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Would entities kill me if I asked them too? Options
#1 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:45:59 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I might have an opportunity to smoke DMT. I really want to, for spiritual reasons> However, I am afraid that I might, not meaning to, either telepathically or verbally, probably accidentally telepathically, ask an entity to kill me. I don't want to die at all, I'm just scared that I'll think that. Would an entity kill me?
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought

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#2 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:47:45 PM
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DMT is non-toxic and entities are non-corporeal. I can't imagine how they could kill you and I've certainly never heard of it happening.
#3 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:49:38 PM


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Lol well ive never heard of an entity killing anyone. I wouldn't worry about things like that. Just make sure you have a good safe setting and you will be fine.
#4 Posted : 9/17/2012 9:51:48 PM

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That is a very weird thing that you think you might think. Every time I walk through a terrestrial ghetto, I always worry if I might accidentally scream out "hey scary young ethnic guys, please beat me and steal my wallet!"

Somehow I have thus far managed to restrain myself.

Entities actually killing a human being in hyperspace is, I'm sure, very very rare.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#5 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:00:25 PM


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They might murder your ego but apart from that you're safe imo Smile
#6 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:01:05 PM
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Doodazzle wrote:
That is a very weird thing that you think you might think. Every time I walk through a terrestrial ghetto, I always worry if I might accidentally scream out "hey scary young ethnic guys, please beat me and steal my wallet!"

Somehow I have thus far managed to restrain myself.

Entities actually killing a human being in hyperspace is, I'm sure, very very rare.

You manage to not shout it, but do you manage to not think it? I think that's what cirquefreak was worried about. Nevertheless I agree that it is a rare thing (or, more likely, hasn't ever happened) where an entity actually kills your physical body. You could feel like you are being killed, I know I have, but in all likelihood you will snap out of it as the drug wears off and in my experience once you come out of it the whole thing is very interesting to reflect on.
#7 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:05:28 PM
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The only reason I worry was because I had a psychedelic experience on LSD where I was fake telepathically communicating with a friend and a couple times thought dangerous thoughts along the line of asking to be killed, leading me to obsess about it and thus make the thoughts more recurrent because I was trying not to think them.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#8 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:08:10 PM

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Remember these thoughts are not you, and that none of us really understand our own thoughts.
#9 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:09:06 PM
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Also assuming its real, could an angel spirit alien or demon kill me? What if they just didnt like my thoughts and decided to off me for fun? When you look into the abyss the abyss looks into you
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#10 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:17:20 PM

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...maybe you shouldn't smoke DMT?
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#11 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:42:32 PM
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You better watch man.......it could happen Shocked

...Confused Joking aside.....are you serious? What would give you the impression that an entity would 'physically' kill you if you asked him/her/it/them/that to? Just curious
#12 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:45:56 PM

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Ahaa yeah cirquefreak; i think you have the wrong idea of DMT.

I doubt you would meet an entity on your first venture!

I have found in my time, that it is like a new sense we exercise and build ^ up to things we are capable of; Like a weight lifter builds himself up SlowLy to a weight.

I FEEL the entities understand that we are Simply Imperfect Humans and they seem to have patience with us if we show respect.

I do NOT even think your thoughts will be at your Disposal this early in the game-so to speak.

*Yes it can be very frustrating/stressful even maddening to get stuck on a thought while on a Lesser psychedelic, like LSD where one has more input; BUT with DMT it is like being swept away on a tidal wave your first time surfing, you get better every time.

?I wonder though if any SHAMAN has left his Fleshly body to be with the forces?
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
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#13 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:47:33 PM

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Garyp- what's your thoughts on the likely hood of entities being real? I ask this because we share many similar ideas on other subjects but toggle back and forth over the years about the case for the beings.

Cirque- as strange as your concerns sound I think I may relate to them. I was a weird kid and young adult and would feel social anxiety whenever in the company of others. My mind would uncontrollably think of the worst possible thing to say aloud in that setting and I would feel the fear that my body might just blurt it out. This would happen a lot in the company of people that recently loss a loved one. My mind would start imagining saying insanely hurtful things to them.

Its such a weird ass feeling and I never have understood why it use to happen. It still will pop its head up from time to time usually when I'm under a lot of stress or feeling self conscious. Is this what your dealing with?

We are such strange creatures
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#14 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:51:22 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
...maybe you shouldn't smoke DMT?

Gun it to 88...
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#15 Posted : 9/17/2012 10:58:58 PM

Is it Greedy to want to see everyone's Smile ?

