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first trip on pure salvia Options
#1 Posted : 9/10/2012 1:03:57 AM

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I have been mixing a pinch of salvia with weed for a while with good results but last night i tryed enough 60x to thinly cover a dime with water bong and ten seconds after exhaling my room disapeared and was replaced with a masive halucination like i was looking into a mirroe at 10 of me!
What i saw apeared to be slices of me from head to toe,..
I apeared to be in energy form and could not feel my physical body much at all!
Durring the peak i was able to reasure muself that i had just smoked some [what?]Big grin
I forgot what i smoked but had some lucid abuility to thing during the experiance..
This was the strangest feeling i have ever had in my life seeing my atoms scatered in front of me !
I saw what looked like 10 thin slices of me from head to toe in energy form..
I seemed to know that these slices would emerge together soon..
I didnt have any panic or freak outs ..i was very calm durring all of this..
One more hit from the pipe may have had a diferent story..im not shure..
I guessi took just the right amount alowing some lucid thought...
After all this was over i had a later dream that i was smoking salvia and it turned me into lightning as i streaked across the night sky...
Did i break through or was i just close?
What an experiance that shit is awesome in power and effect...

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#2 Posted : 9/10/2012 5:22:23 AM
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Wow a positive salvia experience for once. I really want to try it!
#3 Posted : 9/10/2012 6:21:09 AM


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Great to hear positive smoked salvia reports! Sounds like you sure did breakthrough.

I have never had a positive breakthrough on salvia but when I was using it I would smoke the biggest bowl of 20x I could in one hit....No bueno! I would never have any recollection of smoking or even my previous state of being, I would just be instantly hurled into alternate dimension as another object. Becoming a single grain of sand being plowed by an angry thousand foot tall farmer isn't my idea of a good time Pleased

Responsible dosing and respect for the plant goes a LONG way! Glad you were able to find a balance Smile

The lightning dream sounds amazing! Quite a possibility as well, let us know if you ever get a chance to ride the lightning.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#4 Posted : 9/12/2012 12:24:18 AM

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just being careful ...I have been smoking grass with a little pinch of salvia a bunch of times and could tell that the salvia was boosting the effects of the grass...
It was only the other night i tryed salvia by itself only about 0.o3 of a gram enough to thinly cover a dime...
When the vision comes on ..it seems to put one right into a diferent world...
I have always had a great respect for salvia and in no way was i looking for a fun party experiance from it...
Instead i wanted to learn and explore..
Salvia is new to me and im shure some of you have had more experiance with it that me...
Im looking forward to the DMT experiance ..but now salvia has caught my intrest...
in the report above.. after my room disapeared.. i was caught suspended between my physical body and the halucination of 10 sections of me in energy form...
Because of my careful dosing i was able to know what was going on during the experiance..
[I had no sitter with me]..
durring the experiance I couldent feel my physical body much at all!.. but was able to move my hands of toes enough to have a [[distant feeling of a physical body]]...[this helped to keep me relaxed]
If any more experianced salvia people want to add something please do...
#5 Posted : 9/12/2012 11:48:50 AM

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I have only tried salvia once 50mg 60x,
I was sitting up, but had not smoked anything in a while so could not breathe it in enough or hold it; it felt like my body was removed, left only with the sensation of my spine and skull - which my conciousness started to evaporate out of and i was motioning my arms and hands pulling like a rope out from the top of my skull.

it was real weird, do not no if a song was playing perfectly or if it was in my head, but a ladies voice was speaking saying that "everything was fine and as it should be" which helped calm me a lot.

I have another 50mg 60x which i will smoke someday! And hold it in Long, get full effect.
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
#6 Posted : 9/12/2012 12:12:11 PM

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It's great that you had a positive salvia experience, but ...

A moderately strong dose of legitimate 60X salvia extract is 6 or 7mg.

Measuring by eye “only about 0.03 of a gram enough to thinly cover a dime” is not “careful dosing” and is not the way to go to ensure future good experiences. If you managed to effectively inhale a full 30mg dose, you would have consumed about 4 or 5 times a moderately strong dose, and I guarantee that your experience would have been more “typical” i.e. horrific.

Imagine if users of DMT were routinely and efficiently vaporizing doses 5 to 6 times as large as a typical “breakthrough” dose of 30mg. I’m sure that DMT experience reports would be very negative and as a result DMT would be looked at very differently by most.

If you want to avoid almost certain bad experiences with salvia in the future, get a milligram scale and weigh your doses. When using 60X, it’s hard to accurately weigh a dose (6 – 7mg), so I’d suggest using 5X up to maybe 20X.

For dosing information read: All About Salvia Dosing
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#7 Posted : 9/12/2012 11:54:32 PM

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it was real weird, do not no if a song was playing perfectly or if it was in my head, but a ladies voice was speaking saying that "everything was fine and as it should be" which helped calm me a lot......

