I believe that life here in this reality is something that must be taken seriously, embraced, lived to the fullest. We don't know what happens when we die, so it's probably pretty unhealthy to crave an end to this life so we can go into hyperspatial paradise. If there is such a thing, it's a thing we can only arrive at when we are ready, so a rushed exit from life as we know it probably would be a major setback for anyone wanting to graduate to any hypothetical next level.
#10 Posted : 9/24/2012 6:05:22 AM

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Blackdust, Alan Watts is the man!

No one knows why or exactly where we are because no one has ever went through the light at the end of the tunnel and come back to tell about it. Regardless of where we are the fact is we are here, so imo we need to make the most of it with the time we have. If this life is a test of sorts, then being preoccupied with that fact and being impatient for it to be over doesn't seem like a good way to pass the test. And I do remember my dreams, cannot control them whatsoever. And whenever I am dreaming I always think its 100 percent reality until I wake up
#11 Posted : 9/24/2012 7:24:37 AM

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Man I feel the same.
My dreams are so real and vivid.. Definitely another reality.
"I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything."
― Alan Watts
“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”
― Ram Dass
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”
― Ram Dass
#12 Posted : 9/24/2012 7:56:16 AM

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And as finding out where we are, if Terrence Mckenna was right we all may find out soon because the singularity is fast approaching
#13 Posted : 9/24/2012 8:30:44 AM

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Blackdust's post seems wise. Who is this 'me' in the first place?

On a different note, only once have I realized within a dream that it was completely illusory and that it was going to end. That dream was amazing, I did so much I wouldn't have considered doing otherwise. Now, what if I could transfer this notion of illusion to my daily life, completely and wholeheartedly? Deep down, I am already aware of the fact that my experience of this world is going to end - it could end today! So the notion of death is for me a really powerful tool to see through illusion, when I remember to use it. Beacuse many of the people around me, along with own misconceptions makes it all seem so very serious sometimes.
"They are dangerously addictive."
- Virginia Woolf on the semicolon
#14 Posted : 9/24/2012 9:07:31 AM

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I believe we came here for the opportunity to expand, as energy. To experience more, to develop into a larger 'after-life.' The god force energy expands within all, the celestial light that gives rise to the myriad dimensions of heaven that are located inside the holographic fields-upon-fields.
The Warrior’s Prayer
"I am what I am. In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust. In softness I have strength. In silence I walk with the gods. In peace I understand myself and the world. In conflict I walk away. In detachment I am free. In respecting all living things I respect myself. In dedication I honour the courage within me.
In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things. In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others. In freedom I have power.
In my individuality I express the God-Force within me. In service I give of what I have become.
I am what I am: Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. And so be it"
#15 Posted : 9/24/2012 9:14:37 AM

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Guyomech wrote:
Science has already proven that the apparent solidity of reality is illusory, and that everything can be interpreted as pure energy. It's not too great a leap to start looking at it all as pure thought. If it is pure energy, and that energy is conscious, then that's an easy conclusion to arrive at.

The notion of this being a place for having a rich variety of experiences, of it being a place for growth... That's more or less what I get from it all.

Nonetheless, I believe that life here in this reality is something that must be taken seriously, embraced, lived to the fullest. We don't know what happens when we die, so it's probably pretty unhealthy to crave an end to this life so we can go into hyperspatial paradise. If there is such a thing, it's a thing we can only arrive at when we are ready, so a rushed exit from life as we know it probably would be a major setback for anyone wanting to graduate to any hypothetical next level.

^^^^ nice Thumbs up
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#16 Posted : 9/24/2012 12:40:03 PM

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mjc490 wrote:
Where are we really?

I remember my dreams better than I remember yesterday. Dreams are a real experience to me. As real as me typing on this keyboard. My narcolepsy may be a part of that, but I believe everyone takes hold of their dreams the same way, whether they remember it or not.

