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Mysterious Burning Blotter, help? Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2012 6:09:59 AM

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So I've tripped about 8 times, the last time I tripped was about 3 years ago and then the other night I tried what I thought was a tab of LSD but when I put it on my tongue it burned, I closed my mouth and lifted my tongue up to the roof of my mouth and I was seemingly getting burned on the roof of my mouth, it also tasted terribly bitter, I wasn't sure if the bitterness was the ink altho it did have an ink design on one side. Then my tongue started going numb. This really worried me because the first time I tried blotter it was tasteless and definitely didn't burn at all. I spit out the tab and sat on my bed and eased into an uneasy swirl of thoughts as I realized that perhaps what I had taken was not LSD.

I ended up tripping for about 9 hours, I had classic fractal visuals and kaleidoscopic designs, music was greatly enhanced, the burned feeling and bitter taste in my mouth went away after the first half hour. I'm not sure what to make of the experience, I could use a second opinion. If I end up taking another hit I want to avoid that burning sensation so would it make any sense to drop a tab into a cup of juice? would that disarm the burn and make it easier to ingest? Any ideas, suggestions, comments? Thanks.

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#2 Posted : 9/20/2012 7:46:41 AM

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I am curious about this as well, as I've experienced the same thing with a friend just a couple of months ago. Being my second time doing LSD, I noticed a sort of stinging sensation under my tongue as the tab was dissolving, sensation which was never to be found with the LSD I tried some way back. It was unexpected, as I knew LSD was tasteless, colorless and odorless, but it made for a great trip nonetheless. However, I'd be curious to know what was it, if it was some RC and not actual LSD, because like you, I got a bit worried too. What if I ever get a tab and it's not LSD and not a similar RC at all, but a much more powerful substance? Testing kits are good to have around, that's for sure.

This happens in Europe (for me at least), in case that can help identify what ever is in those things...
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#3 Posted : 9/20/2012 8:55:39 AM

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I can't remember what thread it was, but I think it was endlessness that said, if it has a taste it ISN'T LSD. Or atleast isn't all LSD. The burning sensation I'm not sure about, as Ive never experienced that, but that would tell me that it def isn't LSD doing that. It's very common to have something called LSD that in fact is far from it. I myself won't ever take any that hasn't been tested to be pure. I've only once had acid that had a taste, at the time I didn't know any better. It was slightly bitter with almost a whiskey taste.

I'm lucky it wasn't LSD cause we had no idea what we were doing and ended up taking much more than a couple hits cause it wasn't really doing anything. I think I took a total of what would be considered 9 hits. It was liquid and we were putting it onto a business card that I cut into little squares. Each square had about 2-3 hits each.

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#4 Posted : 9/20/2012 9:18:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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You definitely had something from the NBOMe family, could have been 25i-NBOMe or 25c-NBOMe - those are the most common ones. They produce those exact sensations: slight burning, bitter, will create numbness. Best taken by keeping them between the gums and lips for 30-45 minutes or so. No use trying to absorb through the stomach so not sure how best to counter the burning sensation. They create similar effects to LSD but they are definitely different. They have a greater body load, sort of feels like an ecstasy pill at the start, fantastic visuals which are also subtly different in their own way. In my opinion they lack the mystical quality of LSD.

Be warned that they can be strong! I had two tabs of 25i-NBOMe and initially had a fantastic time, absolutely amazing visuals but it got really weird toward the end and I thought the whole universe was shrinking and about to self-destruct any moment. I felt like everyone in the room was me (another 6 people) and we were all one consciousness, I was each person experiencing everyone at once, very weird I really lost control of knowing what was going on. Gotta be careful I guess these must be being passed around as LSD as they come on paper and make you trip.
#5 Posted : 9/20/2012 1:04:35 PM

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I've been reading trip reports on Erowid of 25i-NBOMe and now I'm 100% positive that's what I took based on how it burned my tongue, tasted bitter, and numbed my tongue. Now I am somewhat depressed that I took a research chemical with almost no history of human use and I'm worried because I have no idea what effects it has had on my body or my health in general. Technically I didn't have a bad trip but I wasn't planning on taking 25i so overall I feel duped but I think it was a good thing that I spit out the tab once I noticed the burning sensations.
#6 Posted : 9/20/2012 7:07:16 PM

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No need to be depressed buddy. Look at the positive side of things, you had a good trip from what I can tell and you experienced something that only a few people on earth have ever gotten to experience before. It does suck though that you kinda got ripped off.
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#7 Posted : 9/20/2012 10:10:14 PM

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I can understand the feeling, I wouldn't worry too much about health effects apparently they are using a carbon labelled version as a radiotracer for medical imaging so I very much doubt it will cause any ill effects on your health at normal doses.

As SpearFisher said, on the positive side it is good you spit it out at that time - the effects may have gotten too much and it sounds like you still had a good trip! Smile
#8 Posted : 9/21/2012 3:47:22 AM


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LSD does not taste bitter and does not burn ,

pure lsd is tasteless , however the blotters always taste a little metallic due to ink , however not bitter or burning , just a mild metallic taste , also there is no numbing of the tongue

what you're having is some research chem for sure , avoid it if possible
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#9 Posted : 9/21/2012 5:35:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Jin wrote:
LSD does not taste bitter and does not burn ,

pure lsd is tasteless , however the blotters always taste a little metallic due to ink , however not bitter or burning , just a mild metallic taste , also there is no numbing of the tongue

what you're having is some research chem for sure , avoid it if possible

I've heard the minor taste is usually due to the solvents or impurities. In my experience ink doesn't really taste, try some comics from the Sunday funnies, no real metallic taste. I've never had the luck of having verified pure LSD crystal, so I'm unsure, but I always get an extremely minor metallic almost electric feeling from LSD.
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