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Would entities kill me if I asked them too? Options
The Maxx
#21 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:15:43 PM

I Am the Jungle Queen!

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Garyp88 wrote:
The Maxx wrote:
I once asked an entity made of gold cubed light for a hamburger with everything except tomatoes (since tomatoes are gross and squishy) and you know what? That morphing golden cube thing put freaking tomatoes on my burger anyway!

And when I got back to this world, I found seven dollars missing from my wallet! That was not a seven dollar hamburger, let me tell you.

Was this true?

Sorry for the gullibility if you were just joking Embarrased

It was a joke. I thought it was funny.
You are Lazarus in the Tomb, and we are always knocking for you to come out. Soon, the tomb will be torn down around you, and you must come out. What will you do then?

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olympus mon
#22 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:16:29 PM

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Cirque- to follow up on my post to you no I don't believe one second that the entities or brujos darts ext can kill a person. You may actually be more concerned of having a bad trip from your thoughts more than actually dieing. At least I'd hope so.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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Bill Cipher
#23 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:16:33 PM

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OP - Please tread lightly. In the past week or two you have racked up some seriously wacky posts. From this off the wall idea of entities killing you, to your past life lover, to seeking out trippers on Craig's List, you're painting a picture of someone who is perhaps not very well balanced, and DMT is a bad, bad choice for an already imbalanced psyche.

I'm not trying to offend you here. I just think you may be on the verge of biting off more than you can chew.
Bill Cipher
#24 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:27:56 PM

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olympus mon wrote:
Garyp- what's your thoughts on the likely hood of entities being real? I ask this because we share many similar ideas on other subjects but toggle back and forth over the years about the case for the beings.

Cirque- as strange as your concerns sound I think I may relate to them. I was a weird kid and young adult and would feel social anxiety whenever in the company of others. My mind would uncontrollably think of the worst possible thing to say aloud in that setting and I would feel the fear that my body might just blurt it out. This would happen a lot in the company of people that recently loss a loved one. My mind would start imagining saying insanely hurtful things to them.

Its such a weird ass feeling and I never have understood why it use to happen. It still will pop its head up from time to time usually when I'm under a lot of stress or feeling self conscious. Is this what your dealing with?

We are such strange creatures

I can actually relate to this, mon. I've had similar thoughts myself. I've never actually blurted out anything so terribly inappropriate, but the thought has been there from time to time that I could and how awful that would be. For me, it occurs most often in a professional or business setting.

I've also had this thought at times being at the edge of a very high precipice, that it really wouldn't be a good thing if I was suddenly compelled to jump. I think it's kind of the same thing, really. I've never had the urge to jump, mind you, but the thought occurs to me anyway (and scares me a little bit) that I could, and then I'd be screwed. I've had the same weird feeling when on a boat. I'll get this flash of how awful it would be if I did act on a momentary impulse to hurl myself over the railing, and then I picture myself treading water as the boat and my life go bye-bye.

Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't be smoking DMT...

#25 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:47:04 PM
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they may not kill you... but what is to keep them from manipulating your awareness (soul/inner you)???

one once told me "i want to inhabit your body" then proceeded to choke me and then i freaked out and came into "real world" awareness

I think that if i would have just let it continue and gone with it without fear it may not have been so bad.... i think it is fear at work against us.... predisposition toward either fear or hope seems to influence our perception of "reality" in the "present moment"

even if that present moment is in dmt world.... it is your reality in the moment

dreams are your reality when you sleep

reality is dependent on the only truth... present moment... time is illusion relative to
no past no future... both are at lower scale than present moment

anyway i think the more evolved entities are rather just evolved awareness's that travel from entity to entity... reality to reality

how we travel moment to moment by the cues of the clock... they transcend the clock and space and the "illusions" with which we base our "existence" on

#26 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:55:25 PM


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Uncle Knucles wrote:
[quote=olympus mon]I've also had this thought at times being at the edge of a very high precipice, that it really wouldn't be a good thing if I was suddenly compelled to jump. I think it's kind of the same thing, really. I've never had the urge to jump, mind you, but the thought occurs to me anyway (and scares me a little bit) that I could, and then I'd be screwed. I've had the same weird feeling when on a boat. I'll get this flash of how awful it would be if I did act on a momentary impulse to hurl myself over the railing, and then I picture myself treading water as the boat and my life go bye-bye.

