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#41 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:52:18 PM

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URBY wrote:
Mongo is most certainly going with you!

i actually found mongo as a kitten near the pic de bugarach and it is my belief that he is a personification of one the aliens sent as guide for me, but when he attaches himself to my head with his claws while i am sleeping i suspect that his intentions are not wholly benignLaughing

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#42 Posted : 9/11/2012 11:33:52 PM

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Enoon wrote:
jamie wrote:
Nothing about this is heavy or new man..read through the forums we have heard it 1000 times already. Just because some of us are spiritual or into esoteric/occult stuff does not mean we all just buy into 2012 theories.

Your idea that this even starts "this year" does not resonate with either my own visions on the subject in ayahuasca and mushroom experiences, nor with what the mayans say. If you actaully ask the mayans they say it started years ago and will go on past 2012. It matters not if you mentioned the mayans..that is where all of these 2012 ideas seem to have come from..well that and thje fact that Jose Arguelles and Terence Mckenna decided that they would settle on the dec.21st 2012 date..that is where all of this originated.

If you dont like people being skeptical than w/e..but it is useful to at least understand where some of this comes from in the pop culture so you can pick and choose what parts actaully have any value and what parts are just things other people seem to have made up.

How do you know who "they" really? Just because "they" came to you? Ive been on space ships too while not taking any psychedelics either and seen things I dont talk about to many people..that does not mean "they" (whoever the f that even is) are telling the truth, or that they even really exist). I dont know "them"..so why should I trust them? Telling people about 10 dimensional constructs and why we are going to ascend w/e that even means does not help them..we just end up with more new age consumers reading the secret and their new SUV. Personal responsability for the real mess we are in is greater than any of that, the rest follows. You have to do things in the proper order.

Why should it matter if you know them or if they told you anything? You know what? WHo the hell cares what some beings said to you? None of it matters..all that matters is that people forget the cult of a date and focus on doing the work right now that should be done because that is the only thing that can get us there.

We have already had large world changing events this year and in 2011, most of them not good. We poisoned the ocean and we made the planet radioactive..the best thing people can do at this time is wake up, forget alien beings and angels etc and take responsability.

THIS!!! Thank you for this post Jamie!

and URBY, please don't start another new thread with the same topic and the same preaching. we got your message, repeating it won't make it any better.

Now I'd be interested in hear some elaboration on the ten different realities and how this will reflect in physical reality. Will the humans that are in a different reality disappear to our eyes? How can this be explained physically. What happens to their matter - can it still be accounted for? does it become dark matter? Is this what dark matter is then - split off consensus realities that our consciousness - can no longer tune in to?

And since you come off as knowing how to get to the reality we want to be in... how about a "HOWTO choose your reality" with a step by step description. But don't give me that "you hae to do it yourself" stuff, because if that's your answer, why the hell bother with posting something like this in the first place?

Is VIII the only person LISTENING to me? Him and a few others anyway...

Yall seem to just be hearing what I say and replying to my posts by taking them at face value. The tone, the wording, the absolution.

DIG INTO WHAT I AM SAYING. MAKE YOUR OWN OPINION OF IT. How many times do I have to say it? Is what you already know as inflexible as the model I constructed here? Do you really think my belief is that inflexible? Do you not realize that is only a model? When going through my vernacular, does it REALLY look like I am pushing the philosphy on anyone?

I tell you to WAKE UP. I said it there, I say it here. That is what I push onto the reader. TO WAKE UP AND LOOK AROUND. L O O K AROUND YOU.

Is that offfensive? Are you offended that I so passionately want my brothers and sisters to WAKE UP and see what has been done to them? Have I crossed the boudary line of how much love to show to my family?

I will continue this with VIII. I will mind my wording. I will answer to the "WHY"s he/she has put forth. I will do these things because as I have already plainly stated:

Ask questions (here or on a journey)
Dont say "NO", say "WHY"

You have also given some similar queries... I will cover them there as well.
#43 Posted : 9/12/2012 12:17:20 AM

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URBY wrote:

Dont say "NO", say "WHY"

Exactly ...... for instance ,..WHY has Mongo just relieved himself in my (very expensive )headphones??????
#44 Posted : 9/12/2012 12:40:07 AM

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That is all anyone has done and can do.

Nobody arrives at "NO" without going through "WHY"
#45 Posted : 9/12/2012 12:46:52 AM

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I open this by expressing my deepest gratitude for presenting your "WHY"s in the manner I was hoping for.


VIII wrote:
I have many WHY's. As much as I respect your personal beliefs I feel it is wrong to not inform you of some possible factual errors. I also have some questions. You have some decent things to say, but the post has a number of half-drawn out ideas that lead right into another one.

