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Two Questions about Entities Options
#1 Posted : 9/13/2012 4:16:44 AM

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As time allows I'm trying to desig a rigorous approach to exploring the phenomenology of the dmt entities. I will post inquiries now and then which I hope some members will be able to help me with. I'll also post updates on how the design of the research project is progressing...

My two questions for now are:

1) Taxonomy question: Is there a limited set of different entities which commonly show up?

That is, setting aside one-off encounters, are there disitinct 'kinds' or 'types' or 'species' which people have regularly encountered? The two I know of are the insectoid (mantis, usually) and the 'elves'. Are there others?

2) Interraction question: Is there any evidence of people communicating with entities? If so, how did it go? What did they say about themselves? Any tips?



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#2 Posted : 9/13/2012 6:07:57 AM

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Just from my own experience....ive definitely encountered the same entity on separate occasions, no way of telling if theres a finite number of beings however id guess there is
an infinite number.

As far as communicating goes, ive certainly communicated and asked questions telepathically, the main thing ive always gotten is mainly love, and positivity.

This may just be me, but several times ive had instances where they "made fun" and laughed at of not just me but alll humans and how silly our ideas, traditions, habits etc, are...

#3 Posted : 9/13/2012 10:09:04 AM

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morning Chadaev,

have you checked out the lexicon?

lots of entity info in there

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

olympus mon
#4 Posted : 9/13/2012 10:44:42 AM

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Its all so subjective for everyone. I've never seen elves nor mantis type beings. Mine are often repeated over the years to a group of 2 entities. In a way I am plagued by the god head. Although she is beautiful and fun she is what's been described as the end of the line. The only thing that can and does exist. Its fascinating of coarse but is hard for me to get my brain around her/it.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#5 Posted : 9/13/2012 12:55:30 PM

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For me, there seems to be these recurring species/sub-species. They are highly abstract, and not simple at all to describe. I say there are sub-species too because with this abstract "race" for example, for any of the several characters I've seen, each of them has other forms. It seems that it may be dose dependent on which one you get. These usually don't talk in English. Their telepathy tends to be alien - rhythmic and bizarre yet regular. I can identify any of them just based on the strange pattern of their telepathy (or the sounds they make which often sound electronic).

Like olympus mon, I also have been seeing a lot of the godhead recently. I can relate to it being the "end of the line" especially as it usually pops up towards the end of the trip (sometimes luckily to save the day). It's very grand and magnificent, but usually by the time it shows up, I'm losing juice and it can't do as much as it would like (or that I would like Big grin ) . The godhead is also one of the few entities that will not only communicate with me in English, but that uses sound and what sounds like speech instead of telepathy (although it's the grandest, most over-the-top speech ever).

There are really so many kinds of entities I encounter, it would be hard to get into all of them in one post. I've seen a number of Egyptian entities ranging from pharaohs to the Bennu bird (the predecessor to the Greek Phoenix) to lions, and all sorts of other Egyptians. Sometimes I just see little archetypal people running around. They have no faces. They're really more like golden mannequins.

To me the elves are distinct not only from all the other entities, but from hyperspace altogether. They do not present themselves as being made of the same kind of geometry as everything else. Everything else feels energetic. If I try and put my hand through the landscape, or an entity or whatever, it feels magnetic. These little elves feel physical. They bounce all around, and like the godhead, they are one of the few other entities who have spoken to me in English. Their voices are like pipsqueaks, yet they sound like physical voices. If a little guy is off talking off to my left, I can hear him better in my left ear than my right, and it sounds like the sound is literally entering my ear. I really have little idea what to make of them.

Anyway, that's what I can think of for now, but there really are a plethora of different kinds of entities. Some are godly, some are alien, some are abstract, some are ancient, some are buggy, some are animals, some are human-esque personalities (I recall encountering an elderly Asian woman for example). The list goes on and on.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:47:30 PM

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In my files I find there have been reports of:

* geometric entities - like a stellated archimedian solid changing shapes and complexity as a form of communication.

* invisible omnipresent entity contact (cosmic consciousness?)

* south-american indian looking human entity contact and other human looking entities

* evil-spirit contact - it was invisble but felt very very dark

* entities that looked like giant tetrahedrons with curved sides and a light-crystal interior

* the grim reaper

Some of these were on other substances though.
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#7 Posted : 9/13/2012 2:02:07 PM

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End of the line is a great way to describe what i've been encountering for a while now.

