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Would entities kill me if I asked them too? Options
#41 Posted : 9/18/2012 4:21:44 AM


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I hope I didn't come off as sounding like I thought you were unstable.

I was just suggesting that if one was unstable that there was always the possibility of going a little loopy and potentially harming themselves, which I feel is much more realistic than being killed directly by an entity.

If you feel like you are able to cope with the thoughts you have about asking an entity to kill you and whatever that may entail then I would say you are pretty safe from entity death Thumbs up
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#42 Posted : 9/18/2012 4:28:10 AM
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Doodazzle wrote:

But about McKenna. My theory has always been that he tripped some out-there stuff, went a bit too far, find his mind in resonnance with some strange alien stuff. Some strange alien stuff from a part of the universe whose cosmic laws are so different than in our own corner of the omniverse, that merely to come into resonnance with those vibes might trigger some odd twist of chromosonal maligant growth. And stuff.

Or he died of a natural brain tumor like bob marley and everyone else who gets brain tumors? Not to sound condescending I just don't think we should pin it down on psychedelic use considering McKenna really wasn't all out there on psychedelics compared to most users. McKennas heroic dose was 5g's and he tripped about every three months and DMT a few times a year if I remember correctly. I found 5g's underwhelming and have done DMT around 20 times this year. Then I've met people who refuse to take less than 7-8g's and smoke DMT daily for extended periods of time. I remember Alex Grey said he thought it was because Mckenna was always using those big clunky radio phones or whatever they were. Who knows Rolling eyes
#43 Posted : 9/18/2012 5:10:17 AM

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I found 5g's underwhelming and have done DMT around 20 times this year. Then I've met people who refuse to take less than 7-8g's and smoke DMT daily for extended periods of time.

Those must be some relatively weak mushrooms, either that or you have an extremely high tolerance. I have taken seven or eight grams at once a few times in my life and it was similar to very high dosage lsd experience....for me at least.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#44 Posted : 9/18/2012 5:37:54 AM
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Eliyahu wrote:

Those must be some relatively weak mushrooms, either that or you have an extremely high tolerance. I have taken seven or eight grams at once a few times in my life and it was similar to very high dosage lsd experience....for me at least.

I'll admit they may not have been the strongest but I don't think they were "weak" either. By all means I was tripping pretty hard, but after hearing McKenna and Bill Hicks ramble about "THE 5 gram dose" and spoiling myself with DMT I was expecting a lot more. Everything was melting hardcore, my tracers were existing in multiple dimensions and seemed to be moving particles of matter along with it, i felt like the floor was up to my knees and i was swimming in fractals. I had a couple very religious experiences on that trip as well. At the very very tip of the peak I saw the world maintaining equilibrium through a constant cycle of construction and destruction. It told me that all things good and bad were necessary to maintain the balance. Then once I got the message the silhouettes of all the different people in the world started forming around the edges holding hands to keep the world alive. Then later in the trip I entered what I refer to as the "singularity state." It's where you enter an intense thought loop and grab it by the reigns and ride it down the center. I don't know a better way to describe but it essentially feels like you've bypassed all the programming of the universe and you're as close to the center of truth as you can possibly get. But you can't exactly get to THE truth because the truth is a mistake. It's not a point but rather a spectrum of diverse colors that co-exist. It's almost like riding along an asymptote if that makes sense. You get closer and closer and closer and closer and closer but you can just never reach it. One person can say black, another person can say white, and somehow they both come out to mean the exact same thing but neither of them quite mean what you meant to say.

So yeah, by underwhelming I didn't mean it was weak Big grin I was just expecting DMT styled territory or something. I didn't have a lot of experience with mushrooms though so I really couldn't be sure what I was in for. In fact my first real acid trip ever was about the same intensity (by total mistake though.)
#45 Posted : 10/2/2012 5:48:09 AM

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..not more mckenna brain tumor theories.. please

he had an extremely rare form of brain cancer and the point is that we simply don't know. speculation is just sort of silly at this point

as a side note..his brother dennis in convo with schwann cybershaman has remarked that they think it was likely due to a combination of the high amount of mercury in the water supply by his house in hawaii and the many many phone calls he would make using his gigantic satellite dish. but dennis' book about they're life together was just published last night so maybe pick that up if you want more information.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#46 Posted : 10/2/2012 8:02:24 AM

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Recently, I have been encountering what seemed to be a malevolent entity.

It has attempted to "kill" me several times.
It stabbed me in the heart on one occasion.
Another occasion it dumped me on a local highway to be run over by cars.
In actuality, it was just trying to scare me and solicit some kind of reaction.

Entities are unable to kill you. They can only scare you.

You will remain tied to this physical realm as long as your heart beats and you draw breath here.
At first sight, The Perfection of Wisdom is bewildering, full of paradox and apparent irrationality.
#47 Posted : 10/2/2012 9:14:30 AM

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You are asking us this?


The thought occured to me as well. Just because someone new asks a seemingly weird question does not make it any less legit.

It doesn't even have to be "entities" killing yoou. Perhaps you could talk your body into shutting down completely and it would appear to you as if the entitites had "murdered" you.
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