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Hallucinating people on psychedelics Options
#1 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:40:59 AM
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Okay, i'm gonna skip chit-chat because I know myself, if i start typing i'll be up all night making a huge wall of text nobody is gonna read and nobody cares about so i'll come straight to the point.

While heavily influenced by mushrooms I sort of feel i've been shown a place where (i've got to be careful with my words here i'm using metaphors) "Holographic, digital, dead?" people reside! Anytime I read buddhist or religious scriptures I can't help but think of the scene I witnessed. It was a room with a sofa all made of brilliantly coloured "digital, holographic" looking graphics. Very detailed. More importantly, the people who where sitting on the sofa's where alive! They talked, laughed, moved and did anything a real person would do. They interacted with me in a hard to explain pretty long story kind of way. Turns out i had a digital body just like them. The people sitting on the sofa where the people in my life that influenced me the most in the matter of psychedelics and metaphysical things. These people included Terence Mckenna , Maynard James Keenan and an experienced psychonaut I met on the net. (he met Terence Mckenna in person and was also a Tool fan) Lost track of him tho, the last time i heared of him he didn't have acces to internet because he's a trainee of some kind of shaman or magician.

Anyway, before i lose track of what I was trying to say. I've been hallucinating people on pretty much every mushroom trip. Saw my father when i smoked DMT. Hope to learn more of this when I breakthrough sometime. But everytime I want to do a high-dose of psychedelics I bail out. Fear and not an optimal set/setting are the cause of this.

It is my loose belief that what i've seen is a sneak-peak of what awaits me when my time here on earth is up. I have a hard time coming to grips with this revelation tho because I have never heared of any similar experiences by anyone, really. Now i'm really curious if people here on the Nexus have any experience with hallucinating people.

The point of this thread to me is to gather data of hallucinated people and in what context they where experienced. And hopefully we can form a consensus understanding of what is going on here. So if you will, please reply with your experience with these things and (by the way; I consider Animals and Aliens as valid subjects of investigation in this topic).

Thanks for ur time! May the light shine upon you and not burn ur face making you look like a giant lobster. Laughing

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#2 Posted : 9/13/2012 4:39:25 AM


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I have sort of seen human forms a few times on mushrooms.

The first time I was in a very dark forest with a few friends and I could barely make a shadowy figure out and would be talking to it thinking it was one of my friends, but when they answered they were on the other side of me and I would turn back and wave my hand through the shadow person and it would disappear. That shadow person was constantly moving in and out of the group all night and was seen by three other people including myself but vanished upon turning on a light.

The second time I was also in the woods at night and went off into the trees to take a piss, once I started peeing all the trees turned into people I never really liked in high school. Oddly they were all smiling and reaching out to hug me...

The third time I've seen a human form on psychedelics was the other night on 20mg of DMT. This was by far the most realistic experience, and I highly resonate with the holographic imagery. The woman and child I saw looked like a cross between a ghost and a hologram. You can read it here Hyperspace Baby.

I don't know if I would say these were actual spirits or what but it sure was strange seeing human forms amongst undulating fractals.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#3 Posted : 9/13/2012 5:52:54 AM

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Infectedstyle wrote:

It is my loose belief that what i've seen is a sneak-peak of what awaits me when my time here on earth is up. I have a hard time coming to grips with this revelation :

It might be easier to process if you don't see it as a revelation. Chances are none of us will know what's going on on the other side until we get there. People on hallucinogens have lots of different revelations regarding such matters and, because they can't all be true, we each just choose to believe what we "saw" disregarding the fact that the same fate would have to apply to everyone else.
#4 Posted : 9/13/2012 10:27:58 AM

I do not have the vocabulary to articulate this particular musing at the current time...