As i was reading above i thought of how this used to happen to me when i was younger. Then i read your post saying the same thing! I can definitely relate to these exact feelings. I haven't really had it happen for a long time so i haven't really thought about it, but i can remember specific times that i HAVE had the thought of "what if i were to jump" while standing high up on a platform/pier/sky needle/lighthouse/etc..

never did the thought feel "suicidal", but more like a strong anxiety that my body would reject logic and complete the action for me.

lol. weird.
#27 Posted : 9/18/2012 12:01:41 AM
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I can actually relate to this, mon. I've had similar thoughts myself. I've never actually blurted out anything so terribly inappropriate, but the thought has been there from time to time that I could and how awful that would be. For me, it occurs most often in a professional or business setting.

I've also had this thought at times being at the edge of a very high precipice, that it really wouldn't be a good thing if I was suddenly compelled to jump. I think it's kind of the same thing, really. I've never had the urge to jump, mind you, but the thought occurs to me anyway (and scares me a little bit) that I could, and then I'd be screwed. I've had the same weird feeling when on a boat. I'll get this flash of how awful it would be if I did act on a momentary impulse to hurl myself over the railing, and then I picture myself treading water as the boat and my life go bye-bye.

Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't be smoking DMT...


I'd guess it's a impulse from childhood when told to be restrained. Experienced it a little too.

To the op, can't you replace that thought with something more a little more entertaining?

If your coherent enough can always call on archangel Michael,just don't think about him whipping out his...

Here's a link to wiki advice that may be of use, happy travels bro. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m..._trips_.2F_Dark_entities
#28 Posted : 9/18/2012 12:35:59 AM

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cirquefreak333 wrote:
I might have an opportunity to smoke DMT. I really want to, for spiritual reasons> However, I am afraid that I might, not meaning to, either telepathically or verbally, probably accidentally telepathically, ask an entity to kill me. I don't want to die at all, I'm just scared that I'll think that. Would an entity kill me?

The creator would not allow an entity to kill you. Predatorial entities can invade your thoughts in an attempt to influence you however no entity can actually physically harm you.
There may be a few very rare exceptions to this but nothing someone who is just smoking DMT at home should have to worry about...

If you were smoking DMT in some cursed Mayan ruin or something maybe you might have to worry,,,,lol....maybe..

Let me warn you however to not worry yourself about this while in hyperspace or your just going to freak yourself out...
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
olympus mon
#29 Posted : 9/18/2012 12:42:38 AM

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Eliyahu wrote:

cirquefreak333 wrote:
I might have an opportunity to smoke DMT. I really want to, for spiritual reasons> However, I am afraid that I might, not meaning to, either telepathically or verbally, probably accidentally telepathically, ask an entity to kill me. I don't want to die at all, I'm just scared that I'll think that. Would an entity kill me?

The creator would not allow an entity to kill you..

He doesn't seem to mind allowing close to 9 million children to die or be killed every single year world wide from hunger, war, sex enslavement, tsunami's, natural disasters ext. So what makes this any different.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
The Maxx
#30 Posted : 9/18/2012 12:50:03 AM

I Am the Jungle Queen!

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olympus mon wrote:
Eliyahu wrote:

cirquefreak333 wrote:
I might have an opportunity to smoke DMT. I really want to, for spiritual reasons> However, I am afraid that I might, not meaning to, either telepathically or verbally, probably accidentally telepathically, ask an entity to kill me. I don't want to die at all, I'm just scared that I'll think that. Would an entity kill me?

The creator would not allow an entity to kill you..

He doesn't seem to mind allowing close to 9 million children to die or be killed every single year world wide from hunger, war, sex enslavement, tsunami's, natural disasters ext. So what makes this any different.

Indeed. The creator allows ALL things. This is a freewill universe. Do as you will, but create no harm. This is only a suggestion, not the law.
You are Lazarus in the Tomb, and we are always knocking for you to come out. Soon, the tomb will be torn down around you, and you must come out. What will you do then?
#31 Posted : 9/18/2012 12:54:52 AM


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I don't believe an entity could kill you, but you could certainly kill yourself.