Exactly. Build.

VIII wrote:
I certainly agree with this, who doesn't want Peace, Love and Understanding?

Negative polarity.

VIII wrote:
What do you envision this separation of reality to be? Why 10? What are the 10 beliefs that are held so strongly that they can split reality apart?

1. You can find very detailed information made available by tomkenyon.com. He has channeled works from a group of beings known as The Hathors. He is not the only medium on the subject. dig.
I also use his "Sound Gifts" as a major part of my meditations. You will find the ones I speak of within the Hathor messages.

2. Technically it is 12. Positive and Negative polarities and ten central "dimensions". If you are familiar with plationic solids you can visualize this. It can be VISUALLY REPRESENTED by the icosahedron. Remember this is only a visual representation.

3. I cannot tell you what they are. I can only tell you what I see. Look around you, what 'futures' can you see?

VIII wrote:
I urge you to look further into all 3 of these cases. The "bath salt" scare is/was a media frenzy. The "Book of Revelations" has parallels within many eras of mankind. I am very curious to see your signs/evidence for how the Book of Revelations relates as well as how you linked the Quran to the civil unrest in the middle east.

My biggest problem with 2012 theories that say "look at all of the pain and suffering, something big is coming!" is that pain and suffering is nothing new. Pain and suffering has been around for thousands, millions, billions of years. Same goes for natural disasters. There is no tipping point, the universe will continue, we will remain or perish but not transform overnight.

1. Refer to question 3 above. As for the Quaran, I admit ignorance. It just comes to mind in that manner. I apologize for using it in such a manner.

2. Pain and suffering HAVE in fact been around for billions of years. The ENERGY from all of that pain and suffering is somewhat of a "power source" whatever mechanism that may or may not be behind this divergence.

There IS a tipping point. Think of a spiral that ever expands one way and ever contracts the other.
I have seen a number of discussions in the nexus involving the belief in infinity as an absolute. Is it real? yes or no. It is a concept. Do concepts exist? yes. This will be a conversation starter...
When traveling DOWN this spiral, there comes a point when "one" must turn around and move up, or compress into nothingness and disappear from existence.

Ignore 2012 theories. Every one of us knows that time is an illusion. It only exists to keep EVERYTHING THAT EVER WAS AND EVERYTHING THAT WILL EVER BE from happening at the same time. What do you wanna experience? Time is a CONSTRUCT built for us to explore.

VIII wrote:
As noted already, what you read on the pineal gland was likely referenced from bad information.
On the topic of "spectrum" it is just a fancy way of saying something can vary or change. Non-static, non-boolean. So sure, when ingesting DMT (as you believe you experienced) our minds change. I don't understand where you were going with this.

It is part of my concept perspective.
Yes, it is reference to CHANGING what your gland it tuned to. What area of the DIMENSIONAL SPECTRUM. Remember that three words are interchangable here: Dimension, Density, Frequency
Higher dimension=higher density=higher frequency

Explore. Dig.

VIII wrote:
No. I have experienced pure awareness with absolutely ZERO body/vessel. Granted, my original physical form (Hi! Me!) still exists.

Interesting ideas to contemplate and I like quite a bit of what you said. IMO you should continue your research to see if your ideas remain as your understanding of the situation grows.

You have traveled to higher dimensions than I have. I now see that when they take me they take my energy body. My energy body is the exact same size and shape of my physical body. It permeates my entire physical self. It is what "powers" my vessel. It is the "life force".
You have moved beyond that in your travels.

I am. I came here to explore. I came here to dig.

jamie wrote:
How do you know who "they" really? Just because "they" came to you? Ive been on space ships too while not taking any psychedelics either and seen things I dont talk about to many people..that does not mean "they" (whoever the f that even is) are telling the truth, or that they even really exist). I dont know "them"..so why should I trust them? Telling people about 10 dimensional constructs and why we are going to ascend w/e that even means does not help them..we just end up with more new age consumers reading the secret and their new SUV. Personal responsability for the real mess we are in is greater than any of that, the rest follows. You have to do things in the proper order.

I trust them. You do not have to. Dig.

Enoon wrote:
THIS!!! Thank you for this post Jamie!

and URBY, please don't start another new thread with the same topic and the same preaching. we got your message, repeating it won't make it any better.

Now I'd be interested in hear some elaboration on the ten different realities and how this will reflect in physical reality. Will the humans that are in a different reality disappear to our eyes? How can this be explained physically. What happens to their matter - can it still be accounted for? does it become dark matter? Is this what dark matter is then - split off consensus realities that our consciousness - can no longer tune in to?