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Interesting topic. I have had hallucinations of people before now. The most distinct in my memory is as follows:

I was at an after party in a club back where I used to live. It was a pretty dingy place and I was tripping pretty hard on substances which I will not describe in too much detail here. Anyway, I remember seeing a chap stood in the corner, pretty tall with quite an impressive mohawk and dressed in the typical punk style garb. He was having a cigarette and basically chilling in the corner. I remember turning to my boyfriend, who was also sporting a mohawk, to point this interesting chap out to him. I shouted in his ear (due to the music) 'look at that guy in the corner'. My boyfriend looked and then looked back at me confused, I looked once more and there was no one there. The guy could not have walked off, there was no where near enough people for him to disappear into the crowd, nor was there enough time for him to have moved to a space where we would not be able to see him any longer. He simply wasn't there. All that remained was some sort of box covering an electric meter or something on the wall.

I know I smiled and thought briefly 'man, this stuff is good' before being distracted by a fish tank. Big grin

Much love,
Sally xx
ॐ . Amateur Entheogen Botanist. PM me if you need help in finding or identifying plants. For research purposes only . ॐ

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. Pure Universal Pulse Vibrations . Saloreo Nebulum .
#5 Posted : 9/13/2012 2:49:51 PM
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It is amazing how realistic of images the brain can produce when exposed to certain changes. I remember waking up from a lucid dream once and saw a 3d representation of a ghost simply float right through the door. So even without the aid of psychedelics one can experience the most bizarre things.

I've known a guy who claims to visit hyperspace in his dreams from time to time. Back then atleast he never smoked DMT but his experiences explain high-speed images that look realer than real with brilliant colours, fractals and infinite depth of experience. (Everything is possible in that space) He also claims to have seen Terence Mckenna's ghost out there. He was operating some kind of huge long-reaching machine and messing around with it.

Needless to say i'd love to meet Terence Mckenna in person once more. His persona just seems so warm and welcome. Also, his face is present at all times when i'm starting to hallucinate. On the walls. Anywhere, reflected from the sun. It always looks like a 2d representation of a 3d holographic image. Once he was wearing coloured sunglasses and was simply there looking cool as fuck, doing nothing more. lol.

I'm gonna throw out a theory that seems very complicated when i try to look at the origins of it. But it's actually very simple in practice. I actually know that Terence Mckenna used to propogate this idea himself;

It's the idea of a morphogenetic field by Rupert Sheldrake. Somehow this allows for a memory bank of certain drugs. All the faces and people i've hallucinated and it's been about 5-8 people that have done mushrooms at one point in their life. Four of those i've encountered i'm not entirely sure of their psychedelic habits : An insectoid, An african man, Che' Guevera and the black guy from Black eyed pease (Tho, i'm confident that he does do mushrooms from time to time it seems to show in their music). The only weird thing is that I've seen my dad on DMT when I just left his place after an argument and he's never done any drugs. But then again, he does show interest of experimenting with psychedelics somewhere in the distant future.

So perhaps , the experience allows for a data bank. This very thing might make you immortal. Or it means nothing to your soul and it's just another interesting feature of psychedelics. I prefer not to believe anything, but I won't let this stop me from speculating and thinking out the box. In the meanwhile i'll be getting more data to strengthen my proposals.

Thank you for ur kind responses, they have actually been very helpful and it's so interesting. Feel free to share or debate , or whatever you want to reply with if you want to. I'll surely be coming back to read them and try to respond the best I can.
Muskogee Herbman
#6 Posted : 9/13/2012 7:34:28 PM

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Faces can be hallucinated by an overactive fusiform gyrus ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusiform_gyrus ). There are a few TED talks that explain how seemingly sane people either cant recognize faces (if the fusiform is damaged) or halucinates extra people (overactive)

(About a damaged fusiform gyrus)
(overactive fusiform)
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#7 Posted : 9/14/2012 11:42:41 AM
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V.S. Ramachandran is brilliant. I think his understanding of the brain is truly revolutionairy. Really love listening to him talk. The brain has billions of crosswired activity that makes it impossible for one man to track all of the brain's functions.

I guess what Sally experienced could possibly count as an overactive Fusiform Gyrus. I know there's a kind of hallucination that is spatial and makes you feel people are standing left or right of you. And this persists even with eyes closed. In this area, i've hallucinated a friend that is meditating just after I woke up. And a tiny elf on Ayahuasca that asked me questions about my emotional well-being.
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