Say you are mentally unstable, you smoke DMT and you meet an entity that tells you he is going to do something to you, say a curse; he puts a curse on you and you come out of the trip thinking you are cursed. You spend lots of time thinking about it and your unstable mind starts going on the fritz, your world falls apart you are convinced the entity has ruined your life and there is no way back.....you get the picture.

I have had thoughts such as Olymon described as well and I don't think that it is all that abnormal, as long as you are capable of controlling yourself. If you are having a hard time controlling your thoughts and are truly worried about them, then maybe you should sort things out before you try DMT.

The main thing is that you don't take every thought too seriously. You can drive yourself up the walls and back again thinking too deeply, trust me. Remember, when standing on a cliff there are two options that come to mind; jump and don't jump. If you think "jump" maybe you just thought it because you already know what not jumping would be like and you need to internalize the "what if" question. You haven't lost control of your thoughts, you are merely entertaining an idea and then you will obviously reject it because it is not the correct choice.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#32 Posted : 9/18/2012 1:11:46 AM
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If I asked you to kill me, would you? Then why would an entity oblige you?
#33 Posted : 9/18/2012 2:57:12 AM
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MomentOfTruth wrote:
Uncle Knucles wrote:
[quote=olympus mon]I've also had this thought at times being at the edge of a very high precipice, that it really wouldn't be a good thing if I was suddenly compelled to jump. I think it's kind of the same thing, really. I've never had the urge to jump, mind you, but the thought occurs to me anyway (and scares me a little bit) that I could, and then I'd be screwed. I've had the same weird feeling when on a boat. I'll get this flash of how awful it would be if I did act on a momentary impulse to hurl myself over the railing, and then I picture myself treading water as the boat and my life go bye-bye.

As i was reading above i thought of how this used to happen to me when i was younger. Then i read your post saying the same thing! I can definitely relate to these exact feelings. I haven't really had it happen for a long time so i haven't really thought about it, but i can remember specific times that i HAVE had the thought of "what if i were to jump" while standing high up on a platform/pier/sky needle/lighthouse/etc..

never did the thought feel "suicidal", but more like a strong anxiety that my body would reject logic and complete the action for me.

lol. weird.

That's exactly what it is for me! A fear that my mind or body will somehow unconsciously betray me

Maybe my posts are strange, but aren't all people strange? Being weird doesn't make one unstable, and searching for people that dont constantly dissaprove of ones desires and goals doesnt seem that strange to me. I think I am stable, I meditate often, I found the friends that I was looking for, and I have a mindset that is willing to believe - how can otherworldly beings come to me if I don't believe in them? I am on a deep, personal spiritual journey and smoking dmt will be part of that journey - I found people that I trust and care about to do it with, that believe similar things as I. The concern I have was mostly from an insecurity I had months ago, I had just remembered it today and am only slightly worried that that would happen. I don't think not being perfect means I should give up on my quest. I believe that all people were meant to be spiritually fulfilled, to form a relationship with God or Goddess or angels or spirits, and that everyone dies, and if I am going to be forced to die someday, and if there's a chance the world might end or change dec 2012, then I am going to smoke dmt as soon as I have the opportunity to do so. My plan is to smoke dmt many times then attempt to paint hyperspace and give the painting to a friend that doesn't talk to me anymore to get him to talk to me (I think dmt is an important part of his life, I would love to smoke dmt with him). Just because I am a little different from the normal person doesnt mean I shouldn't smoke dmt. Who wants to be normal anyways? I am not suicidal, just to clarify.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#34 Posted : 9/18/2012 3:04:49 AM
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Pinball wrote:

I can actually relate to this, mon. I've had similar thoughts myself. I've never actually blurted out anything so terribly inappropriate, but the thought has been there from time to time that I could and how awful that would be. For me, it occurs most often in a professional or business setting.

I've also had this thought at times being at the edge of a very high precipice, that it really wouldn't be a good thing if I was suddenly compelled to jump. I think it's kind of the same thing, really. I've never had the urge to jump, mind you, but the thought occurs to me anyway (and scares me a little bit) that I could, and then I'd be screwed. I've had the same weird feeling when on a boat. I'll get this flash of how awful it would be if I did act on a momentary impulse to hurl myself over the railing, and then I picture myself treading water as the boat and my life go bye-bye.

Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't be smoking DMT...


I'd guess it's a impulse from childhood when told to be restrained. Experienced it a little too.

To the op, can't you replace that thought with something more a little more entertaining?

If your coherent enough can always call on archangel Michael,just don't think about him whipping out his...

Here's a link to wiki advice that may be of use, happy travels bro. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m..._trips_.2F_Dark_entities[/quote]

Its good to know that I'm not the only one with thoughts like that. I think I am going to focuss on grounding myself, balancing my chakras, and meditating. I'll meditate before and after smoking it. I dont even know when Im going to have the opportunity anyways, a friend just said she might be able to get some soon.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#35 Posted : 9/18/2012 3:24:11 AM
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I bet the entities are sitting in their 4th dimensional world smoking some crazy drug going "Who are these crazy 3-dimensional beings?" "I don't know but this is awesome!" "Hey I have an idea, let's kill them!"

But in all seriousness OP, the only thing I could think of is that you end up in some psychotic break, run for the kitchen knifes, and sacrifice yourselves to the elf spirits. That is very very very very VERY unlikely however. You'll be fine. DMT entities are very caring beings in most cases. Even the nasty ones can't do much more than scare you.
#36 Posted : 9/18/2012 3:31:21 AM
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JacksonMetaller wrote:
I bet the entities are sitting in their 4th dimensional world smoking some crazy drug going "Who are these crazy 3-dimensional beings?" "I don't know but this is awesome!" "Hey I have an idea, let's kill them!"

But in all seriousness OP, the only thing I could think of is that you end up in some psychotic break, run for the kitchen knifes, and sacrifice yourselves to the elf spirits. That is very very very very VERY unlikely however. You'll be fine. DMT entities are very caring beings in most cases. Even the nasty ones can't do much more than scare you.

haha. You're right, I just hope it happens someday soon then.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#37 Posted : 9/18/2012 3:53:48 AM

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Maxx, I appreciated the hamburger related levity. Jolly good fun!

But seriously folks, death in hyperspace, not possible? Rare and unlikely, but McKenna did get a brain tumor whose name was similar to 'glio plastoma multi-form' or something. And that kid did die mysteriously at that ayahuasca retreat place....and some of us have had experiences in hyperspace where death in another dimension sure seemed possible. No, I'm just being weird.

But about McKenna. My theory has always been that he tripped some out-there stuff, went a bit too far, find his mind in resonnance with some strange alien stuff. Some strange alien stuff from a part of the universe whose cosmic laws are so different than in our own corner of the omniverse, that merely to come into resonnance with those vibes might trigger some odd twist of chromosonal maligant growth. And stuff.

Others before me have of course postulated that mssr Terrence earned bad karma/pissed off the mushroom spirits because he spent the 70's dealing magic mushrooms for fun and for illicit profit.

Than again, in this modern age MOST people seem to die of cancer, so who knows?
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#38 Posted : 9/18/2012 4:01:42 AM
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So was McKenna's brain tumor because of his psychedelic drug use? I know he said it wasn't, but could using dmt, mescaline, and mushrooms give me a brain tumor? I'd probably use them anyways, in moderation, because you die anyways, just wondering.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#39 Posted : 9/18/2012 4:07:37 AM

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^unlikely. All kinds of people get brain tumors..it is more likely that he ate a poor diet as was exposed to carcinogens than DMT or psilocin gave him a tumor. There is not evidence whatsoever to suggest that mushrooms or DMT are carcinogenic at all.
Long live the unwoke.
#40 Posted : 9/18/2012 4:15:16 AM

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"Others before me have of course postulated that mssr Terrence earned bad karma/pissed off the mushroom spirits because he spent the 70's dealing magic mushrooms for fun and for illicit profit."

That sounds rediculous to me.

What about the karma of people who cut down forest and build skyscrapers and roads every day?..or people who work crappy jobs at places like wal-mart who support child labour?..or people who work warehousing jobs who stock supplies for places like walmart?..gas station attendants supporting oil wars that destroy millions of lives?

Each of these is far more destructive and deserving of bad karma than some guy who made mushrooms available to the masses and made some money on the side in the 1970's..

By those standards I should have horrible karma too..god knows I have worked many of the sort of jobs listed above.
Long live the unwoke.
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