And since you come off as knowing how to get to the reality we want to be in... how about a "HOWTO choose your reality" with a step by step description. But don't give me that "you hae to do it yourself" stuff, because if that's your answer, why the hell bother with posting something like this in the first place?

The first thread has become cumbersome and full of anger. I do not see any problem with explaining myself in this manner. I am not being offensive by starting a new one.

12. Icosahedron visual. Hathors. Explore.

I cannot offer you details of the mechanism by which this may or may not operate.

I will do just that if it is requested of me.
I came to share my story.

Fire burned pretty good, wouldnt you say?
#46 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:53:39 AM

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2. Pain and suffering HAVE in fact been around for billions of years. The ENERGY from all of that pain and suffering is somewhat of a "power source" whatever mechanism that may or may not be behind this divergence.

I for one do not feel as if there is anything wrong with the existence of suffering.

I believe that sorrow and joy are linked together and are inseparable, that peace and upset can neither exist without the other.

Is there a right time to be sad, to be happy, to be angry, to love?

My energy body is the exact same size and shape of my physical body

So if you lost a leg in an accident would it also lose the leg?

When you were an infant was it also?

As you age does it also?

When you grow sick, does it also?

When you die, does it also?
#47 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:56:49 AM

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I am wary of that, which lacks balance.

Infinite love for example, is very, very dangerous in my experience.
#48 Posted : 9/12/2012 3:34:41 AM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:

2. Pain and suffering HAVE in fact been around for billions of years. The ENERGY from all of that pain and suffering is somewhat of a "power source" whatever mechanism that may or may not be behind this divergence.

I for one do not feel as if there is anything wrong with the existence of suffering.

I believe that sorrow and joy are linked together and are inseparable, that peace and upset can neither exist without the other.

Is there a right time to be sad, to be happy, to be angry, to love?

My energy body is the exact same size and shape of my physical body

So if you lost a leg in an accident would it also lose the leg?

When you were an infant was it also?

As you age does it also?

When you grow sick, does it also?

When you die, does it also?

There is nothing wrong with pain. It is part of the duality. the positive and negative.
negative energy contracts. it compounds. it is carried by the holder of that charge.
positive energy expands. it is shared with its surroundings. its is constantly radiated by the holder.
This is to say that the pain(negative) charge has been building and compounding for billions of years. The planet itself is releasing that energy. Look at the weather. Look at the wacky dealings in nature. The various ways these energies are MANIFESTING.

Have you ever heard of "phantom limb pains"?
#49 Posted : 9/12/2012 6:10:18 AM

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Duality has always been.

Nothing needs to change.

The weather is normal, it will never stay the same, it is always going to fluctuate in intensity and it always has.

Sure I know about phantom limbs. It has to do with the brain.
#50 Posted : 9/12/2012 9:03:51 AM

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the icosahedron has 20 sides to it. the dodecahedron on the other hand has 12. so what is it now? 20 or 12?

Have you ever conidered the possibility that you are WRONG?

OR, that the people you are speaking to here perhaps are already in the process of waking up, and some are by far more awake than you?

We do not have to look into your theory or the weblinks you post because we've seen it all before. People like you have made similar posts a hundred times over. Screaming, wake up, realize yourself, open your eyes etc. Though I believe your intentions are sincere IME with this kind of thing you help no one. The world doesn't need another model of aliens, spirit entities, conspiracies, channelers or whatnot. These things only distract us, victimize us, make us point the finger to others for blame and make us wait for others or something to fix it all. Well that is the exact opposite of what "realizing your own power" and "taking responsibility" is.

How about stop patronizing everyone here by telling us what we need to dig into to understand your oh-so-brilliant model, and for a change elaborate a bit on it in a cohesive manner. And since you want US to listen, how about YOU do the research first, before firing concepts at us you obviously haven't really understood (i.e. the quran, bath salts, icosahedron...)

Also, do you know the term charlatan? while some may disagree, I believe that in alot of cases this term is fitting for those that claim to be channeling information from alien entities from outer space. Though the term delusional may also fit.
Your theory is just another escapist theory pointing to some grand change that will make everything magically better. or at least has the power to. I find this kind of thinking sad and dangerous. If we all continue to hope that something will change it never will. Consciousness is not going to shift magically. We need to choose to change.

and btw, neither the government nor the aliens nor the hyperspacial entities are mind controling you or have you in a cage. If they even exist in a way to interact with our psyche they would realize that they don't need to. We are doing it all ourselves. Our great challange is IMO to realize that we are not the victims of some cosmic and esoteric conspiracy, but that our liberty and state of mind depends solely on US, on the choices we make and the chains we tie around ourselves. but I guess it's just easier believing in extra dimensional plots than facing the fact that you are responsible for all this.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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#51 Posted : 9/12/2012 9:54:46 AM

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it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#52 Posted : 9/12/2012 9:59:15 PM

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What else do you know about the icosahedron?
Please describe its 3 components to me.