The entities I encounter seem to be some kind of energy beings of some kind. I have wondered if they are some kind of projection from a biologic being such as ourselves. It would have to be something very skilled and advanced in nature.

At the highest level there is a union that takes place , they join with my mind and i join with them . they seem to float all around me becoming my mind.

They communicate by modulating my nervous system. there is no verbal anythng its all with feelings. Most of the time they dont really seem to care that i am trying to communicate.
they operate almost as if from some kind of directive running tests and learning from my mind. If they are of natural origin then they are simply a highly evolved species of energy entity that thrives on mind energy.

Perhaps hyperspace is an ocean and these are what live there. They seem drawn to my mind like a moth to a light.

MY experiences Always go to this now its as if they know me.

I used to love it alot , i have since backed off from it as it reached a point where it began to be too much to deal with.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#8 Posted : 9/14/2012 4:41:26 AM

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3rdI wrote:
morning Chadaev,

have you checked out the lexicon?

lots of entity info in there


No, I hadn't seen the Lexicon. Really great stuff! And kudos especially to Hyperspace Fool for the work he has put into it. I'm getting a better sense of how complex this all is...

Even on the basis of this material it ought to be possible to make some tentative meta-classifications. For eg, 'good' and 'bad' entities, and what we mean by those terms.

#9 Posted : 9/14/2012 4:47:04 AM

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imsailingon wrote:

As far as communicating goes, ive certainly communicated and asked questions telepathically, the main thing ive always gotten is mainly love, and positivity.

This may just be me, but several times ive had instances where they "made fun" and laughed at of not just me but alll humans and how silly our ideas, traditions, habits etc, are...

So I guess this would be another type of differentiation we might make: entities with which we can communicate telepathically, and those which are unresponsive. Do they fall into two neat classes?
#10 Posted : 9/14/2012 4:50:57 AM

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olympus mon wrote:
Its all so subjective for everyone. I've never seen elves nor mantis type beings. Mine are often repeated over the years to a group of 2 entities. In a way I am plagued by the god head.

It would be interesting to hear about those two entities, if you're happy to share. As for being plagued by the god head (great phrase), reading some more philosophy and/or theology might provide some fresh ideas to work with.
#11 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:19:30 AM

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[quote=Global]For me, there seems to be these recurring species/sub-species. They are highly abstract, and not simple at all to describe. I say there are sub-species too because with this abstract "race" for example, for any of the several characters I've seen, each of them has other forms. It seems that it may be dose dependent on which one you get. These usually don't talk in English. Their telepathy tends to be alien - rhythmic and bizarre yet regular. I can identify any of them just based on the strange pattern of their telepathy (or the sounds they make which often sound electronic).[quote=Global]

This accords with my observations too. Nobody shows up looking exactly the same. Or rather, I've never met the same individual twice. One always seems to be dealing with types or subtypes. Not sure if this accords with what others here find.
#12 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:31:36 AM

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Global wrote:
The godhead is also one of the few entities that will not only communicate with me in English, but that uses sound and what sounds like speech instead of telepathy (although it's the grandest, most over-the-top speech ever).

Do you know if there have been any attempts on the Nexus to get a number of different people asking the same question of a single entity?

#13 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:34:24 AM

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Global wrote:
but there really are a plethora of different kinds of entities. Some are godly, some are alien, some are abstract, some are ancient, some are buggy, some are animals, some are human-esque personalities (I recall encountering an elderly Asian woman for example). The list goes on and on.

The great variety is one theme that keeps coming through. However, there are an almost infinite number of different species in the natural world too and it hasn't stopped us from trying to learn about them. Maybe we can think about some overlapping sets. Are there some entities about which we could say that they fit into all of the following a) show up frequently; b) are generally "positively" inclined to us; c) who communicate in English (or something that translates into English)?

Sorry for the multiple postings. Still getting the hang of this...
#14 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:42:36 AM

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Enoon wrote:
In my files I find there have been reports of:

* geometric entities - like a stellated archimedian solid changing shapes and complexity as a form of communication.

* invisible omnipresent entity contact (cosmic consciousness?)

* south-american indian looking human entity contact and other human looking entities

* evil-spirit contact - it was invisble but felt very very dark

* entities that looked like giant tetrahedrons with curved sides and a light-crystal interior

* the grim reaper

Some of these were on other substances though.

Hope you add those into the lexicon, Enoon!

