it may be the case that a lot of knowledge is still alive and running today, but it is quite evident in a lot of communities that this knowledge is waning with further exposure to westernised lifestyle. just think of the town your living in right now for example.... the situation for aboriginal people there is pretty f*&ked up and to me a lot of them seem to be becoming deeply disconnected from their traditional heritage and relying on western society more in areas that their traditional knowledge would serve them well... alcohol is certainly doing a good job at that too. I mean no offence or disrespect in saying this at all and it breaks my heart, but it is a harsh reality in certain places which are rife with westerners and alcohol that many aboriginal people are in ways severed from their traditional way of living and knowledge of the area... and this could potentially mean disconnection with many medicinal plants of the area.. just to get back on topic again
thanks for that post too that was really informative.. hope things are well!