Yeah i would never recommend snorting DMTI once snorted some really pure DMT Fumurate.
Honestly like 5mg at most, and the pain oh god after about five minutes of increasing sharp burning pain i blew my nose clean!!
Maybe snorting with a little cocaine would helP....LOL don't do that, sacrilegious.
I really think stimulants and DMT = malo, very bad; i think the stimulants fuel the conscious mind, while the DMT demands one to let GO!
I have seen a friend who loves his Meth like weed or alcohol, anyway he was on his meth and someone young
Traveller friend of mine gives him a cone of DMT; (I'll add while i was not there), and he's freaking out and saying really dark stuff and very bad scene, he couldn't relax, conflicts and badness.
The friend who gave him the DMT has never given DMT to anyone new since, DMT NEEDS respect.
There are only a few things i will take before DMT, i usually go all out and fast for at least half a day.
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"