As for other substances, would Salvia be one of those? Salvia Divinorum is the main other entity revealing entheogen, reportedly. Shrooms too, I guess, but that is chemically very close to DMT.
#15 Posted : 9/14/2012 5:52:14 AM

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Felnik wrote:
The entities I encounter seem to be some kind of energy beings of some kind. I have wondered if they are some kind of projection from a biologic being such as ourselves. It would have to be something very skilled and advanced in nature.

If you mean by this that they might be a hyperspatial version of 3d biological entities, then this seems one of the most plausible theories to me, but really only for the insectoids and reptilians (aliens, in the lexicon), since they alone seem to have natural animal analogues.

Felnik wrote:
If they are of natural origin then they are simply a highly evolved species of energy entity that thrives on mind energy.

Perhaps hyperspace is an ocean and these are what live there. They seem drawn to my mind like a moth to a light.

I have experienced this too. An insectoid entity in particular once honed in on my temple or "crown chakra" as if it knew exactly what it wanted. HOwever, I was unhappy about this and closed down successfully. I am left wondering...

This opens up the whole issue of what some of these entities might want from us, and what we might happily give them. It is worth bearing in mind that explorers and anthropologists have always taken gifts with them...
#16 Posted : 9/14/2012 1:11:42 PM

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The problem with trying to identify which ones are positive/negative or which ones communicate or whatnot is that sometimes one entity is nice to me and on even a successive occasion, the same entity might react angrily or sinisterly. The time after that they might go back to loving the hyperspace out of ya. Also sometimes a particular entity may communicate after bouts of encounters without a single "utterance". So go look for consistency. In any manner, despite the fact that I've seen sub-species of certain entities, I most certainly do encounter the same ones multiple times. After hundreds of journeys, some are definitely more common than others.

In one recent experience, I was shown the "logical order" behind the sub-species thing. I start off in a "lower dimension" of hyperspace. The geometry is "simple" (compared to other levels of hyperspace) with less inter-dimensional activity. There's a line of seven entities in their seven dwellings, each with their own sets of hyperspace objects.

It's scrolling from left to right showing me this, so we move into the next "octave" of hyperspace and again we have seven entities in seven dwellings with their sets of objects, except this time, everything is more complex. There is a much larger sense of multi-dimensionality. The entities are a bigger, multi-dimensional beings who have moved from a doll house into what's much more like a mansion. And their analogous belongings are much more complex.

As we keep on scrolling to the right, we get into the next octave, and everything is Egyptian here. Again we have seven entities, but this time they're Egyptian, and the mansion is an Egyptian temple. Everything is gold or tan with signature turquoise encrusted adornments to everything. I recall a large lion roaming around. It looked me right in the face, and I reminded myself to keep my cool, that it wasn't a physical lion that would hurt me. The experience ended shortly after as I was "running out of juice". Throughout this whole experience, a little elf was narrating the whole thing to me. Even the elves don't consistently speak in English to me though. Sometimes they're indecipherable squeaks in an unknown language. This time it happened to be English. Sometimes the godhead talks to me, sometimes it doesn't. I don't know of any experiments on the Nexus to offer a single question to a "common entity", but I'm usually rather passive in my experiences. If they don't communicate with me, I don't bother attempting communication. I'm simply there to see what they have to show me.

But in a separate experience for example, during my first white light encounter with the godhead, all was completely white with the exception of two large entities flanking me on both sides. They were these giant golden satellites. They were making a lot of electronic sounds that were quite familiar and quickly recognized them as coming from another entity who I had seen often. Upon closer inspection, it was quickly clear that these giant satellites were in fact just another form (or sub-species) of this entity whom I was much more familiar with, and that this was simply that guy in all his glory.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#17 Posted : 9/14/2012 8:40:35 PM
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Hi I'm new and never had a single experience but interested no less! I feel like I'm speaking as an outsider in that respect. Are the beings real to you (not on the drug) or are they projections of your mind to you? Either way seems worth exploring. In dreams I get strage responses when I tell the dream entities they are only figments of my imagination. Can you communicate in these experiences?
#18 Posted : 9/14/2012 10:02:00 PM

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jillian1978 wrote:
Hi I'm new and never had a single experience but interested no less! I feel like I'm speaking as an outsider in that respect. Are the beings real to you (not on the drug) or are they projections of your mind to you? Either way seems worth exploring. In dreams I get strage responses when I tell the dream entities they are only figments of my imagination. Can you communicate in these experiences?

