After dreaming of Changa just enough to get a feel for the space SWIM is considering the following for his first ayahuasca brew and would like your opinions on his technique and amounts, etc.
20 grams shredded B Caapi placed in THP, 1.5 liters of distilled H2O (no acids added) at 180 degrees F. A rich amber brown tea would then be reduced to 300 ml. In this dream his THP would have used cheesecloth as the filter and the flush went through in only a few minutes. He had considered a further run, but the reduced tea would be seen as being rich, dark and not quite opaque like a medium coffee brew so he would think it is good. He wonders though if the neutral H2O was adequate to extract the needed goods or if he should run acidic H2O through, combine and reduce again?
He also would like to know if 1/2 of this brew would create proper MAO inhibition? He sees so many numbers all over the web he is not sure at all what is realistic.
Next he would likely process 15 grams finely powdered Jurema (aquired from Cielo Ethnobotanicals, many years ago but he hopes it will still be good). He would like to know if a 220 degree or higher acidic run through THP would give a usable product? Or should he do a boil and reduction process? He would much rather use THP if it will do the job. He thinks it would be good to pack the cheesecloth much tighter to slow down the flow to a trickle.
He imagines H2O acidified with either Phosphoric Acid a la Hummingbird tek or else with vinegar. His understanding is that the phosphoric gives especially high yields, so he wonders if this is the way to go.
He wonders how much H2O should be run to adequately extract all of the magic.
At that point he would bio assay an adequate amount of Caapi and the result of 2 or 3 grams worth of the Jurema tea for a first voyage, leaving the majority of the material for further investigation once the strength has been assayed. Is such a small quantity likely to have any effect at all, or should he up his initial dosage? He is seeking a healing session and wants more than just a threshold experience if possible. He wonders if he can bump with more Jurema a few hours in if he wants to?
Images of broken light,
Which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on...