hi sphits,
It's a good question you raise there - how to know whether you are being deceived (by yourself or by actual entities) or are actually learning something valuable?
I think the idea of truthful or deceitful entities or experiences doesn't get us very far in general. I try to discern between useful and not evidently useful experiences - the latter kind I usually end up turning into useful somehow. To explain: If I have an experience of entities revealing to me some sort of information, I come back to baseline and think about how this fits in with what I know and believe about the world. Perhaps the new information will make me look at the world from a different angle and simply by this have broadened my perspective. I may choose to adapt this point of view from thereon but I may also choose to forget about it, if it results to be inconsequential.
When evaluating what is useful and what not there are a few simple questions you can ask yourself: Will this help me or anyone else progress? Will it do good? Is it in accordance with what I believe to be positive / moral? Will it do anyone harm? How I can apply this knowledge/ this feeling/ this experience to my every day life in order to enhance it?
So if an entity tells me "you must stop wearing green clothes", I will give it some consideration but if there is no further explanation I will choose to ignore this message, because there is nothing positive nor progressive about this in any way that I can conceive of.
If an entity tells me I should start with yoga, I might give it some more thought, since yoga seems like I could actually benefit from it.
If I have a very bad experience involving entities I try to reflect on the origins of the negativity that could have produced or attracted the experience. I try to draw conclusions and consequences that help me transform this negativity into positivity.
I disagree with you that hyperspace is another realm or that the entities have an agenda that is directly linked to us. I also disagree with you that you will not meet god.
I think the most important thing is to remain honest with oneself and to self-check oneself frequently to see whether one is becoming self-destructive or if one is moving forward positively.
I think it is not the entities that trick us, but our willingness to trick ourselves which is reflected in the entities we encounter. Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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