Maybe it was Salvia herself?Very happy

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Last visit: 12-Sep-2012 It's great that you had a positive salvia experience, but ...

A moderately strong dose of legitimate 60X salvia extract is 6 or 7mg.

Measuring by eye “only about 0.03 of a gram enough to thinly cover a dime” is not “careful dosing” and is not the way to go to ensure future good experiences. If you managed to effectively inhale a full 30mg dose, you would have consumed about 4 or 5 times a moderately strong dose, and I guarantee that your experience would have been more “typical” i.e. horrific.

Imagine if users of DMT were routinely and efficiently vaporizing doses 5 to 6 times as large as a typical “breakthrough” dose of 30mg. I’m sure that DMT experience reports would be very negative and as a result DMT would be looked at very differently by most.

If you want to avoid almost certain bad experiences with salvia in the future, get a milligram scale and weigh your doses. When using 60X, it’s hard to accurately weigh a dose (6 – 7mg), so I’d suggest using 5X up to maybe 20X.......

Up to what dose in mgs do you think a person can still think lucidly or [know whats going on]..while on salvia?..
7mgs..10 mgs ???

#8 Posted : 9/13/2012 11:15:04 AM

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Does any one know if the BlackHat company were selling Legit. salvia x60??
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
#9 Posted : 9/15/2012 2:20:01 AM

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bLast night I tryed some 20x i got in the mail and expected it to be weaker than the 60x i tryed in report above..
As expected it was weaker but the dose i tryed was a very small under dose..
Just the same.. i experianced a sudden sexual stimulation with some gravity pull leading towards visuals but it faded out...]
Thats ok considering i took an under dose of 20x ...i know i need to take a bit more for it to work better..
What i did then was take another [under dose] of ..[60x this time].. and shortly after exhaling my room disapeared putting me in black space with many green floating objects with a yellow glow around them..
These objects seemed to be floating by me or ..was i was floating by them?
I remember exclaiming loudly!.. with my thoughts!.. that WOW!..this is very cool! I love this place!
This salvia space [i was in].. continued at least 5 or more minutes on the small dose i smoked...
These objects seemed to emerge very quickly in the darkness of my room.. and moved like astroids in outer space! ...
They seemed to materialize from thousands of tiny sparkles of color and quickly became moving objects some passing near me and others passing through me!
After this experiance i feel more confident and have almost no fear of trying a more normal higher dose later..
I look forward to another session with Sally!Very happy b
#10 Posted : 9/15/2012 3:32:09 PM
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gibran2 wrote:
It's great that you had a positive salvia experience, but ...

A moderately strong dose of legitimate 60X salvia extract is 6 or 7mg.

Measuring by eye “only about 0.03 of a gram enough to thinly cover a dime” is not “careful dosing” and is not the way to go to ensure future good experiences. If you managed to effectively inhale a full 30mg dose, you would have consumed about 4 or 5 times a moderately strong dose, and I guarantee that your experience would have been more “typical” i.e. horrific.

Imagine if users of DMT were routinely and efficiently vaporizing doses 5 to 6 times as large as a typical “breakthrough” dose of 30mg. I’m sure that DMT experience reports would be very negative and as a result DMT would be looked at very differently by most.

If you want to avoid almost certain bad experiences with salvia in the future, get a milligram scale and weigh your doses. When using 60X, it’s hard to accurately weigh a dose (6 – 7mg), so I’d suggest using 5X up to maybe 20X.

For dosing information read: All About Salvia Dosing

True, but 5X doesn't work I smoked 3 bowls of it and all I got was a weird body high, no journey/voices/visuals. I was very dissapointed. So next time I'm getting at least 20X and probably quidding it instead of smoking it. Though I might attempt smoking it again.
disclaimer: cirquefreak333 is a fictional character used in a novel I am writing, and none of the things a real person may type is anything a real person, living or dead, ever experienced or thought
#11 Posted : 9/15/2012 4:42:17 PM

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cirquefreak333 wrote:

True, but 5X doesn't work I smoked 3 bowls of it and all I got was a weird body high

5X definitely DOES work. If that try was disappointing for you is for one of two reasons, or both:

1. What you got there is not a proper 5x extract.
2. Your smoking technique is not adequate. Either not enough heat is provided in order to properly vaporize salvinorin, or you are not holding in the smoke long enough.

Those are the only explanations, unless you happen to be a rare case of tolerance to salvinorin and thats extremely unlikely.

Gibran2 is arguably the most experienced person with salvia in the Nexus. Please take his advice seriously and read the thread he linked you to, if you have not already done so.

