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DMT & Your Bowels Options
#1 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:33:39 AM

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Do your bowels ever feel a bit strange when you begin to break through?

I always feel like my bowels begin moving and i feel like i'm about to defecate myself.

But I never do.

And then the next feel days whenever I'm sitting around I can feel my bowels squirm. Is this weird?

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#2 Posted : 9/13/2012 2:09:13 AM

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It relaxes my body and sometimes I can hear liquid in my stomach move slightly. Bowels have never been an issue for myself.
#3 Posted : 9/13/2012 2:23:40 AM
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When I first started taking Ayahusca I always threw up every time...now I hardly eve throw up, even at higher doses.....It always goes straight into poo purge mode..

I personally believe this is because Ayahusca is aware of the fact that I have an acid reflux problem that is agitated when I throw up a lot...

I also think Ayahusca knows my diet is pretty horrible, (fast food everyday etc.) and has decided to just Hyper blast my intestines out high pressure style with pure energy every so often to make sure I stay fully functioning digestively speaking...

I thought it was interesting though, how it sort of changed on me like that over time...
Although I must say....sitting on the toilet while in full hyperspacial mode takes some serious getting used to ...

Also sometimes I ingest harmalas with caapi and then smoke DMT on the harmalas...This often creates a minihuasca whirlwind inside my intestine... and I have to get up and run to the lavatory, mid-journey.

One way I deal with it is to decorate my bathroom in a very DMT friendly way...

Smoking DMT by itself only does it to me if I smoke a rather large Dose...

And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#4 Posted : 9/13/2012 6:11:06 AM

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"acid reflux problem that is agitated when I throw up a lot..."

I used to have bad acid reflux. It went away when I cut out coffee, dairy and wheat and never returned. I still have coffee but only once every week or 2 without problems and always the best organic stuff.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 9/13/2012 12:27:36 PM

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I also had an acid reflux problem. I had an endoscopy and my esophagus was black (it's supposed to be pink). Anyway, I took omeprazole for a few weeks, it cleared up, and it hasn't bothered me so much, but if I have caffeine or some acidic fruits like cherries, it'll come back pretty quickly.

When I smoke DMT, I also can feel my intestines do some odd things. Like soulfood, I also can hear liquid rushing around inside sometimes (for some reason). It's never created a situation where I felt I had to go to the bathroom mid trip though. Shrooms and acid are much harsher on me in that respect. They make me feel like I have to go to the bathroom (and usually won't afford me the luxury of actually being able to go). DMT on the other hand makes me go before I smoke. When I'm loading up the GVG, I might go to the bathroom 2-3 times. Then, even if I don't really go before blasting off, but my stomach still feels terrible, I'll launch anyway because DMT actually seems to do significantly well with relaxing the intestines. Any cramp instantly vanishes before I even remember I was hurting or feeling uncomfortable.

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#6 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:15:17 PM


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I know exactly what you mean. I'll take a big ol rip, hold it in, let it out, and as i start to take another rip all the sudden i feel like my intestines became liquid.

Like i'm going to have diahrrea

is this what you mean?
Sands of Time
#7 Posted : 9/13/2012 3:29:02 PM


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i was told by an astrologer that the new year would be welcomed in by a force of effervescence. and on new years day early morning i smoked some dmt and coming out of it my bowels just bubbled and bubbled and bubbled. it relieved heaps of tensions. i could breathe easyer, move around easyer, and it felt like my gut didnt stick out as much.
Positive change is not forced or made to happen, it is allowed, accepted or acknowledged.
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I'll see you soon but I'll talk to you sooner" -To <3 of Earth. the mother of divinity
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