A lot of my dreams have to do with trivial things in everyday life that have either already happened, or am aware of possibilities in the future. For example, if I were to watch a violent movie, that night or several nights later, it could be very likely that I'm fleeing some assailant like that of the movie. Dreams are so hyper-suggestible that to nominate them with a more primary position in reality above physical reality doesn't make much sense to me. The realm of dreams seems to me to be the playpen - to be the area for "training" so that you are more prepared to deal with it in the physical world when it comes around or the next time. If you live in the jungle, having dreams of running from lions becomes a great survival resource as it's better to practice running from a lion when it can't hurt you, and it also brings to the surface that one should be prepared of dangers in the environment be they lions, cars, gunmen or starvation.

At least in the illusion of physical reality, consistency is much more prevalent. i.e. your house will always be in the same place. It will always look the same. The rooms in the house will look the same (unless you personally modify them), your friends will look more or less the same from day to day, etc...This does not hold up in the dream world at all. If I had to tally just the amount of variations on my own bedroom I've been in within my dreams (not even counting the ones I never had any recollection of), the number would be staggeringly large. And when I say variations, I don't mean slight alterations of detail, but just completely different areas altogether.

DMT on the other hand is different from dreaming in this regard (in my own experience). After hundreds upon hundreds of DMT experiences, I've ended up back in the same locations in hyperspace on countless occasions. If I'm taken to a house, the rooms in the house always look the same. The stuff is in the same places. There is extremely little suggestibility. Obviously these spaces can be quite dynamic, but the consistency is there in spades. IMHO DMT hyperspace seems to be a much better candidate for a reality with more primacy than for which it's given credit.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#17 Posted : 9/24/2012 12:59:25 PM

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I think that maybe in the future, the dimension we go to when we dream will merge with this reality and we will be aware of both dimensions at the same time.. and then time will not exist anymore, and we can create instantly what we want...
#18 Posted : 9/24/2012 1:58:43 PM

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Interesting posts.

My dreams are getting extremely repetitive at the moment. I encounter "themes" from times through out my life quite often. Sometimes I'll dream about Magic Mushrooms and see them, although they look strange in dreams, often "comically" larger.

I have this one dream where I'm walking through a dimly lit mall on a rainy evening, I walk through door after door, passageway after passageway, until I find a room and then there's something like a huge black hole with a ladder going down it, I have no clue where it goes down to but it freaks me out and I feel an evil, malevolent presence. It's almost like it's a metaphor for the pit's of my mind.

My dreams are often so strange they're unexplainable, similar to the DMT experience.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
#19 Posted : 9/24/2012 8:08:38 PM

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I really like this post.

It's something I've been wondering about and trying to mentally "break through" for awhile.

I thought of my dreams being another reality as well, like

In my dreams, I have no clue about (this) life I'm living now unless i remember its a dream

And in this reality i sometimes forget my (dreams) which to me seems like both of my realities don't remember each other.

I've always been able to remember my dreams, even asking people in my dreams "who are you, why are you here?"

They don't really answer, but imagine I pulled that stuff here? haha
#20 Posted : 9/24/2012 9:59:41 PM
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Sleepyvenus -
I ask the people in my dreams "who are you, why are you here?" or "what is this place?". They really don't answer me either, or they say "I don't know". I had one really important person from my life tell me in a dream it was "all about the metamorphosis of me".

That's what really gets me. Is that I can see these people in different realities, or dreams, or whatever you want to call it, and they appear to be the same people. Although they seem to not have the same memory of it I do. It makes me wonder if someones not telling me something I should know about the relationship between other beings and myself.

Its funny though when you ask people here in "reality" what this place is, there's no definitive answer either. Seems like any reality we wake up in, someone somewhere would rather us figure it out on our own, or not figure it out at all. Or maybe we aren't supposed to be asking questions.

Kensho -
From your post -
"On a different note, only once have I realized within a dream that it was completely illusory and that it was going to end. That dream was amazing, I did so much I wouldn't have considered doing otherwise. Now, what if I could transfer this notion of illusion to my daily life, completely and wholeheartedly?"

Kensho I really like that^. What if I could walk around with the notion of fully accepting that perhaps I could "wake up" or "be transferred" from this reality and never return, at any moment?
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