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2 Directly Related Quotes to Our Cause Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2012 2:56:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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“Do we ever understand what we think? We only understand that thinking which is a mere equation, and from which nothing comes out but what we have put in. That is the working of the intellect. But beyond that there is a thinking in primordial images—in symbols which are older than historical man; which have been ingrained in him from earliest times, and, eternally living, outlasting generations, still make up the groundwork of the human psyche. It is only possible to live the fullest life when we are in harmony with theses symbols; wisdom is a return to them. It is neither a question of belief nor of knowledge, but of the agreement of our thinking with the primordial images of the unconscious. They are the source of all our conscious thoughts, and one of these primordial thoughts is the idea of life after death.” ~Jung

Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/20/2012 3:00:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DisEmboDied attached the following image(s):
296992_464848596883075_292653009_n.jpg (106kb) downloaded 80 time(s).
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.

#3 Posted : 9/20/2012 6:05:42 PM

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Oth great quotes, and very spot-on. Thanks!

These should be re-posted in the Quote Room: https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=9445
#4 Posted : 9/20/2012 11:23:42 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

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Yeah i have a number of times, mostly while on psychedelics, had an epithany where something about the universe or reality made perfect sense 'in my head' i could see it, but when i tried to put this into words it simply fell apart in my imagination, like words weren't enough?
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
Parshvik Chintan
#5 Posted : 9/20/2012 11:30:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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sidefx wrote:
words weren't enough

they almost never are
My wind instrument is the bong
#6 Posted : 9/21/2012 12:21:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 373
Joined: 17-Jun-2012
Last visit: 21-Jun-2021
I am in complete agreement with everything in this thread. I think.

Thanks for sharing!

A large number of my DMT experiences have directly illustrated what Jung describes in beautiful fashion. Anybody else experience similar?
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
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