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Admitting psychedelic use in college (sociology) Options
Botanical Bliss
#1 Posted : 9/11/2012 8:54:38 PM


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Ok so I am in this sociology class and we are talking about agents of socialization that have influenced our attitudes, beliefs, values, or other orientations to life. The only listed agents of socialization are family, religion, school, peer groups, mass media, and workplace. I really want to write about how psychedelics have helped shape me. That would be a form of socialization, I think.

My question to anyone who's been in college, have you admitted psychedlic use to a professor in order to discuss how they've changed you... could I get in any trouble? The way I see it is, my soc professor is a proffessional sociologist, so I don't think he'd care. Hell, I would hope he's interested in such things, considering he is a sociologist.
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Botanical Bliss
#2 Posted : 9/11/2012 8:58:25 PM


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Psychedelics have been a mode of cultural deconditioning for me, but I still feel like they are an agent of socilization, considering the things they can teach and show us. If religion is considered an agent of socialization, then spirituality is too - meaning psychedlics are an agent of socialization. I think I should be fine talking about this all to a professor, but I'd like to hear from others with experience
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#3 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:21:15 PM

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As much as students talk about this amongst themselves in and out of classes, I would guess the schools themselves would have policies against having discussions like this formally in class.

On the other hand, stoned professors are nothing new.

I remember this sociology class, the professor lived in San Francisco, and we ALL knew what it meant when the TA came in 15 min after class was supposed to begin, and announced, "I'm sorry, but Prof A couldn't make it in today." That happened about 2/3 of the time....the other third of time you could see the reason in his face. Guessing DOM.
#4 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:28:32 PM

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You could read Terrence Mckennas Food of the Gods and mention that book's thesis by way of starting a conversation about how various drugs have played roles in shaping the different societies which used them.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

Botanical Bliss
#5 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:36:02 PM


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Funny you mention that because I have that book. That's not a bad idea either. I'm actually just typing up answers to a couple questions in our book we get assigned everyweek, so I wasn't looking to go into a big story about it, but that kinda seems ineffable when talking about such things
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#6 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:44:26 PM

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Do what you feel comfortable with, but know that you may be called out for it/asked to talk about it publicly. For example, in one of my graduate level anthropology classes "Anthropology of Science and Technology" we were given an introductory assignment to write 1-2 pages on a tool that we could not live without.

I chose to write about "entheogens" and the professor was quite interested (most of my anth professors were) and apparently enjoyed my writing. That being said, in the class after the one in which he had collected our papers, he had a projector slide with the responses people had given up on the wall. Most of the responses were fairly mundane and mine stood out like a bit of a sore thumb. While most of the tools presented were summarily acknowledged, I was asked to elaborate on what entheogens were and how/why they were tools when we got to my item. While it didn't bother me to talk about/explain, I found myself suddenly put on the spot, talking about a subject society considers taboo.

Just something to consider Wink
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#7 Posted : 9/11/2012 9:52:36 PM

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I refrained from doing this is a college class for a similar assignment. I was quite uncomfortable after holding my thoughts in and decided to discuss it with the professor after the term. She said she would have welcomed my input on the subject and would have enjoyed a class discussion on the topic.

It certainly would have put me at the center of attention as snozzle said, so do it only if you are comfortable.

I'm not sure about yours but I don't think any of my professors would have taken a problem with me sharing my views. If anything I imagine they would only try to steer the conversation away from it if they felt it inappropriate for class discussion.
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

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Botanical Bliss
#8 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:08:07 PM


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Thanks for the input guys, it's appreciated. I don't think I will get in trouble, just maybe told to change the subject, but I doubt that too. As a sociology class this is something relevant.

You guys said that I'd be on the spot if I were in class and brought psychedelics up... I am aware of that, and will take that into consideration. I'm usually pretty quiet in class so it'll be funny the day I start talking and it's about these "crazy" things most will be unfamiliar with. My class will probably label me the crazy druggy hippie, but we'll see. Thumbs up
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#9 Posted : 9/11/2012 10:18:31 PM


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I've always been very open with my professors about my use of psychedelics. I've written more papers on ayahuasca and burning man than I can count, and they have always been very well received. I think creating a dialogue about these substances and experiences is a wonderful thing to be doing, and an institution for higher education is an ideal environment to start and grow such a dialogue IMO. The more discussion we have about about the benefits of these things and the more accurate research and education we share, the more we can get past the stigma and get these things back into the public discourse in a sane and rational way.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#10 Posted : 9/11/2012 11:01:59 PM

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I've head professors infer their own use of scheduled substances and professors that, while emphasizing out of the box, critical thinking ad nauseam, would flatly dismiss any pro-drug arguments.

Test the waters : )
Muskogee Herbman
#11 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:25:22 AM

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I would keep in mind every school is different and so is every professor, I just got this in my school email today:

"Standards of Conduct. According to the UXX System Drug-Free Workplace standards of conduct, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance is prohibited on property of or in connection with any of the activities of the UXX System. No employee/student is to report to work/class while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Violation of the Drug-Free Workplace policy by an employee/student will be reason for evaluation/treatment for a drug/alcohol use disorder or for disciplinary action up to and including termination/expulsion in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements, policies and procedures, or referral for prosecution consistent with local, state, and federal law."