I consider the possibility of being wrong every day. Do you not? Not once have I asked anyone to BELIEVE what I am saying. Go back, find where it states "What I am saying applies to all that read it." Whether ex OR implicitly. I say it applies to ME. Yes, I speak in the plural. Yes I direct reference the reader. Where do I say "This is your reality too." As somebody mentioned at some point it was admitted that my view is to be "expected" from particular individuals. Sounds pretty judgmental to me.

The words you put in my mouth just above this are not very tasty.
#53 Posted : 9/12/2012 10:09:17 PM

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When I build an icosahedron (I made a big stuffed one once) I like to make it out of 20 triangles, but sometimes out of 4 groups of 5 or 5 groups of four structures made of triangles.

It is my favorite shape right after the tetrahedron.
#54 Posted : 9/12/2012 10:16:24 PM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
When I build an icosahedron (I made a big stuffed one once) I like to make it out of 20 triangles, but sometimes out of 4 groups of 5 or 5 groups of four structures made of triangles.

It is my favorite shape right after the tetrahedron.

How many vertices do those expressions have?
#55 Posted : 9/12/2012 10:23:07 PM

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12 I'd suppose, I am not sure what you mean by "expressions" can you clarify?
#56 Posted : 9/12/2012 10:25:51 PM

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Four groups of five

Five groups of four

I am not aware if the final products of each is a different "form" of the same shape.

Im reaching again and wondering if that is true
#57 Posted : 9/12/2012 10:58:12 PM

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my friend,

I did not intentionally put words in our mouth. I simply responded to your posts in the manner how I read them. This is MY way of reading your posts...

yes the icosahedron has 12 vertices, 30 sides and 20 faces. I still don't see how it is a visual representation of 12 dimensional space. But I'm sure one of your weblinks of channelers so-and-so could clarify it with lots of new-agey pseudo-science and "sacred geometry" blabla.

stop wasting your time with this stuff. The real world is out there, why are you just looking at the shadows and drawing wild conclusions from them? Give it a rest, please. Do something good, save a life, help someone, help yourself, protect nature, and maintain yourself free from negative emotions. Listen to Tool's "Rosetta Stoned".

You are blinding yourself with your models.

You are distracting yourself and hiding from what really matters.

I wish you only the best URBY. Good luck and godspeed.
Over and Out.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#58 Posted : 9/12/2012 11:11:56 PM

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Enoon wrote:
yes the icosahedron has 12 vertices, 30 sides and 20 faces. I still don't see how it is a visual representation of 12 dimensional space. But I'm sure one of your weblinks of channelers so-and-so could clarify it with lots of new-agey pseudo-science and "sacred geometry" blabla.

Thats because you are literally thinking of DIMENSIONAL SPACE.

Go back and read my original post.

Enoon wrote:
stop wasting your time with this stuff. The real world is out there, why are you just looking at the shadows and drawing wild conclusions from them? Give it a rest, please. Do something good, save a life, help someone, help yourself, protect nature, and maintain yourself free from negative emotions. Listen to Tool's "Rosetta Stoned".

You are blinding yourself with your models.

You are distracting yourself and hiding from what really matters.

YOU stop wasting my time. And the time of people trying to follow this conversation.
You obviously dont like what I have to say so STOP LISTENING.

What other people do does NOT affect you. What YOU THINK about what other people do, DOES affect you.

#59 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:48:31 AM

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URBY wrote:
YOU stop wasting my time. And the time of people trying to follow this conversation.
You obviously dont like what I have to say so STOP LISTENING.

You should probably re-evaluate your attitude here before posting further. Especially if you have any intention of being promoted to full member. Enoon's critique of your theory here is spot on -- I think you are the one that needs to open your ears and wake up before posting on ideas and concepts which you do not understand.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#60 Posted : 9/13/2012 2:38:41 AM

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Enoon wrote:
Listen to Tool's "Rosetta Stoned".

NOW THAT,,,,, is epic advice,

no seriously, it is good advice. Definitely look up the lyrics to the song if you don't already know themmmmmmm....

LOVE THAT F*CK*NG SONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I also like synchronicity as I added a line from that song to my signature just one hour before reading this post.....
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
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