They have a sense of reality about them to me because they are not imagined, and they seem to have minds of their own. If they are projections of the mind, it is well-masked because they give the sense of thinking and acting themselves. They are quite foreign to the conscious mind and especially to the conscious minds of the uninitiated. These entities have very real personalities that don't seem to be projections either. Some can be pranksterish. Some may be jolly. Some will be sinister, and your personality may contain none of these features. They can communicate, and sometimes they have information that is unavailable to the conscious mind and this too grants them a higher sense of realness.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#19 Posted : 9/14/2012 11:29:59 PM
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Chadaev wrote:
Felnik wrote:
The entities I encounter seem to be some kind of energy beings of some kind. I have wondered if they are some kind of projection from a biologic being such as ourselves. It would have to be something very skilled and advanced in nature.

If you mean by this that they might be a hyperspatial version of 3d biological entities, then this seems one of the most plausible theories to me, but really only for the insectoids and reptilians (aliens, in the lexicon), since they alone seem to have natural animal analogues.

Felnik wrote:
If they are of natural origin then they are simply a highly evolved species of energy entity that thrives on mind energy.

Perhaps hyperspace is an ocean and these are what live there. They seem drawn to my mind like a moth to a light.

I have experienced this too. An insectoid entity in particular once honed in on my temple or "crown chakra" as if it knew exactly what it wanted. HOwever, I was unhappy about this and closed down successfully. I am left wondering...

This opens up the whole issue of what some of these entities might want from us, and what we might happily give them. It is worth bearing in mind that explorers and anthropologists have always taken gifts with them...

I vibe with this very much so. What you speak of as "crown chakra" . A cat once was observed joining me inside my headspace. It sort of felt like he was sitting on top of my forehead while at the same time being inside the back of my head. A cat then meowed as if it was screaming for attention and i was unable to distinguish if it was experienced inside or outside my head. As soon as i moved the sensations and meowing was gone but a cat was sitting on top of the gate to my house peering at two other cats sitting together behind two fences that only i could see. The cat moved to join them very quickly.
#20 Posted : 9/15/2012 1:28:44 AM

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Its interesting that these conversations about entities normally start off with the burning ontological question 'Are they real or are they just projections?', as jillian1978 raises here. Then we realise that we have to know more in order to try to answer that question, so the phenomenological approach suggests itself: ie, set aside all metaphysical issues and just concentrate on accurately describing the phenomena.

But then we quickly run into the stupendous weirdness of the experiences. If Infectedstyle can have a cat sitting on his or her crown chakra then all my efforts to think through why an insect might have a special interest in my crown chakra suddenly seem absurd. My theorising about my experience turns out to have arisen from a ludicrously small and unrepresentative sample.

However, some clarification does seem possible. Circling back to the ontological issue, I think we can safely say that what is radical about the DMT zone and its inhabitants is that it won't fit our usual modernist conceptions of reality 'or' illusion. We are dealing here with a qualitatively different kind of experience, and to that extent, a hitherto largely unknown kind of reality which we are struggling to make some sense of.

And the entities are where this ontological novelty shows up most radically.

So, what Global's insistence on the variability of the way the entities show up is suggesting to me is that it would be jumping the gun to go immediately to the aim of establishing a 'species taxonomy'. This is evidently something that must be approached sideways.

How about, then, zeroing in on what distinguishes an 'entity' in general from anything else in a journey? The phenomenological issue we focus in on then is precisely what distinguishes an entity ontologically from its background (ie, what makes it appear to us as a distinct kind of living/intelligent/intentional/communicative/emotional/ being).

Global wrote:
They have a sense of reality about them to me because they are not imagined, and they seem to have minds of their own. If they are projections of the mind, it is well-masked because they give the sense of thinking and acting themselves. They are quite foreign to the conscious mind and especially to the conscious minds of the uninitiated. These entities have very real personalities that don't seem to be projections either. Some can be pranksterish. Some may be jolly. Some will be sinister, and your personality may contain none of these features. They can communicate, and sometimes they have information that is unavailable to the conscious mind and this too grants them a higher sense of realness.

I think the guts of it are already here in this quote, and it could be refined to produce some kind of 'Entity Encounter Checklist' which, in a coordinated approach, might give us some interesting data. Particularly if we had some basic interaction scripts to try out.

Any thoughts?
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