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olympus mon wrote:
Garyp- what's your thoughts on the likely hood of entities being real? I ask this because we share many similar ideas on other subjects but toggle back and forth over the years about the case for the beings.

Cirque- as strange as your concerns sound I think I may relate to them. I was a weird kid and young adult and would feel social anxiety whenever in the company of others. My mind would uncontrollably think of the worst possible thing to say aloud in that setting and I would feel the fear that my body might just blurt it out. This would happen a lot in the company of people that recently loss a loved one. My mind would start imagining saying insanely hurtful things to them.

Its such a weird ass feeling and I never have understood why it use to happen. It still will pop its head up from time to time usually when I'm under a lot of stress or feeling self conscious. Is this what your dealing with?

We are such strange creatures

To olympus mon; hey man what you said about your thoughts running away on you like that^^,
sounds exactly what i have to deal with sometimes, and sometimes i can just roll over the thoughts but other times i get stumped wondering WHY , WHERE these thoughts came from, a lot i get depressed unable to dismiss these things easily.

even get paranoid sometimes that people can hear these nasty thoughts.

I have put it down to 'Maybe its because i am not so happy with my life situation ATM'

I am trying a few things like exercise and diet and meditation, and planning a holiday.

olympus mon, hey man what has helped you to see clearer.

I know this site helps. PLRrrrrrr cherers
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
The Maxx
#16 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:02:29 PM

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I once asked an entity made of gold cubed light for a hamburger with everything except tomatoes (since tomatoes are gross and squishy) and you know what? That morphing golden cube thing put freaking tomatoes on my burger anyway!

And when I got back to this world, I found seven dollars missing from my wallet! That was not a seven dollar hamburger, let me tell you.
You are Lazarus in the Tomb, and we are always knocking for you to come out. Soon, the tomb will be torn down around you, and you must come out. What will you do then?
#17 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:03:56 PM
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olympus mon wrote:
Garyp- what's your thoughts on the likely hood of entities being real? I ask this because we share many similar ideas on other subjects but toggle back and forth over the years about the case for the beings.

It's an interesting question. I honestly don't know what to think. I guess "real" is an odd word as well, so like they are certainly real in my head but whether they are objectively real and continue to exist after I stop perceiving them is probably another matter. It feels so real at the time that it would be hard to believe that they are just being "made up" by my brain, but using that to conclude that they are in fact objectively real would be an argument from ignorance (i.e. "I can't understand how it is not the case, therefore it is the case" ). One of the big things for me is that I find the whole experience sooooo much more complex than any of my mundane thoughts. The "artwork" of the trip, the complexity of the entities and some of the things that feel very much like another life form is trying to show me something that is as yet beyond my comprehension... all of it seems too intricate to be coming from me. It does feel as though it is a glimpse into another dimension, or perhaps just a different reality paradigm from the one our brains invent to keep us comfortable.

On the flip side human minds are capable of incredible things. Argument from ignorance aside I see no way of knowing whether I am somehow producing the imagery or not. The entities could be elements of my psyche, archetypes or something similar. The "other dimension" could just be part of a very complex delusion.

I'm agnostic on this subject Smile
#18 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:06:38 PM
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The Maxx wrote:
I once asked an entity made of gold cubed light for a hamburger with everything except tomatoes (since tomatoes are gross and squishy) and you know what? That morphing golden cube thing put freaking tomatoes on my burger anyway!

And when I got back to this world, I found seven dollars missing from my wallet! That was not a seven dollar hamburger, let me tell you.

Was this true?

Sorry for the gullibility if you were just joking Embarrased
olympus mon
#19 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:08:54 PM

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SIDEFX- I was hesitant to write my post because I've never really asked if anyone else has dealt with this strangeness but since discovering years ago we are not all unique little snowflakes I was willing to bet others can relate to various degrees. I also let go of the egoic hesitation of giving a shit what people think about me and to take advantage of any opportunity to grow and move past.

Here is what I came p with and allowed me to put this to rest. It came from my deep love and compassion for others as well as my fears of hurting or letting people down. Once I understood I'm not a monster or psychopath but actually the opposite it a began to stop happening. Being able to step outside myself and see why my mind was doing this takes away its power and in turn the anxiety associated with how odd our minds are.

Hope that helps.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#20 Posted : 9/17/2012 11:12:52 PM

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I dunno, can dogs fly and elephants bark? If I smoke DMT and accidentially or telepathically think that I am Boy George will I become him? If I ask the entities to give me man boobs will they appear?


You are asking us this?

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