Also, quidding 60x is not an option due to the tiny amount of material you need. Quidding is for fresh or rehydrated plain leaf. You might try to use 60x sublingually, but that does not seem to be the optimal way. I would personally stay away of strong extracts and work in my smoking technique. Otherwise you are taking unnecessary risks and wasting material.
#12 Posted : 9/15/2012 11:25:36 PM

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Does anyone know if a stronger larger dose of salvia equates to a slightly longer trip?..
...or same amount of time but more intense trip?
#13 Posted : 9/16/2012 4:09:14 PM
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A stonger or larger dose of (smoked) salvia will usually intensify the trip, up to losing consciousness, but make it only a little longer. If you want a (much) longer trip, quidding is better, but requires much more leave material (3 gram dried or 25-30 gram fresh). In my experience fresh leaves are best, but requires growing the plants yourself.
#14 Posted : 9/17/2012 12:54:51 AM

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A stonger or larger dose of (smoked) salvia will usually intensify the trip, up to losing consciousness, but make it only a little longer. If you want a (much) longer trip, quidding is better, but requires much more leave material (3 gram dried or 25-30 gram fresh). In my experience fresh leaves are best, but requires growing the plants yourself.

Thanks...I have read that it may work [sublingualy with salvia extract].. also?
is this posible?
#15 Posted : 9/17/2012 7:09:38 AM
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My first trip on salvia was terrifying. After building up a better mind state I decided to try it again. Had an excellent time. Not a personal favorite of mine but worth trying at least once. If you freak out just remember it will come to an end!
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#16 Posted : 9/17/2012 7:14:26 AM

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Do users ever report experiencing 'meeting Entities' on salvia????
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"
#17 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:14:27 PM


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I've been holding onto half a gram of 30x extract for a few months now, I still have not found a proper time and place to do it, and I also think I will need to muster up a good amount of courage to go through with it. So far I have only had experiences with plain leaf and 5x, and the 2 or 3 times I took massive rips of the 5x were some of the weirdest experiences of my life, though I could clearly tell I was only grazing the surface. I want to stare a bit deeper down the rabbit hole, but I know I will be raising the dosage very very carefully with this Smile
Edit: For those wondering why I'm moving on from 5x to 30x, it wasn't by choice really, I happened to receive it for free. I have no doubts on the quality of the extract either, I'm sure it will be no laughing matter.

For the people who reported adding a pinch of extract to a joint, does that really work?
From what I gather, the salvinorin needs to be taken in around 2 minutes to be effective. I know I have added some plain leaf to a joint before, with little to no (placebo?) effects, but I never bothered trying with extracts. Is it worth it?
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#18 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:17:47 PM


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starway6 wrote:
A stonger or larger dose of (smoked) salvia will usually intensify the trip, up to losing consciousness, but make it only a little longer. If you want a (much) longer trip, quidding is better, but requires much more leave material (3 gram dried or 25-30 gram fresh). In my experience fresh leaves are best, but requires growing the plants yourself.

Thanks...I have read that it may work [sublingualy with salvia extract].. also?
is this posible?

I am wondering about this as well. my 30x extract came in a vial with instructions to use 1/10th of a gram sublingually, but I know there is much scepticism surrounding this, so I haven't tried this yet.
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus
#19 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:24:05 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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"3 gram dried or 25-30 gram fresh"

This is not true IME. I have been growing this plant for about 5-6 years and have quidded it many times now..usually 2-5 large leaves is all that is needed..

The mazatecs will use many more leaves because they do not really hold a quid in the mouth..they simply eat the leaves..holding it the mouth for 15 minute or so is far more effective.

Long live the unwoke.
#20 Posted : 9/17/2012 6:30:24 PM

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"True, but 5X doesn't work I smoked 3 bowls of it and all I got was a weird body high, no journey/voices/visuals. I was very dissapointed. So next time I'm getting at least 20X and probably quidding it instead of smoking it. Though I might attempt smoking it again."

I dont know what the point of quidding an extract is really..quidding whole leaf works better IME. Also 5x should be more than enough for anyone. Plain leaf is really all that is necessary once you learn how to use it properly.

I personally would not want to get near smoking a 20x extract. I have been about as far out there as you can imagine with 10x and even plain leaf..and that still felt like skimming the surfact of the thing.

This is not a plant to play around with.

Smoking this plant in a joint with cannabis just seems wrong to me. I am not really one who likes the whole psychedelic moralizing either..but this is just my advice based on a long term relationship both growing and working with this plant..it is not to be taken lightly.

Smoking it in a joint seems counter productive anyway..as to really experience the trance you have to be very very still and lay down, or take a massive dose that leaves you completely unable to function in this reality or even know that there is this reality here. So, you either end up distracted by this joint you have to sit there and smoke and miss the subtle levels that you could otherwise reach within a trance when laying very still..or you will take too much and maybe drop the joint and burn yourself/your house etc..
Long live the unwoke.
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