Personally I was on a school trip on LSD, I've also been on MDMA during a presentation (Of which my professor said it was my best yet even though I was up for 3 days straight)
But keep in mind sometimes you could have a nark. Make sure its an open minded professor! lol. I never admitted to any of my professors my use of anything.
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#12 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:41:50 AM

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I did have some lengthy drawn out discussions with various professors about psychedelics and how I advocated their specific application and use towards therapeutic ends.

I also gave a few professors Trichocereus cacti and loaned a large one out as a decoration in the office of one.

I was very cautious regarding the topic, but approached the teachers generally asking what they thought about such concepts as psychedelic therapy and such. I often pointed out MAPS studies and did enough listening to know which professors were against it outright.

I found that in many regards the well educated are rather open minded regarding this topic.
Sky Motion
#13 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:59:41 AM


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I've done it in a few papers lol
#14 Posted : 9/12/2012 2:58:05 AM
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I've had a sociology professor who was very open to discussing how views on cannabis use have changed over time, as well as social etiquette between cannabis users while using, allowing students to give presentations on said topics. Although, as part of the assignment he did say that we should try to present as an observer of social phenomena. The same professor studied native American traditions and was knowledgeable about traditional use of peyote and other entheogens. I'd throw some feelers out about some traditional use of XYorZ before admitting to them personally. You could also say something along the lines of "I'm interested in the traditional use of XYorZ in a social setting as an entheogen, and how it compares to modern use in whatever context"
#15 Posted : 9/12/2012 1:54:42 PM

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Every professor I have ever gotten to know personally has admitted to taken LSD at least once.
If you get them by themselves, and you admit to have done it first, then they will likely respond in a good way. Especially psychology, philosophy, sociology professors. I see no problem with it, it is college, not middle school! You won't get in trouble, not talking about it in college, unless you have it on you and are found with it by the campus police, discussion is free. And if the professor shuns it, then he or she is not 'real'.
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.

#16 Posted : 9/12/2012 4:36:42 PM

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I wouldn't do it dude.

Not because the Prof. might be against it, Sociology professors usually are hippies, but the other students. U don't know who is a criminal science major in your class. Sociology is a pre-req in that degree i think. My uncle is the chief of police right now because of getting a bachelors in criminal science.

The best thing to do is to go under the radar, because if the system notices you your life will suck.

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#17 Posted : 9/12/2012 7:33:41 PM

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I wouldn't discuss it with other students, only the professor personally in his or her office or the like if you wish...
Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.

#18 Posted : 9/13/2012 1:12:55 AM

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Botanical Bliss wrote:
Ok so I am in this sociology class and we are talking about agents of socialization that have influenced our attitudes, beliefs, values, or other orientations to life. The only listed agents of socialization are family, religion, school, peer groups, mass media, and workplace. I really want to write about how psychedelics have helped shape me. That would be a form of socialization, I think.

My question to anyone who's been in college, have you admitted psychedlic use to a professor in order to discuss how they've changed you... could I get in any trouble? The way I see it is, my soc professor is a proffessional sociologist, so I don't think he'd care. Hell, I would hope he's interested in such things, considering he is a sociologist.

I have to admit, I'm more interested in your idea than your question :-) Regarding your question, I think that if you brought this up to your professor in private and expressed your concerns he'd be able to give you a better answer than any of us can.

As to your idea, I'm curious if personal psychedelic use is an agent of socialization or not. The difference I see between that and the agents in the list is that all of the listed agents involve a collective element (intersubjective experiences with others and/or exposure to interobjective social structures e.g. mass media) whereas personal psychedelic use (and spirituality, vs religion) tends to be an individual, subjective experience. As opposed to, say, a culture like the Huichol where psychedelic experience would definitely seem to count as an agent of socialization. Do you use psychedelics in group settings regularly?

On the other hand, psychedelic use probably doesn't occur in our culture until a person has reached a post-conventional level of socialization... and at that level an individual is shaping his own socialization more consciously and through deliberate individual choices. I could see an argument for post-conventional individual practices as an agent of socialization. I am not a sociologist though, so I may be misunderstanding some of these concepts. :-D
#19 Posted : 9/13/2012 10:58:16 AM

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I would personally talk openly about it. I did during my study and spoke to various students and professors about it. Most dismissed or looked down on it but I'm used to that attitude towards it. I've been mocked for it twice I think but in the end many understood it was my way of religion.

I can only encourage you to openly discuss it if you're comfortable with it. Yes, many people might not understand it but once people are introduced to it it might draw their attention. 4 years ago I violently opposed the use of drugs in general and dismissed ever doing drugs. Two years later I discovered how Cannabis would make me sleep and 3 years later I took psychedelic mushrooms and the most blissful experience of my life. Discussing the topic of psychedelics is one of the few weapons we have to change how the world views these substances.
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Botanical Bliss
#20 Posted : 9/13/2012 7:28:41 PM


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I submitted my paper today and briefly mentioned psychedelic spirituality in it. I haven't brought it up in class yet, but if the topic is right I will.
[center]Sophia's Light

In darkest night, when lights are dim, and all in sight seems sad and grim,
I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
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